New to episodic gaming? (Merged threads)
Sorry but why we have to wait for it
this next ep is dlc I need to pay more? Like capcom dlc
this next ep is dlc I need to pay more? Like capcom dlc
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You think that was short? Try reading the comic and wait a month between each issue.
Thanks to that experience (and a perhaps unhealthy LOVE for The Walking Dead and all things re-animated :P), I am proud to say that this will be my first "official" TellTale Games purchase and I can't wait to dig into this first episode!!
... and while I also agree it may very well suck having to wait a month between episodes, think of it this way... we should be wrapping up that last episode JUST in time for Season 3 in October 8)
Try reading this.
I just wish they'd hurry up and get me the game(NOT STEAM dammit) so I can enjoy it too.
I spend on full cost and need to wait for month to play with 2hours?
Sorry I really don't get it
Don't blame TTG just because you didn't bother to do your own research about how TTG games are released prior to you buying it.
My dear, dear Tungtongjit...
In the FAQ's of the game it states: So they did inform you of their plans to actually bring out 5 Episodes, one each month for 5 months. Next time research what you buy before you buy it.
Some people like to get their content all at once when everything is done. Some people like to get their content as fast as possible as soon as it's ready.
If you wanted everything at once you could have simply waited half a year and played the whole thing from beginning to end in one sitting.
if they wanted to make you wait 5 months to get your moneys worth, it should be 5 bucks an episode rather than 25 bucks just because they want it. playing that way is flat out asking to be torrented.
On another note, there's no way to get episodes 2-5 yet. They simply don't exist. It's like asking for the next five issues of the comic before they hit stores.
I'm new to Telltale with this game, but the episodic nature makes sense with this one, since they're trying to replicate a serialized comic/TV show.
10 char +
i agree 100% loads of noobs are screaming about these things but it's pretty easy to find on here the face book page and sometimes the website
i think games companies should start releasing apptitude tests to get rid of the retards..cos if people are this thick they should not be playing games..
and also is there gonna be any extra charges to to getting these
add ons for the game ?
If you purchased a PC version, you got the season pass. That means you have already paid for all Eps and will be allowed to download and play them when they become available for no extra charge.
2) No, $25 was the price for the entire season, you don't have to pay anything extra. They will automatically unlock when they're released.
Uh....that's exactly what they did. The $25 bucks was for all five episodes. 25/5=5
And the clue is - 1st episode of The Walking Dead Season. Not - The Walking Dead 1.
5 Episodes of The Walking Dead? It's Christmas 6 times this year!!!!!!!!
You just bought yourself the best gift ever. Anticipation
@ Telltale Games,
Yes, you can hire me as a PR guy. I come to work 1 day each month! :P
+1 Hire him
oh they did? then we do have all 5 episodes right now for paying full price? i didnt know that.
Just to clarify: you WILL have access to each episode as it is released, no need to pay anything extra. Only the first episode is available at the moment, the rest are to follow.
I believe the only platforms where episodes are available separately are the ones that don't actually allow season pricing across the multiple episodes/downloads. Making each episode available to purchase separately doesn't make a lot of sense because it's really one game split into 5 parts - it would be like selling chapters of a book separately, it would be weird to jump into the story halfway through.
By the way, this thread feels like it needs its own "Y U No" man image.
Here to serve.
The only way I can think is to make people actually read the information that's displayed on their screens. It seems to be a very small number of people who didn't realise what they were paying for, I don't think there's anything wrong with the communication here.
No need to argue with episodes I guess...I mean it also wasn't like I was standing back there in the cinema watching Lord of the Rings 1 yelling at the screen at the end to frigging show me the second right after (baaad example I know but bleh I am tired
so long