Question for Telltale about TWD for Xbox
Can somebody from Telltale please answer these few questions for me? They are all about the same thing and have nothing to do with game-play but I am just wondering how this will work. I am really liking how the game is looking and I am going to buy it, but I am just confused about how this is going to work for the Xbox. I have read up on all of the info I could find on this game and I only have these few questions that are basically the same question, how are our choices in the game going to carry over to the next episode for the xbox version if we buy each episode separately? Will we be able to just buy a season pass for the game? If someone were to buy episodes 2-5 and not buy ep1, how would the game turn out if there were no choices made for ep 1 because we didnt buy it? I know how your games work with the PC/Mac versions, but I just dont see how it will carry over to the next episode if we buy them each seperately for the xbox. Also, if we were to click "New Game" would it reset all 5 episodes so that we could start over and make different choices because I am going to play the game multiple times with different people. Please respond, thanks!

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-We would like to offer a season pass option on XBLA the same way we offer one on PSN, but unfortunately the two services differ in policy and that limits to some extent the buying options we can provide.
-On XBLA it will be individual episodes available for purchase, however you will need to have episode 1 purchased in order to be able to run any of the other episodes. Beyond that there is no restriction on buying episodes out of order. Edit: And decisions you make in prior episodes will be carried over to subsequent episodes, even though you're buying them separately.
-You'll have 3 save game slots to use throughout all 5 episodes, and we have a couple of features in place to facilitate going back and trying out different decisions without having to start over from a complete blank slate. If you delete data from a slot in order to start a new game, it will indeed clear your progress from all 5 episodes.
-Let me double-check on whether we allow out-of-order play and if so how it's handled.
I hope you find these answers helpful!
Sounds great! Thanks for the response, and I will be playing the game in order anyway I was just wondering how it would work. I am really looking forward to buying and playing The Walking Dead Game!
Thanks so much for your support!
Here's some more info about out-of-order play:
If you own episodes 1 and 3, and decide to just jump right into 3, then the important decisions you would otherwise make in episodes 1 and 2 will be generated for you with a certain amount of randomness. We do however feel that the story has more impact if you play through it from start to finish and make all of the decisions yourself.
Awesome, its great that there is a way for you to skip certain episodes if you choose although I will be playing all the way through, thanks for the info, cant wait!
Okay, so, my xbox live expires in August 08, 2012.. but as of right now where I am staying, I don't have internet.. but let's say I take my xbox somewhere and hook it up to the xbox marketplace, order all 5 episodes, and then come home where I have no internet and try to play the episodes, will they allow me to play them even if i do NOT have an intetnet connection at all? Cause I purchased the impossible games and now that i dint have an internet connection I cannot play them and thats a real bummer
Hmm.. then consider them bought when they come out