Playing Multiple Games?

edited May 2012 in The Walking Dead
I just got the game today and played through the first chapter, but due to the pressure of time at one decision-making spot, I made the opposite decision of what I wanted to do. Does the game support multiple run-throughs? There's no option to save your game under a savename or anything, so I'm guessing not. I could just start over and re-do my choices, but I'm kind of a 'purist' and don't like going back in games to 'fix mistakes' such as resetting a sports game when I'm losing, or whatever.

Anywho, is there any way to have more than one game going at once?


  • edited May 2012
    Yeah it does, you can have up to three different files.

    I've played through the first time making choices based on what I would do. second time based on who I liked, and third time being an asshole.


    When you choose to start a game just click the second save file.
  • edited May 2012
    OK, I didn't hit 'start' again after the credits from the first game because I didn't want to risk messing anything up. Thanks. I'll play another and my wife can have one also.
  • edited May 2012
    You can also 'Rewind' to a previous point if you don't want to start over.
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