steam preorder in game appearance bonus?
can anyone tell me do I have a chance in this?
I have a preordered gift of the game in my steam inventory. And i definitely plan on unpacking it before release.
How do i go about applying for the appear in game contest?
thx for any asnwers in advance
I have a preordered gift of the game in my steam inventory. And i definitely plan on unpacking it before release.
How do i go about applying for the appear in game contest?
thx for any asnwers in advance

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thank you for the reply, but it's still not clear to me. I did not personally buy the game.
I traded for it in the steam forums. I guess I will have to contact official telltale support for the answer.
Because its unclear to me if its the person who buys the preorder, or the persone who activates the preorder on their steam that gets the chance at the contest.
That's a good question.
Sorry, I don't know the answer.