I forgot to mention Dead Island, a game where you physically hack limbs off of zombies, where you see broken bones jutting out in a realistic fashion, where there are piles of dead people all over the place got rated, so why wouldn't a comic book styled game get that or less?
You can get this game within the NZ/Aus region if you create a US account and obtain US region ms points through Amazon or PCGameSupply. You WILL be able to play it on your main account after you've obtained it with your US account. I can say it's better playing it on a 50 inch screen than a piddly little pc screen, and it's funny to troll your friends list with a Walking Dead beacon
You can get this game within the NZ/Aus region if you create a US account and obtain US region ms points through Amazon or PCGameSupply. You WILL be able to play it on your main account after you've obtained it with your US account. I can say it's better playing it on a 50 inch screen than a piddly little pc screen, and it's funny to troll your friends list with a Walking Dead beacon
Thats dodgy at best. I have ordered points through amazon that aren't redeemable in my region.
I am considering filing a complaint with the Australian Communications and Media Authority, because the game is being supplied to PC and Mac here via Steam and the Telltale Store, despite having received no classification. This is providing potential prohibited content. You need a classification rating in order to sell it - and in order to get a classification rating, you need to be willing to submit for approval. Telltale aren't willing to invest in this region at the moment, but they seem fine taking money from Aussies and New Zealanders through unethical practice.
For far too long I, along with the rest of the Western world, have watched as Australia descended deeper and deeper into a closed, fascist society.
Your government censors art in the form of films, music and videogames. Why? Because they don't deem it appropriate for full grown adults? Sounds like book burning behavior to me.
It is time for the Aussie people rise up and take to the streets and make your government hear you.
Take back your country, Australia. Take it back! Then you, along with your New Zealand brethren, can play whatever the hell you want when you want.
Great idea, however impossible execution. I assume you don't live in Australia so you wouldn't know however doing stuff like that is impossible. Our current government spends more than they make, literally. We're in debt by so much. Us Australian gamers have been extremely vocal about this issue and have done everything in our power to get an R18+ law. It finally looks like we'll get one early next year. But it really is too late. We've already missed many a great game due to censoring. It's outrageous, they are treating grown Adults like a bunch of 2 year olds.
Thats dodgy at best. I have ordered points through amazon that aren't redeemable in my region.
It's very common actually, there's plenty of American with fake Japanese accounts to access exclusive content. I'm guessing those Amazon points need to be redeemed on a US account to work, if you've got them you may as well use them.
Yeah, I got mine with a UK account I created, and just bought a UK PSN card on ebay. They emailed me the code on the card, so it took no time..
I just played through the first episode, and seriously.... There is no way this would have been knocked back, its not that bad at all!! What a joke.
Great idea, however impossible execution. I assume you don't live in Australia so you wouldn't know however doing stuff like that is impossible. Our current government spends more than they make, literally. We're in debt by so much. Us Australian gamers have been extremely vocal about this issue and have done everything in our power to get an R18+ law. It finally looks like we'll get one early next year. But it really is too late. We've already missed many a great game due to censoring. It's outrageous, they are treating grown Adults like a bunch of 2 year olds.
It was ONE man who held back the rating system. Michael Atkinson. IIRC all the other state and territory attorney generals voted yes for an R18+ rating. He voted no and because they all have to be in agreement it didn't go through.
@A Disappointed Fan: Make sure you also file a complaint against all the other games on steam which are doing the exact same thing. Postal 3 is just one other example of a game not rated in Australia but available for sale through Steam, and there are others. And while you're at it make sure you file complaint against all the indie developers who don't have classifications on their games but are selling them to Australia via their website. It's people like you who keep the R rating from happening with all your 'potential prohibited' content attitude.
This would easily pass classification. The violence in this game is nothing compared to various games which have passed classification.
i can already tell whats going to happen. instead of TT registering the game for classification sometime soon, they will just keep blaming the government and when the r18 classification bill goes into effect next year they will release it then insead of understanding that the game would most likely pass the classification board. so if anyone from TT is reading this, can you make a press release about this issue so we can understand wtf is going on and the solution about it
Hey guys - I happen to be the producer on The Walking Dead that handles game ratings/classifications. I was checking out the forums, saw this post, and just wanted to take a moment to respond to this valid concern from you.
First of all: I don't feel like anybody is being rude. I understand your excitement to play a game so many others are talking about. I'm sorry you can't get it on console at the moment.
Typically, our games come to New Zealand because as long as a game is not restricted in Australia, we release in both countries for the cost of just 1 rating. It's been pointed out in this thread already that we pretty much have no chance at getting an Australian rating until early 2013 (when new certification laws come into effect). That said, there IS a way to bypass the Australian rating and attempt to get a game rated directly in New Zealand (See: Mortal Kombat), but the cost of the rating must be weighed against the potential for sales in that reigon. Start by considering the cost of the title. Mortal Kombat has a better chance to make money in New Zealand because it costs roughly 55 dollars MORE than Episode 1 of The Walking Dead. That means they can sell less copies of their game than us and still make money. Even if you opt for the season pass on PSN, Mortal Kombat is still more than twice the cost of The Walking Dead. That means we need to sell a VERY high volume of games in New Zealand to justify the cost (in both time and money) of a New Zealand only rating.
So, to answer your question: It's a business decision, not a middle finger. Trust me, this is NOT an issue of us disliking our fans in New Zealand, or forgetting about them! Some people in this thread have suggested methoods for getting the game on console already, but my suggestion would be to get it on PC/mac!
At any rate, I hope this sheds some light on the issue. Again, I'm sorry that we couldn't get this game to your consoles at the same time as places elsewhere, but I just wanted to point out some reasons why and say without spoiling any potential future plans that you guys are on our radar!
Cheers for the response _BrYan_
Your informed response has actually made my purchasing decision that much simpler.
1st of all my PC won't run games. So that has always been ruled out.
I have been considering as to whether or not I got it on Xbox 360, or PS3. The lack of NZ release (with no notification) made my decision a bit more difficult. So I was then considering whether to buy from my US or UK accounts.
Then I saw your post above. The simple fact you can't be bothered trying for classification for fear of rejection is pitiful. Then to add insult, you proceed to tell us Kiwi's that do have the (potentially) required rating standard that we aren't getting because you don't want to pay $1500 NZD (about $1200 USD) to get the game classified for our one region.
So I decided I can't be bothered buying a $20 USD PSN network card to play the game, and I'm sure as a business man you'll understand that $20 USD is worth more to me than $1200 USD is to your business.
I hope you realise though, this isn't the middle finger to you. It's purely business.
I'm very surprised about Telltale putting in a zombie rape scene down the line since that's about the only thing that would actually make this game banned in Australia. I mean there has to be one otherwise it's just a cartoony (diminished impact), high graphic violence, low impact (minimised player control on actions) game. That's a pretty easy MA with no reason to assume higher unless there is sexualised violence and that's going to cause a stir in more places than Aus. It's almost as if telltale just don't give a shit.
I am considering filing a complaint with the Australian Communications and Media Authority, because the game is being supplied to PC and Mac here via Steam and the Telltale Store, despite having received no classification. This is providing potential prohibited content. You need a classification rating in order to sell it - and in order to get a classification rating, you need to be willing to submit for approval. Telltale aren't willing to invest in this region at the moment, but they seem fine taking money from Aussies and New Zealanders through unethical practice.
Finally a principled Australian! He wants the game, but defers to the censorship standard and calls for strict enforcement of the law.
Vegemite is brain food
p.s. you guys are soo missing out, this game is really awesome
Finally a principled Australian! He wants the game, but defers to the censorship standard and calls for strict enforcement of the law.
Vegemite is brain food
p.s. you guys are soo missing out, this game is really awesome
I'm not missing out Like others have said there is no way this would have been refused classification - Telltale have you even seen GTA, COD (esp zombie mode) etc that have been given classification.
USA PSN account FTW. Still think its funny that they can't tell from your internet connecton that I'm actually not in the USA.
Its just like how Mortal Kombat was banned here in Australia but everyone that wanted it just imported it (there were threats of fines but noone ever was) - costing less than what we would have paid at retail stores as well as we get royally screwed on retail prices here - $100 for a game that costs $60 in the USA for e.g.
This is why the whole R18+ debate in Australia was simply stupid as it was hurting local business as people would import uncensored versions of games (e.g. Left 4 Dead 2, GTA 4) rather than buying from local retailers.
big fan tried to buy game for 400 Microsoft points so i can play it on my xbox360 but i got rejected, help:) (Sorry
This offer is not valid in your region). that what it says when i try to buy it
here is the link:http://www.telltalegames.com/walkingdead/page1#
I'm not letting this thread disappear. I want this game, you guys have released multiple episodes now coming up on the third. You can't tell me you've not made enough money to throw down 2g cash to get this game classified here.
Also is there even a R18 game rating on XBL or PSN? I don't think I've ever seen one.
So, guys... what's going on? Unlike the Aussies, we have an R18 rating and have R18 games on the shelf along with all the other titles. Games that haven't been rated (and were blocked from Australia) haven't had any issues here, so what's the holdup?
Ahhh what the heck is a R18 rating?
Here in the usa we have Teen, Mature ratings stuff like that. But the games are still on the shelves of any store. I don't think I have ever seen the gov't block a game because it was too violent or something like that.
serializer cool that as per usual there's someone with a counter argument haha, look man I'm entitled to vent even if it may not be the best way to do it. Another countries Law is affecting the content we get which isn't on at all.
There is no reason why we should miss out I don't think they should miss out either, I'm guessing you're not affected by this if your not your reply will mean nothing at all if it is true then you commenting in this thread says a lot .
Wait a min no one is saying we're happy anyone is "missing out".
But not him, or I, or TTG make the laws in other countries..... Not to rain on your day but how is that TTG's problem that your country has strict content laws on video games? Why would TTG waste the money on submitting their horror zombie game when it clearly will not pass?
I'm not letting this thread disappear. I want this game, you guys have released multiple episodes now coming up on the third. You can't tell me you've not made enough money to throw down 2g cash to get this game classified here.
Also is there even a R18 game rating on XBL or PSN? I don't think I've ever seen one.
I wish you the best of luck pal.
If I was in your shoes I would be just as upset. I hope the game makes it your way. Look on the bright side by the time it gets to you it might be complete instead of sitting here waiting at the mercy for TTG to release their monthly update every 2 to 3 months..
Here in the usa we have Teen, Mature ratings stuff like that. But the games are still on the shelves of any store. I don't think I have ever seen the gov't block a game because it was too violent or something like that.
Things in other countries work differently than in America. I guess you could say that R18 is our version of "Very Mature". Also, whoa, triple post alert!
Honestly, violence is really not an issue. In an interview, Gary Whitta said that the way things are, you can do just about anything to a human being. Tearing off heads, drinking the blood, feasting on flesh, dismembering, etc are all fair game. But as soon as any kind of sexual content is involved the ratings are automatically bumped up.
So either Telltale has sexual content lined up for the game, or they just really don't understand how things work. As has been already said, games like Dead Island have gotten through and they are worse in terms of violence.
For the most part though it is possible to get the game here. PC/MAC is fine, and I know it's easy to make a US PSN account; it's just US Xbox accounts that are trickier to make.
But of course, we'd rather get the game legally. There's no way that either episodes 1 or 2 would be classified higher than MA15+ (our version of Mature, for you yanks). It's an easy decision. Do Australia and New Zealand their due diligence Telltale.
Hey CiscoKidd81, please learn to use the multiquote button (directly to the right of the quote button). Just click multiquote on every post you want to quote, then click the regular quote button on the last one. Thanks.
Hey CiscoKidd81, please learn to use the multiquote button (directly to the right of the quote button). Just click multiquote on every post you want to quote, then click the regular quote button on the last one. Thanks.
you mean press quote one first box, copy text, go back, press quote on second, paste first, copy both, go back, quote last, paste first and second and finally write an answer? (that is my way xd)
you mean press quote one first box, copy text, go back, press quote on second, paste first, copy both, go back, quote last, paste first and second and finally write an answer? (that is my way xd)
i'll open a seperate window/tab to make the comment with and then use the other window/tab to make the quotes up, then copy pasting over in the comment box.
If I was in your shoes I would be just as upset. I hope the game makes it your way. Look on the bright side by the time it gets to you it might be complete instead of sitting here waiting at the mercy for TTG to release their monthly update every 2 to 3 months..
Starting next week, I'm going to my local game store and I'm taking my video camera. A video petition, where I simply ask people what console they use and if they'd have bought The Walking Dead game had it been released here. Look for it soon. If any Kiwi wants to help me out in doing this PM me here and we'll work something out, I'd like a person to do this in Auckland and another in Christchurch. I plan on going all around Wellington. We'll email each other footage or use dropbox... whatever then we'll post the edited version to youtube and then here and on the facebook and twitters.
I'll prove that it would have been worth TTGs money to bring the game here.
Starting next week, I'm going to my local game store and I'm taking my video camera. A video petition, where I simply ask people what console they use and if they'd have bought The Walking Dead game had it been released here. Look for it soon. If any Kiwi wants to help me out in doing this PM me here and we'll work something out, I'd like a person to do this in Auckland and another in Christchurch. I plan on going all around Wellington. We'll email each other footage or use dropbox... whatever then we'll post the edited version to youtube and then here and on the facebook and twitters.
I'll prove that it would have been worth TTGs money to bring the game here.
Good luck pal....
That in a bunch of work but you do what you gotta do....
Hey guys - I happen to be the producer on The Walking Dead that handles game ratings/classifications. I was checking out the forums, saw this post, and just wanted to take a moment to respond to this valid concern from you.
First of all: I don't feel like anybody is being rude. I understand your excitement to play a game so many others are talking about. I'm sorry you can't get it on console at the moment.
Typically, our games come to New Zealand because as long as a game is not restricted in Australia, we release in both countries for the cost of just 1 rating. It's been pointed out in this thread already that we pretty much have no chance at getting an Australian rating until early 2013 (when new certification laws come into effect). That said, there IS a way to bypass the Australian rating and attempt to get a game rated directly in New Zealand (See: Mortal Kombat), but the cost of the rating must be weighed against the potential for sales in that reigon. Start by considering the cost of the title. Mortal Kombat has a better chance to make money in New Zealand because it costs roughly 55 dollars MORE than Episode 1 of The Walking Dead. That means they can sell less copies of their game than us and still make money. Even if you opt for the season pass on PSN, Mortal Kombat is still more than twice the cost of The Walking Dead. That means we need to sell a VERY high volume of games in New Zealand to justify the cost (in both time and money) of a New Zealand only rating.
So, to answer your question: It's a business decision, not a middle finger. Trust me, this is NOT an issue of us disliking our fans in New Zealand, or forgetting about them! Some people in this thread have suggested methoods for getting the game on console already, but my suggestion would be to get it on PC/mac!
At any rate, I hope this sheds some light on the issue. Again, I'm sorry that we couldn't get this game to your consoles at the same time as places elsewhere, but I just wanted to point out some reasons why and say without spoiling any potential future plans that you guys are on our radar!
I think this post explain everything.
TellTale wants to pay just for ONE rating to maximize the selling. So what's wrong?
It's their job! Of COURSE they try to make as much money as they could from the sellings! You can't blame them for waiting ONE YEAR just to release it.
They just explained you. Paying the rating twice is madness. Just throwing money out of the window.
And still you keep complaining that other games got released (In AUS)?
Maybe you just don't understand. FIRST you pay the rating, then you get the rating. It's not like "I don't like it, give me back my money please".
You have just wasted a lot of money and players cannot play it either. An epic fail.
Maybe it's not like that. Maybe you actually get a rating and play the game. But that's a RISK! A Risk that EA could afford, Rockstar could afford, but TellTale could not afford.
They have a budget, they noticed they could not risk money on this and they preferred to wait a little more time to get it 100% right.
They have gave you plenty of options. Obviously they can't tell you more, wtf if they do it's like telling you how to avoid the law (they'll make you play without paying the rating certificate).
Just chill, you haven't even PAYED for it. You know you live near AUS. It's quite reasonable that could have been just ONE rating for both of your countries. I would not say you should have seen it coming... but shit happens.
Don't act like drama queen. It's like people from other countries whining about the fact the game is not translated in their language...
TellTale wants to pay just for ONE rating to maximize the selling. So what's wrong?
It's their job! Of COURSE they try to make as much money as they could from the sellings! You can't blame them for waiting ONE YEAR just to release it.
They just explained you. Paying the rating twice is madness. Just throwing money out of the window.
And still you keep complaining that other games got released (In AUS)?
Maybe you just don't understand. FIRST you pay the rating, then you get the rating. It's not like "I don't like it, give me back my money please".
You have just wasted a lot of money and players cannot play it either. An epic fail.
Maybe it's not like that. Maybe you actually get a rating and play the game. But that's a RISK! A Risk that EA could afford, Rockstar could afford, but TellTale could not afford.
They have a budget, they noticed they could not risk money on this and they preferred to wait a little more time to get it 100% right.
They have gave you plenty of options. Obviously they can't tell you more, wtf if they do it's like telling you how to avoid the law (they'll make you play without paying the rating certificate).
Just chill, you haven't even PAYED for it. You know you live near AUS. It's quite reasonable that could have been just ONE rating for both of your countries. I would not say you should have seen it coming... but shit happens.
Don't act like drama queen. It's like people from other countries whining about the fact the game is not translated in their language...
Thats dodgy at best. I have ordered points through amazon that aren't redeemable in my region.
Great idea, however impossible execution. I assume you don't live in Australia so you wouldn't know however doing stuff like that is impossible. Our current government spends more than they make, literally. We're in debt by so much. Us Australian gamers have been extremely vocal about this issue and have done everything in our power to get an R18+ law. It finally looks like we'll get one early next year. But it really is too late. We've already missed many a great game due to censoring. It's outrageous, they are treating grown Adults like a bunch of 2 year olds.
It's very common actually, there's plenty of American with fake Japanese accounts to access exclusive content. I'm guessing those Amazon points need to be redeemed on a US account to work, if you've got them you may as well use them.
I just played through the first episode, and seriously.... There is no way this would have been knocked back, its not that bad at all!! What a joke.
It was ONE man who held back the rating system. Michael Atkinson. IIRC all the other state and territory attorney generals voted yes for an R18+ rating. He voted no and because they all have to be in agreement it didn't go through.
@A Disappointed Fan: Make sure you also file a complaint against all the other games on steam which are doing the exact same thing. Postal 3 is just one other example of a game not rated in Australia but available for sale through Steam, and there are others. And while you're at it make sure you file complaint against all the indie developers who don't have classifications on their games but are selling them to Australia via their website. It's people like you who keep the R rating from happening with all your 'potential prohibited' content attitude.
This would easily pass classification. The violence in this game is nothing compared to various games which have passed classification.
Cheers for the response _BrYan_
Your informed response has actually made my purchasing decision that much simpler.
1st of all my PC won't run games. So that has always been ruled out.
I have been considering as to whether or not I got it on Xbox 360, or PS3. The lack of NZ release (with no notification) made my decision a bit more difficult. So I was then considering whether to buy from my US or UK accounts.
Then I saw your post above. The simple fact you can't be bothered trying for classification for fear of rejection is pitiful. Then to add insult, you proceed to tell us Kiwi's that do have the (potentially) required rating standard that we aren't getting because you don't want to pay $1500 NZD (about $1200 USD) to get the game classified for our one region.
So I decided I can't be bothered buying a $20 USD PSN network card to play the game, and I'm sure as a business man you'll understand that $20 USD is worth more to me than $1200 USD is to your business.
I hope you realise though, this isn't the middle finger to you. It's purely business.
The iPad is my preferred platform.
Finally a principled Australian! He wants the game, but defers to the censorship standard and calls for strict enforcement of the law.
Vegemite is brain food
p.s. you guys are soo missing out, this game is really awesome
I'm not missing out
USA PSN account FTW. Still think its funny that they can't tell from your internet connecton that I'm actually not in the USA.
Its just like how Mortal Kombat was banned here in Australia but everyone that wanted it just imported it (there were threats of fines but noone ever was) - costing less than what we would have paid at retail stores as well as we get royally screwed on retail prices here - $100 for a game that costs $60 in the USA for e.g.
This is why the whole R18+ debate in Australia was simply stupid as it was hurting local business as people would import uncensored versions of games (e.g. Left 4 Dead 2, GTA 4) rather than buying from local retailers.
This offer is not valid in your region). that what it says when i try to buy it
here is the link:http://www.telltalegames.com/walkingdead/page1#
Also is there even a R18 game rating on XBL or PSN? I don't think I've ever seen one.
Ahhh what the heck is a R18 rating?
Here in the usa we have Teen, Mature ratings stuff like that. But the games are still on the shelves of any store. I don't think I have ever seen the gov't block a game because it was too violent or something like that.
Wait a min no one is saying we're happy anyone is "missing out".
But not him, or I, or TTG make the laws in other countries..... Not to rain on your day but how is that TTG's problem that your country has strict content laws on video games? Why would TTG waste the money on submitting their horror zombie game when it clearly will not pass?
Is Back To The Future available to play?
I wish you the best of luck pal.
If I was in your shoes I would be just as upset. I hope the game makes it your way. Look on the bright side by the time it gets to you it might be complete
Things in other countries work differently than in America. I guess you could say that R18 is our version of "Very Mature". Also, whoa, triple post alert!
Honestly, violence is really not an issue. In an interview, Gary Whitta said that the way things are, you can do just about anything to a human being. Tearing off heads, drinking the blood, feasting on flesh, dismembering, etc are all fair game. But as soon as any kind of sexual content is involved the ratings are automatically bumped up.
So either Telltale has sexual content lined up for the game, or they just really don't understand how things work. As has been already said, games like Dead Island have gotten through and they are worse in terms of violence.
For the most part though it is possible to get the game here. PC/MAC is fine, and I know it's easy to make a US PSN account; it's just US Xbox accounts that are trickier to make.
But of course, we'd rather get the game legally. There's no way that either episodes 1 or 2 would be classified higher than MA15+ (our version of Mature, for you yanks). It's an easy decision. Do Australia and New Zealand their due diligence Telltale.
lol i've been doing it the hard way
thanks i'll remember that
you mean press quote one first box, copy text, go back, press quote on second, paste first, copy both, go back, quote last, paste first and second and finally write an answer? (that is my way xd)
i'll open a seperate window/tab to make the comment with and then use the other window/tab to make the quotes up, then copy pasting over in the comment box.
I'm still watching this disco train pass me by.
Starting next week, I'm going to my local game store and I'm taking my video camera. A video petition, where I simply ask people what console they use and if they'd have bought The Walking Dead game had it been released here. Look for it soon. If any Kiwi wants to help me out in doing this PM me here and we'll work something out, I'd like a person to do this in Auckland and another in Christchurch. I plan on going all around Wellington. We'll email each other footage or use dropbox... whatever then we'll post the edited version to youtube and then here and on the facebook and twitters.
I'll prove that it would have been worth TTGs money to bring the game here.
Good luck pal....
That in a bunch of work but you do what you gotta do....
I think this post explain everything.
TellTale wants to pay just for ONE rating to maximize the selling. So what's wrong?
It's their job! Of COURSE they try to make as much money as they could from the sellings! You can't blame them for waiting ONE YEAR just to release it.
They just explained you. Paying the rating twice is madness. Just throwing money out of the window.
And still you keep complaining that other games got released (In AUS)?
Maybe you just don't understand. FIRST you pay the rating, then you get the rating. It's not like "I don't like it, give me back my money please".
You have just wasted a lot of money and players cannot play it either. An epic fail.
Maybe it's not like that. Maybe you actually get a rating and play the game. But that's a RISK! A Risk that EA could afford, Rockstar could afford, but TellTale could not afford.
They have a budget, they noticed they could not risk money on this and they preferred to wait a little more time to get it 100% right.
They have gave you plenty of options. Obviously they can't tell you more, wtf if they do it's like telling you how to avoid the law (they'll make you play without paying the rating certificate).
Just chill, you haven't even PAYED for it. You know you live near AUS. It's quite reasonable that could have been just ONE rating for both of your countries. I would not say you should have seen it coming... but shit happens.
Don't act like drama queen. It's like people from other countries whining about the fact the game is not translated in their language...
En taro this post.
Oh another post reaffirming what bryan has already said. Join the line pal, we know the situation.