Hilarious moments (Spoilers!)

edited May 2012 in The Walking Dead
Hey guys,

Having just finished the game, I really enjoyed the fact that the Telltale team included some truly funny moments. I was thinking of listing some of the things I had noticed in my play through.

Please, share your funny encounters ;)

1) Lee must be gravity's B****. He just couldn't keep falling and stumbling on to the ground during the initial stages. Sure, he has a cut on his leg and has lost some blood but picture this -> At the house where Clementine and her parents lived, he SEES A POOL OF BLOOD near the entrance of the kitchen and whichever way you try to enter the kitchen he STILL FALLS DOWN. It was funnier when he slipped on it again when the babysitter zombie attacked him.

2) During the babysitter zombie attack, when you are near the main entrance of the house where Clem is also there trying to hand over a hammer to you, you can just Keep ON KICKING THE ZOMBIE IN THE FACE like for an eternity, that is until you get ahold of the hammer.

3) DUCK IS DUMB AS A BAG OF HAMMERS. Now you know that when your own dad thinks that you are this retarded then you have to second guess every decision you make.

4) GLENN IS A CHICK MAGNET. I mean this guy always knows how to pick the hot ones, whether its in the comics, the tv show or even in the game.

I hope there are more moments like these in future episodes.


  • edited April 2012
    Jitto23 wrote: »
    3) DUCK IS DUMB AS A BAG OF HAMMERS. Now you know that when your own dad thinks that you are this retarded then you have to second guess every decision you make.

    You mean how he managed to drive a tractor on top of Hershel's son's leg?

    Actually I'm not sure, Hershel's son might be even dumber for even letting that happen ;)
  • edited April 2012
    "You have a boyfriend?"
  • edited April 2012
    "You have a boyfriend?"

    I did laugh at that line, it was delivered perfectly and the body animation helped sell it more!
  • edited April 2012
    I just love the fact that you really went through that whole ordeal at the motel just because Glenn thought the girl in the room might be girlfriend material.
  • edited April 2012
    serializer wrote: »
    You mean how he managed to drive a tractor on top of Hershel's son's leg?

    Actually I'm not sure, Hershel's son might be even dumber for even letting that happen ;)

    Lol. Thats soo true
    I did laugh at that line, it was delivered perfectly and the body animation helped sell it more!
    I just love the fact that you really went through that whole ordeal at the motel just because Glenn thought the girl in the room might be girlfriend material.

    Very true.
  • edited April 2012
  • edited April 2012
    Siresly wrote: »
    LMAO! I have actually experienced the non-goose in grade school. Too funny.
  • edited April 2012
    How many of you slapped your forehead when Shawn told Duck he could sit on the tractor? Then yelled "I KNEW IT!" when Shawn was pinned with Duck at the controls? (Killed me to see the wheel work back and forth on his leg too, GAH!)
  • edited April 2012
    How many of you slapped your forehead when Shawn told Duck he could sit on the tractor? Then yelled "I KNEW IT!" when Shawn was pinned with Duck at the controls? (Killed me to see the wheel work back and forth on his leg too, GAH!)

    he is the foreman and who am i to disagree with him
  • edited April 2012
    "That's my boy, Ken Jr. We call him Duck."
    "Dodging or quacking?"

    I LOL'd. Sounds more like a braying mule to me than a duck though. hehe
  • Sean ASean A Former Telltale Staff
    edited April 2012
    he is the foreman and who am i to disagree with him

    I can't tell you how often we quote Duck around the office. Specifically this line, and "Lift with your back!"

    Duck is the best.
  • edited April 2012
    Sean A wrote: »
    I can't tell you how often we quote Duck around the office. Specifically this line, and "Lift with your back!"

    Duck is the best.
    So that's what he said. I couldn't make it out. lol
  • G.RossG.Ross Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2012
    I did laugh at that line, it was delivered perfectly and the body animation helped sell it more!

    Thanks! I tried to put in a big pause there for "dramatic effect" :)
  • G.RossG.Ross Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2012
    Sean A wrote: »
    i can't tell you how often we quote duck around the office. Specifically this line, and "lift with your back!"

    duck is the best.

    i'm the foreman!!!
  • edited April 2012
    G.Ross wrote: »
    i'm the foreman!!!
    I grew up in sunny San Diego, CA. I now live out here in backwoods, Southern Alabama. (Yes, feel for me. It's difficult) So, I know you guys do not have children like Duck in every public place you go to. Here in the deep south? OMG. You have no idea. Kids like Duck are everywhere, and they drive you nuts. I laugh at Duck in game, but I find him so annoying. LOL
  • edited April 2012
    The funniest line is telling Clementine it smells like shit
  • edited April 2012
    When Glenn drives off at the end of the game theres a bumper sticker on the truck you hid behind that says "shit happens" that made me laugh
  • edited April 2012
    Sean A wrote: »
    I can't tell you how often we quote Duck around the office. Specifically this line, and "Lift with your back!"

    Duck is the best.

    And yet players hate him.
    I ran a "Get Duck killed" playthrough. I tried to save Shawn as hard as I could, and then I tried to toss him to the zombies just because he was dirty. I'll succeed yet! Duck won't make it!
  • edited April 2012
    Help! There's been a shooting! I found it hilarious that Lee screams that with a smoking shotgun in his hand.
  • VainamoinenVainamoinen Moderator
    edited April 2012
    "Hello? Is anybody home?"

    Lee gave this line such a sacrilegious "Biff Tannen" vibe, it MUST have been deliberate. ;)
  • edited April 2012
    using the tv remote on the lock in front of the pharmacy
  • edited April 2012
    Hoodzy2000 wrote: »
    using the tv remote on the lock in front of the pharmacy

    Oh yh, this was weirdly funny. Call it dumb, but I pretty much used the remote on everything I could find without knowing that the icon in your inventory was actually referring to the remote.

    I was one of those people that just for the heck of it, tried using the remote at first by just pointing and clicking at the TVs in the shop next door, Just to see if it might work. Thankfully doug helped which is one of the reasons why I chose to save him rather than the reporter.

    I guess the reporter was a good shooter. BUT for a person, who can't align batteries in the correct way do you REALLY THINK SHE CAN RELOAD HER GUN? I mean its way harder than just replacing couple of batteries on the radio.
    "Hello? Is anybody home?"

    Lee gave this line such a sacrilegious "Biff Tannen" vibe, it MUST have been deliberate. ;)

    This line makes much more sense now.
    Kohveras wrote: »
    When Glenn drives off at the end of the game theres a bumper sticker on the truck you hid behind that says "shit happens" that made me laugh

    I think i missed this one, need to get check it out again. :D

    Forgot to mention,

    - How about that moment when Lee shot the zombie officer's face off. You can even see a gaping hole in his head and if you keep on clicking the dead officer zombie. at one point Lee says "Are you dead man?. I mean I'm pretty sure he bit the bullet when half of his face went missing
  • edited April 2012
    "...and most importantly we've got light."
  • edited April 2012
    ...if I could. Used in place of "I'd buy that for a dollar!" with emphasis on those.

    Deserves to be meme. Internets get to work!

    Also...I used to drink bourbon from teacups but then I took an arrow to the knee.
  • BeckyGaminBeckyGamin Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2012
    One of my very favorite funny lines occurs when you're wandering around Clementine's backyard for a while. I don't want to spoil it but I hope some folks heard it, the delivery is amazing, I must have laughed for 10 straight minutes!
  • edited April 2012
    BeckyGamin wrote: »
    One of my very favorite funny lines occurs when you're wandering around Clementine's backyard for a while. I don't want to spoil it but I hope some folks heard it, the delivery is amazing, I must have laughed for 10 straight minutes!

    Tell us!!!
  • edited April 2012
    Tell us!!!

    Yes please do tell.
  • edited April 2012
    I walked around back there for a long time (must have been at least 5-10 minutes), waiting for Lee to give me some funny comment, to no avail. :(
  • BeckyGaminBeckyGamin Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2012
    I walked around back there for a long time (must have been at least 5-10 minutes), waiting for Lee to give me some funny comment, to no avail. :(

    aw man, really? OK I just pulled it up to play through again... he has a few lines he randomly says while walking through the backyard, and his final line is:
    "This would normally get a man arrested!! ..... again....
  • edited April 2012
    BeckyGamin wrote: »
    aw man, really? OK I just pulled it up to play through again... he has a few lines he randomly says while walking through the backyard, and his final line is:
    "This would normally get a man arrested!! ..... again....

    :D. That is freaking hilarious. I need to play that part again to hear him say it
  • edited April 2012
    BeckyGamin wrote: »
    aw man, really? OK I just pulled it up to play through again... he has a few lines he randomly says while walking through the backyard, and his final line is:
    "This would normally get a man arrested!! ..... again....
    ROFLMAOOOO!! That is good. Really bummed I didn't hear it, but you can bet I will be trying! lol
  • edited April 2012
    all of the above, not so much a funny line but a heart string tugging moment is when you don't save clem fromt he toilet dweller and she CONSTANTLY reminds you....worse guilt trip ever..

    then tried again to save her and she says nothing the ungratefull little....
  • edited April 2012
    where the other memes really necessary ?

    i'll work on one and post it :P
  • edited April 2012
    Police Officer- "Wanna know how I see it?"
    Lee-"Not really."
    Officer- "Too bad... My car... You might have the right to remain silent, but that don't mean I gotta be."

    Love it. Hehehehehe.
  • edited April 2012
    Lee's conversation with Clementine in the store is hilarious. This isn't the exact speech but...

    Lee: Are you ok?
    Clem: I'm... good.
    Lee: Good!
    Clem: Yeah...
    Lee: Being good is... good. You know, in a time like this.
    Clem: *nods*
    *Lee walks away*

    Most awkward conversation ever.
  • edited April 2012
    Yeah, that one is one of my faves, Fluffy. Hehe.

    I just heard a great line from Lee during the wander around Clem's backyard scene. Like what BeckyGamin mentioned but a different line...
    "Strange man here! Bleedin' in your back yard!"

    I rolled! :D
  • edited April 2012
    Yeah, that one is one of my faves, Fluffy. Hehe.

    I just heard a great line from Lee during the wander around Clem's backyard scene. Like what BeckyGamin mentioned but a different line...
    "Strange man here! Bleedin' in your back yard!"

    I rolled! :D

    That's awesome! :D
  • edited April 2012
    I tried doing an opposite playthrough and had to laugh at how much of an asshole Lee can be. Poor Kenny. :(
  • edited April 2012
    After you break the TV shop window, the front row of zombies look like they're trying to hump the TVs. made me laugh... but then I'm a bit odd
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