Why is it so hard to understand. SONY posted that text some time ago without knowing better. Do you at least understand the concept of time, like yesterday, today and future? You cannot lie about the future, right?
As you said yourself, TT never gave a date, so why should they say sorry for missing a deadline which they never announced?
BTW: Monthly does not mean every 30 days or at the same day every month.
I'm sure that SONY would have consulted TTG before posting a release schedule.
Yes, I understand the concept of time, your understanding of the term monthly suggests you haven't quite got to grips with it. Furthermore, you can most definitely lie about the future, politicians do it all the time.
I really don't think it's unreasonable to ask TTG for a little information regarding when they plan to release something I have paid for, or why it has been delayed.
If TT released the game "on time" with glitches and a bad story line then there would be complaints about that.
They are in a no win situation apparently.
Do something else to pass the time.
Of course there would be complaints, 'Dead Island' suffered that fate.
If they had simply said 4 more episodes will be released over the next 8-9 months, or episodes will be released every 6-10 weeks no one would be complaining. If they came out and said it now, people would stop complaining.
I'm currently passing the time playing Arkham Asylum, but my eyes hurt so I took a break and came on here to whinge again.
Its past may WTF ..... u guys have enough time to make fucking "exclusive episodes " featuring some fat ass talking about the game. u said u would release an episode every month were is the one for fucking MAY! jack asses
I just wanted to take an opportunity to post how truly disappointed I am in Telltale, Steam, as well as the Walking Dead franchise as a whole.
I feel like we've all been scammed, paying for a "Season Pass" which supposedly would be updated last month, now sometime this month, but no real date or estimate - and all the while, fans are wondring what the delay is, what the problem is, asking questions and being either ignored or given the run around.
I'd expect as much from a F2P game, i'd expect as much from Warcraft for that matter, but for a company/game design company on this scale, it'd have been really, really, super nice if you'd have handled it with some sort of professionalism.
In the future f you plan on doing some bullshit deal like this...have a little fucking respect for your consumer.
And back on track maybe? For a jovial guessing game there seems to be far too much hate flying around, at the end of the day all arguments have been done for the change of release date mix up, for and against, and I know apparently its difficult for some but try have a little patience, complaining about it will not change anything! So as the poll is locked im gonna set a new date for my guess in a hope to win a cookie.
Have you watched Game of Thrones??? If not that would be my suggestion to pass some time. Best show on tv right now, IMO anyway.
I watched and enjoyed the 1st season, just waiting for the 2nd to end then I'll get stuck into that.
Still don't think it's right that I have to guess the date that I'll receive something I've paid for but Monday June 25th is my ill informed stab in the dark.
Many fans are disapointed, this much is true. However, if I recall correctly, mention of a June release was made evident on their site midway through the month of May; I believe it came in the form of the "Accolades Trailer"(correct me on this). What's grinding my gears now is the apparent failure to communicate on part of TellTale. Maybe it's still too early in the month for them to be certain, but an expected/definitive date would be much appreciated. Here's hoping we hear from them sooner than later.
Stop the personal insults, seriously.
It's the wrong forum for that.
Thank you! People are venting on a forum that is on the site that the company responsible for this game owns. Meaning, we want the company to hear our concerns. If you don't like hearing it "SCOOBZ" then get out!
Part of me was a little glad for the set back (only because I didn't have 5 extra bucks to spend on MS points to buy episode 2)
but another, louder part of me thinks that ALL game companies should really figure out release dates better (and take into account time they may or may not need to spend on set backs) because then instead of games being released later than expected they could be released sooner (or at least on time) and everyone would be happy.
Thank you! People are venting on a forum that is on the site that the company responsible for this game owns. Meaning, we want the company to hear our concerns. If you don't like hearing it "SCOOBZ" then get out!
And i Had my say..
Lol if you want the company to hear your concerns email them directly, and the point is there is 20+ pages of plain abuse already, and yes we would ALL like to be playing ep2 now, sadly we cant, find something better to do with your time then have a stab at forum users. thanks.
And i Had my say..
Lol if you want the company to hear your concerns email them directly, and the point is there is 20+ pages of plain abuse already, and yes we would ALL like to be playing ep2 now, sadly we cant, find something better to do with your time then have a stab at forum users. thanks.
Scoobz, I have emailed the customer service department twice regarding the issue. No response back!
gonna have to say they prob dont have an answer themselves, maybe i should change my guess.... hmmm, nah fingers crossed they work out whatever it is thats stopping them
I also have no idea how you made it this far in life. I would have killed myself long before had I been you. But then, I am a winner and couldn't stand being so passive and beta.
Enjoy that. LOL
wow, rude much? maybe you should go sit in the corner and just be quiet for a while.
I see S.Thongs point. Why the hell say something if you can't deliver it. If I hadn't paid for the bundle I wouldn't be as mad as I am. But fact is they have MY MONEY. "Yes I'd like to order a pizza please" "That'll be 35.50. And we'll have it to you in 30 min" 30 min goes by. Call the pizza place. " Umm wheres my food. Sorry your orders been pushed back. call again tomorrow" click. Call back. No answer.
Its the same thing. I don't care if there are delays, but tell me that my shit isn't coming on time.
Thats why this world is jacked. Everyone is so passive. How many of you payed the bundle pack with your hard earned money and are just saying "oh i'll deal with not having it and not being told what the hold up is" Doormats plain and simple
I guess my ban will be next being as I refuse to kiss TTG backsides.
seriously ?
A troll? No. I was expressing an opinion. I love how, when an opinion doesn't agree with yours, it's trolling, Grow up yeah expressing an opinion like a troll/idiot.. .
ban him it's what he wants lol and biting the hand that feeds you isn't clever
I see S.Thongs point. Why the hell say something if you can't deliver it. If I hadn't paid for the bundle I wouldn't be as mad as I am. But fact is they have MY MONEY. "Yes I'd like to order a pizza please" "That'll be 35.50. And we'll have it to you in 30 min" 30 min goes by. Call the pizza place. " Umm wheres my food. Sorry your orders been pushed back. call again tomorrow" click. Call back. No answer.
Its the same thing. I don't care if there are delays, but tell me that my shit isn't coming on time.
Thats why this world is jacked. Everyone is so passive. How many of you payed the bundle pack with your hard earned money and are just saying "oh i'll deal with not having it and not being told what the hold up is" Doormats plain and simple
cos its the first ep of 5 and the second just happens to be late....you bought all 5
if you look at all the 'passives' post count/ member since' you'll see we the relaxed group are well aware of ttg customer service and how the operate.
So my dude. We are just supposed to be used to not getting information? Hmm...If you give a mouse a cookie he'll want more. Maybe we should stop being so passive and start demanding. Its a 2 hour game for christ sakes. Im not looking for halo or cod. its not like its a blockbuster AAA title. The first ep was a VERY good game. But they are turning off so many fans by their lack of care for us. All I want is an answer thats it. An " Oh we fucked up, or our computers fucked up or we are polishing it would suffice" but NOTHING. They come on the boards to tell us "enough with the personal insults" yada yada so you know for a FACT TellTale workers are reading this stuff.
If you're up for a banning contest, some of you are good runners. Enough, please.
Everything comes to those that wait
I'm sure that SONY would have consulted TTG before posting a release schedule.
Yes, I understand the concept of time, your understanding of the term monthly suggests you haven't quite got to grips with it. Furthermore, you can most definitely lie about the future, politicians do it all the time.
I really don't think it's unreasonable to ask TTG for a little information regarding when they plan to release something I have paid for, or why it has been delayed.
If TT released the game "on time" with glitches and a bad story line then there would be complaints about that.
They are in a no win situation apparently.
Do something else to pass the time.
Of course there would be complaints, 'Dead Island' suffered that fate.
If they had simply said 4 more episodes will be released over the next 8-9 months, or episodes will be released every 6-10 weeks no one would be complaining. If they came out and said it now, people would stop complaining.
I'm currently passing the time playing Arkham Asylum, but my eyes hurt so I took a break and came on here to whinge again.
Have you watched Game of Thrones??? If not that would be my suggestion to pass some time. Best show on tv right now, IMO anyway.
I feel like we've all been scammed, paying for a "Season Pass" which supposedly would be updated last month, now sometime this month, but no real date or estimate - and all the while, fans are wondring what the delay is, what the problem is, asking questions and being either ignored or given the run around.
I'd expect as much from a F2P game, i'd expect as much from Warcraft for that matter, but for a company/game design company on this scale, it'd have been really, really, super nice if you'd have handled it with some sort of professionalism.
In the future f you plan on doing some bullshit deal like this...have a little fucking respect for your consumer.
Good day.
11th June on Xbox.
Real, real cool.
I watched and enjoyed the 1st season, just waiting for the 2nd to end then I'll get stuck into that.
Still don't think it's right that I have to guess the date that I'll receive something I've paid for but Monday June 25th is my ill informed stab in the dark.
Thank you! People are venting on a forum that is on the site that the company responsible for this game owns. Meaning, we want the company to hear our concerns. If you don't like hearing it "SCOOBZ" then get out!
but another, louder part of me thinks that ALL game companies should really figure out release dates better (and take into account time they may or may not need to spend on set backs) because then instead of games being released later than expected they could be released sooner (or at least on time) and everyone would be happy.
as for the guessing game: 15th any platform.
Lol if you want the company to hear your concerns email them directly, and the point is there is 20+ pages of plain abuse already, and yes we would ALL like to be playing ep2 now, sadly we cant, find something better to do with your time then have a stab at forum users. thanks.
@CupcakeUnicorn - Agreed
Changing topic im gonna say the 15th for Ep2 release
i'm totally expecting last week of june.
Scoobz, I have emailed the customer service department twice regarding the issue. No response back!
gonna have to say they prob dont have an answer themselves, maybe i should change my guess.... hmmm, nah fingers crossed they work out whatever it is thats stopping them
wow, rude much? maybe you should go sit in the corner and just be quiet for a while.
You're just a troll looking for victims.
No, your ban is because you insist on attacking other forum members.
Its the same thing. I don't care if there are delays, but tell me that my shit isn't coming on time.
Thats why this world is jacked. Everyone is so passive. How many of you payed the bundle pack with your hard earned money and are just saying "oh i'll deal with not having it and not being told what the hold up is" Doormats plain and simple
We need somewhere to put all the "WHERE IS EPIZODE 2???" stuff, and this has become the place.
Agreed put some new votes up and at least let us have another go at this guessing competition.
ban him it's what he wants lol and biting the hand that feeds you isn't clever
cos its the first ep of 5 and the second just happens to be late....you bought all 5
if you look at all the 'passives' post count/ member since' you'll see we the relaxed group are well aware of ttg customer service and how the operate.
Waaay ahead of you on that one Milo.