Statistics Issue - Anyone else?

edited April 2012 in The Walking Dead
Played the first episode in a single lights off playthrough last night, and absolutely loved it, from the Sakura Taisen LIPS-style conversations with timers, through the Catherine-esque 'How your choices rated with everyone else's' at the end.

Just... one issue with the Statistics. Theres one particular statistic called 'Kenny Loyalty?' where it said I sided with Larry. I'm not quite sure how telling everyone to stay calm, and then going off my nut at Larry telling him that No, he'd have to kill me before I let him hurt Duck constitutes siding with Larry.

Anyone else get (what I believe to be) misquoted statistics?


  • edited April 2012
    Akeashar wrote: »
    Played the first episode in a single lights off playthrough last night, and absolutely loved it, from the Sakura Taisen LIPS-style conversations with timers, through the Catherine-esque 'How your choices rated with everyone else's' at the end.

    Just... one issue with the Statistics. Theres one particular statistic called 'Kenny Loyalty?' where it said I sided with Larry. I'm not quite sure how telling everyone to stay calm, and then going off my nut at Larry telling him that No, he'd have to kill me before I let him hurt Duck constitutes siding with Larry.

    Anyone else get (what I believe to be) misquoted statistics?
    I hear you, but rednecks are not known for their level-headed reasoning, and Kenny is exactly that. An old-fashioned redneck. He doesn't feel you took his side completely unless you want to beat Larry's ass throughout the conversation. Of course, who wouldn't want to? ;)
  • edited April 2012
    There was one dialogue option that had 4 choices. 2 of which were side with Larry, and 2 side with Kenny. You chose a side with Larry option. You're confusing that dialogue with one of the options leading up to it.
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