360 won't save

I am unable to choose a save slot when I start the game. I have to beat the game first before it will give me an option to save and it doesn't record my first playthrough.


  • edited May 2012
    Do you have a valid saving storage available on your 360? Like, does it still have room for memory?
  • edited May 2012
    Yeah I have enough storage room.

    Found out if I die I can save. However when I get to the pharmacy I can't talk to anyone.
  • edited May 2012
    Can't talk to anyone? Like if you ran your cursor over them, nothing comes up? No action prompt?

    Worst case: if this can't be resolved, then you may have to delete and re-download the game. If you bought it from the marketplace, I think they have a record of it being bought and you can download it again. Might want to try backing it up just in case.
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