One of the lines kenny says when you 1st enter the drug store is " we atchley like helping people" oh did i lol tho didn't think shawn would find it funny tho .
Not to mention when talking to Katjaa at Herschel's she says that just passed people who needed help when driving out of atlanta
If you are religious and commit suicide you go to hell because of the pain you cause everyone yeah if she believed in hell, she's there hahahahahaha
Hell is so lovely this time of year, the rivers of lava in full flow, the shades floating by carelessly, satan on his mountain of skulls, ahhhh heavenly
On that subject, we share the same elements of which are found across the universe(not all of them though) therefore we are birthed from the universe, due to creation (living or material) can only occur using those same elements (be it carbon for humans or sodium and chlorine for salt) so are we the universe given conscience due to the fact we are the universe and the universe is us.
If you are religious and commit suicide you go to hell because of the pain you cause everyone yeah if she believed in hell, she's there hahahahahaha
Not everyone goes to hell some go to purgatory so that they can reflected on there sin. After a suitable time there they are then let into heaven.
I'm not sure what classification I am but I would have {If I had the choice} Escorted Irene back into the room. Let her lay down on the bed. Say a prayer for her put the gun to her head and pull the trigger blowing her brains out then tuck her in and leave.
I must be the only one who thought this comment was wierd and creepy lol.
And you know this because you've been there before, right?
No never been there was taught in school that if you believe in Heaven and Hell then you must believe in purgatory. if killing someone sends you to hell and living a good christian life you go to heaven then those that do not murder but do commit sins will go to purgatory. Killing yourself is a mortal sin so you go to purgatory. also taught that god is forgiving.
Im liking the religious debate tone this thread is taking but I like the supernatural reference more. Long live Bobby...err......Ghost Bobby. And Astro Boy you are not alone
King Saul killed himself, and although he was rebellious towards the end and did some bad things, was still God's anointed King of Israel. David refused to kill him when he had chances, and even had a soldier slain that claimed to have killed him(He thought boasting of it would gain him favor with David's "enemy") because it was God's chosen King. And yet, it is fairly widely believed that Saul will be resurrected. Of course, if he hadn't killed himself, he would have been raped and killed slowly by the Phillistines.
Romans 6:23 says the Wages sin pays is death. Basically, when you die, your sins are forgiven. We all have a chance to atone for such sins in the resurrection. Nowhere in the Bible is hellfire, eternal torture and punishment supported. What kind of God would do that to people? Not mine.
Sorry, I don't wanna get too far in a religious discussion on here, some people don't like it and I don't wanna get banned lol PM me if wanted, I've studied hebrew and greek scripture for 15yrs pretty in-depth. So many lies in so many churches today, mostly to keep members paying them money, "Tickling their ears" so to speak.
Well when talking about religion all i have to say is this. God told Moses to take revenge on the midianites Moses told his men to rape the virgins and kill the men and non virgins. Is moses in heaven?
Sorry, God never told his people to RAPE anyone. They were to take vengeance, kill men women and children as humanely as possible, BECAUSE of the midianite women seducing many of the men of Israel.
Also, no Moses is not in heaven. Noone before Christ died is in heaven, they have an earthly resurrection hope. Only a chosen number of people go to heaven at all, and it is to "Rule as kings and priests over the earth"(Rev 5:10)
Psalm 37:10,11,29 says the meek will inherit the earth and reside forever upon it. God's purpose when he created Adam and Eve was for them to live forever in the garden of Eden, expanding that garden over the whole earth. Until Satan through a wrench in things. That doesn't mean God's purpose changed, that's why Jesus came to earth as ransom sacrifice, for all sins to be forgiven upon death.
Study it enough, and it all makes sense lol
You're drawing me further into this discussion ;op
lol it's so true that so many do that. I believe the Bible was inspired by God himself and the truth is in it, so I still don't think Moses or the nation of Israel did that. They did do a LOT of bad things but those are actually recorded in the Bible. Eventually they lost their favor as a nation because of rejecting their own messiah.
Today tho for sure. Wars fought, plenty of rape/child abuse/money taken all in the name of religion. Sickening, and I can see why a lot of people want nothing to do with "Christianity", AND why so many people don't believe in God. It's sad but understandable.
God himself in the bible if portrayed as an entity whose concept of time is massive to ours so technically when comparing old and new testament you can say BiPolar people are created in gods image
Do you think that those horrors are committed more today than in the past when religion was more prevalent in society?
In the past 40 percent of children were sexually abused by their family or others. 5 percent of society knew about it. today 40 percent of children are sexually abused 90 percent of society know about it. The statistics on the abuse haven't changed we're just more aware now.
I think mainstream religion as a whole has always been corrupt, but there have always been true followers who actually delve into the scriptures, find the truth, and follow what God says they should do. The problem is when you put power into one persons' hands. When one person in a religion tells everyone else "what the Bible says" and they stop actually studying it for themselves. That is why we have thousands of different so-called "Christian" religions. If they all actually studied the Bible, looked up the meaning of the original words used, translated based on context and cross-referencing, and followed what they found, we would only have one religion. But people are lazy, just looking for an easy way out(Or in lol) so they go to church on Sunday, pay some money to be told what they want to hear, then go out drinking and fornicating the rest of the week.
I'm not judging anyone, in fact I don't even expect to be passed through apocalypse if I'm alive when it happens. I just see the world for what it is. Ever since the death of Jesus and the apostles, organized Christianity has split, taken on false doctrines and false worship/worship of idols and images, and deviated from the path.
In the past 40 percent of children were sexually abused by their family or others. 5 percent of society knew about it. today 40 percent of children are sexually abused 90 percent of society know about it. The statistics on the abuse haven't changed we're just more aware now.
So because we're more connected with information in this era our faith takes a hit when we hear of all the tragedies, but we also get to learn about people who inspire so why doesn't it average out? Why do the bad things seem to have more power to turn people away than good has to draw them closer?
WW2 is the last time the major world stood together, and I kinda feel like Winston Churchill, and Franklin Roosevelt were the last great leaders; society slowly lost faith after them. Great men who could inspire faith
WW2 is the last time the major world stood together, and I kinda feel like Winston Churchill, and Franklin Roosevelt were the last great leaders; society slowly lost faith after them. Great men who could inspire faith
I wouldn't say that. I've always respected Truman. He made one of the toughest calls someone could make in the presidency, and held himself accountable on his actions.
Granted, that was still in WW2, but if you look around, you can find quite a few inspirational people even now to rally behind- great men that can inspire great deeds. It's just a matter of searching.
The problem about talking religion is that religion is not a God made concept, it is a man made concept. The word religion come from the Latin meaning to bind back or to bind up. Essentially is man's attempt to bind themselves to God. The Bible teaches that it is God that pursued people through Jesus Christ. The Old and the New Testament both point to Jesus being the fulfillment of God's plan to bring people into a relationship with Him.
People do all kinds of crazy things in the name of religion, so it is a good thing that following Christ in not about religion.
Of course, the New Testament also says not to "forsake the gathering of ourselves together", that is, our spiritual brothers and sisters as God's children. So we're encouraged to meet together to encourage each other and make each other better ministers of Christ. Essentially what the world views as a "Religion". In the Old Testament God had the nation of Israel as his people, and those who didn't follow him as he saw fit were cut off. In Jesus' day the Jewish nation rejected Jesus as messiah, so the nation lost God's favor. Now people of all nations are called to God to be his people, but His standards haven't changed. Those not living how he wants them to will again be cut off. I think we can use all the encouragement and help building up the fruitages of the spirit we can get. You're right again tho, it isn't about Christendom, it's about knowing the truth of the Bible and living how God and Jesus would have us live. Definitely takes an in-depth study of the Bible to do so, hence the need for meeting in groups to study, not just to pay a church to tell us we're going to heaven no matter what then go about our business.
Anyone else find it kind of ironic that Irene didn't want to become a zombie because it wasn't 'christian like' but committed suicide?
Rules change. In a world where dying just physically harms the one that dies, it is easy to pass negative judgement on those that take their own life because of the emotional damage they inflict on their loved ones.
But in a world where the dead get back up and try to kill the living, it is selfish to not take the necessary steps to prevent reanimation. Any religion or society that doesn't adapt will be eaten.
As an aside, in Mira Grant's Newsflesh Trilogy (Feed, Deadline, and Blackout), the Catholic Church retroactively raised everyone that died to the Rising (or KA Amplification) as a Martyr, especially those that blew their own brains out after having a blood test come up red. The definition of suicide changed. Just killing yourself is suicide, but offing yourself after testing positive wasn't suicide.
Giving her the gun is actually the "good" choice there if you consider that declining it, will force her to perform even more sins by attacking Carley and stealing it from your group. :rolleyes:
If you genuinely believe atheists are illogical. Then you should youtube the name Richard Dawkins and watch a few of his discussions with people from varying religions on the subject of religion and the theory on evolution. I think you will find a lot more illogical arguements come from the religious side.
Louis CK on creationists view of evolution - "Well I ain't no monkey....My grandpa ain't no monkey"..
I'm not sure if in the situation Suicide would be a bad thing. After all, "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."
In a scenario where you're bit, you have a chance to inflict something terrible onto other people without even meaning to, if you don't do something. Suicide would be the best option in a theological sense.
When she shoot herself I said your going to hell like she can even hear me lol
I dont actually think you go to hell for suicide. At least in the catholic religion. Christopher Hitchens speaks about this at one of his debates. He also mentions that fairly recently someone high up in the church stated that Limbo does not exist. It was a mistake or mistranslation or something to that effect, so all the babies that have died unbaptised in the past did not go to Limbo or purgatory( is that the same? im unsure) and all the poor parents that lived their lives believing their child never made it to heaven were wrongly informed.
Mmm hmmm. I feel real sorry for her too. The ultimate sacrifice is when you give yourself up for the greater good of humanity - and I guess she did just that.
one girl who was bit by her boyfriend locks her self away and then shoots her self
yeah thats really gonna make a difference...'scoffs'
Dudeeee... one zombie breeds legions of them! :eek:
Remember the walkers outside the pharmacy? Doug said they most of them got infected while they were trying to arm themselves. Which, similarly, explains why Larry was freaked out by the thought that Duck was bitten as well.
Irene must have watched the entire thing unfold first hand, so yes - I think she thinks she's doing humanity a favour.
Not to mention when talking to Katjaa at Herschel's she says that just passed people who needed help when driving out of atlanta
don't forget "Over Some we just kept driving"
Hell is so lovely this time of year, the rivers of lava in full flow, the shades floating by carelessly, satan on his mountain of skulls, ahhhh heavenly
On that subject, we share the same elements of which are found across the universe(not all of them though) therefore we are birthed from the universe, due to creation (living or material) can only occur using those same elements (be it carbon for humans or sodium and chlorine for salt) so are we the universe given conscience due to the fact we are the universe and the universe is us.
Not everyone goes to hell some go to purgatory so that they can reflected on there sin. After a suitable time there they are then let into heaven.
And you know this because you've been there before, right?
I must be the only one who thought this comment was wierd and creepy lol.
In the words of bobby singer "dont be an idjit"
No never been there was taught in school that if you believe in Heaven and Hell then you must believe in purgatory. if killing someone sends you to hell and living a good christian life you go to heaven then those that do not murder but do commit sins will go to purgatory. Killing yourself is a mortal sin so you go to purgatory. also taught that god is forgiving.
I'm creepy?
Ye that looks just so wrong. a bit like krytens hose thingy haha
kryten does it with style though... and is funny...
Romans 6:23 says the Wages sin pays is death. Basically, when you die, your sins are forgiven. We all have a chance to atone for such sins in the resurrection. Nowhere in the Bible is hellfire, eternal torture and punishment supported. What kind of God would do that to people? Not mine.
Sorry, I don't wanna get too far in a religious discussion on here, some people don't like it and I don't wanna get banned lol PM me if wanted, I've studied hebrew and greek scripture for 15yrs pretty in-depth. So many lies in so many churches today, mostly to keep members paying them money, "Tickling their ears" so to speak.
But this is about poor Irene
Also, no Moses is not in heaven. Noone before Christ died is in heaven, they have an earthly resurrection hope. Only a chosen number of people go to heaven at all, and it is to "Rule as kings and priests over the earth"(Rev 5:10)
Psalm 37:10,11,29 says the meek will inherit the earth and reside forever upon it. God's purpose when he created Adam and Eve was for them to live forever in the garden of Eden, expanding that garden over the whole earth. Until Satan through a wrench in things. That doesn't mean God's purpose changed, that's why Jesus came to earth as ransom sacrifice, for all sins to be forgiven upon death.
Study it enough, and it all makes sense lol
You're drawing me further into this discussion ;op
Today tho for sure. Wars fought, plenty of rape/child abuse/money taken all in the name of religion. Sickening, and I can see why a lot of people want nothing to do with "Christianity", AND why so many people don't believe in God. It's sad but understandable.
In the past 40 percent of children were sexually abused by their family or others. 5 percent of society knew about it. today 40 percent of children are sexually abused 90 percent of society know about it. The statistics on the abuse haven't changed we're just more aware now.
I'm not judging anyone, in fact I don't even expect to be passed through apocalypse if I'm alive when it happens. I just see the world for what it is. Ever since the death of Jesus and the apostles, organized Christianity has split, taken on false doctrines and false worship/worship of idols and images, and deviated from the path.
So because we're more connected with information in this era our faith takes a hit when we hear of all the tragedies, but we also get to learn about people who inspire so why doesn't it average out? Why do the bad things seem to have more power to turn people away than good has to draw them closer?
WW2 is the last time the major world stood together, and I kinda feel like Winston Churchill, and Franklin Roosevelt were the last great leaders; society slowly lost faith after them. Great men who could inspire faith
I wouldn't say that. I've always respected Truman. He made one of the toughest calls someone could make in the presidency, and held himself accountable on his actions.
Granted, that was still in WW2, but if you look around, you can find quite a few inspirational people even now to rally behind- great men that can inspire great deeds. It's just a matter of searching.
People do all kinds of crazy things in the name of religion, so it is a good thing that following Christ in not about religion.
Of course, the New Testament also says not to "forsake the gathering of ourselves together", that is, our spiritual brothers and sisters as God's children. So we're encouraged to meet together to encourage each other and make each other better ministers of Christ. Essentially what the world views as a "Religion". In the Old Testament God had the nation of Israel as his people, and those who didn't follow him as he saw fit were cut off. In Jesus' day the Jewish nation rejected Jesus as messiah, so the nation lost God's favor. Now people of all nations are called to God to be his people, but His standards haven't changed. Those not living how he wants them to will again be cut off. I think we can use all the encouragement and help building up the fruitages of the spirit we can get. You're right again tho, it isn't about Christendom, it's about knowing the truth of the Bible and living how God and Jesus would have us live. Definitely takes an in-depth study of the Bible to do so, hence the need for meeting in groups to study, not just to pay a church to tell us we're going to heaven no matter what then go about our business.
Religious people are crazy... And retarded.
But in a world where the dead get back up and try to kill the living, it is selfish to not take the necessary steps to prevent reanimation. Any religion or society that doesn't adapt will be eaten.
As an aside, in Mira Grant's Newsflesh Trilogy (Feed, Deadline, and Blackout), the Catholic Church retroactively raised everyone that died to the Rising (or KA Amplification) as a Martyr, especially those that blew their own brains out after having a blood test come up red. The definition of suicide changed. Just killing yourself is suicide, but offing yourself after testing positive wasn't suicide.
Atheist people are judgmental... And illogical.
If you genuinely believe atheists are illogical. Then you should youtube the name Richard Dawkins and watch a few of his discussions with people from varying religions on the subject of religion and the theory on evolution. I think you will find a lot more illogical arguements come from the religious side.
Louis CK on creationists view of evolution - "Well I ain't no monkey....My grandpa ain't no monkey"..
In a scenario where you're bit, you have a chance to inflict something terrible onto other people without even meaning to, if you don't do something. Suicide would be the best option in a theological sense.
I dont actually think you go to hell for suicide. At least in the catholic religion. Christopher Hitchens speaks about this at one of his debates. He also mentions that fairly recently someone high up in the church stated that Limbo does not exist. It was a mistake or mistranslation or something to that effect, so all the babies that have died unbaptised in the past did not go to Limbo or purgatory( is that the same? im unsure) and all the poor parents that lived their lives believing their child never made it to heaven were wrongly informed.
Dont you just love religion
I'd like to hug irene if she wasnt all bloody. Poor woman. she kind of reminds me of the brother in the new xbox indie game Bureau: Shattered Slipper
yeah thats really gonna make a difference...'scoffs'
Dudeeee... one zombie breeds legions of them! :eek:
Remember the walkers outside the pharmacy? Doug said they most of them got infected while they were trying to arm themselves. Which, similarly, explains why Larry was freaked out by the thought that Duck was bitten as well.
Irene must have watched the entire thing unfold first hand, so yes - I think she thinks she's doing humanity a favour.
*is now depressed for some reason*