Did you get mushy and emotional? (spoilers)
When it came to dealing with Lee's brother on his talking options?
Me, I just did what every character in the Walking Dead should do from the start, no goodbyes, just a quick crack to the skull and mourn later. :eek:
Me, I just did what every character in the Walking Dead should do from the start, no goodbyes, just a quick crack to the skull and mourn later. :eek:

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I chose a conversation topic just to hear what Lee would say. In reality i'm sure i'd have more last words for my parents than for my siblings.
Worst axe chop ever. Lee should've turned the axe around and bashed his zombie brother's head in with the blunt side. :eek:
What impresses me most (and is borne out by different people's reactions here) is that we aren't being TOLD how Lee feels about any of it -- we are deciding how he feels because we have to DO it. We ARE this character. No other medium can really pull this off.
All I really felt about the encounter was fear when reaching for keys. I mean, what if he rose again and bit me right there? I'm not sure I could ever handle touching even a dead zombie. Much too much fear for me.
For me, the hammer scene was driven by fear -- I just wanted her to stop attacking me and I was willing to go the distance until I was sure it was over. Lee's brother is in no way a threat -- but it's still his brother, and I so wished there was a quicker, cleaner way to put this walker that used to be a family member down. It was the right thing to do for him, I didn't doubt that, but it didn't make it any easier to keep chopping.
I dunno, I thought that seemed intentional. Lee's relationship with his parents, and how close he was to them, is entirely up to you.
I thought the scene with his brother was very well done, especially the multiple axe swings. It was similar to the scene with the hammer, but also different in just the right way. With the hammer, you had to keep swinging or the zombie would get back up and eat you. With Lee's brother, there was no threat that you would be eaten if you stopped. You could have easily, held his head aside with the axe, or lopped off a couple limbs to keep yourself safe if all you needed was the keys. But you kept swinging because you didn't want to leave your brother like that. That's powerful stuff.
You all make the hard work pay off!
for me i just love clem (non pedo way) she's cute, innocent but also kind of mature and smart, in short everything her look the voice actress all spot on and regardless of how i treat everyone else i just can't do anything but care for her and make sure she is safe all the time, though will that be possible as the 'story' unfolds? (again non pedo)
There is another thread of the same type here, Eric. In case you missed it. Full of plenty more pats on the back.
I love Clem too. No idea how they made her so likeable so quickly. I kept screaming "Not my daughter!" every time a walker went for her. I'm sortof tempted to name my first daughter Clementine. I never saw such a likeable child character in a game before.