The Murder
As we saw in Episode 1, two people recognized Lee on the murder case based on just his face and first name, Carley and Larry. With murder cases being very public, do you think people the group will encounter in episode 2-5 will also recognize him/remember the case? Do you think that will lead to a situation where Lee might have to kill again to protect himself or his secret from those who would use it against him? Also do you think Ken Sr and/or Katjaa know?
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I wouldn't be surprised that only a select few would keep to memory of "non-essential" information if they aren't constantly reminded of it. After all, you're going to be concerned about becoming a Zombie Snack first and foremost.
I don't see Lee as the cold blooded killer type, but maybe killing in order to keep the secret is a choice the player will be forced to make. After all Carly reviled her knowledge of about Lee's past and the player got to choose her fate.
I am sure that the mystery of Lee's past will be held in limbo up until the very end. I am sure that the honesty or dishonesty of the player will at a later time effect how the other characters react to you in a very crucial moment. I get the feeling that the player will have to trust others to get him out of a tight spot and Lee's lack of honesty or dishonesty will have a direct impact
That leaves Lily and Larry. Everyone dislikes Larry one way or another, and everyone else would be inclined to help you otherwise. Even if they believe Larry, they might not care. That "kill Duck" incident doesn't help his case. Lee murdered someone, maybe/probably. But everyone else saw Larry CONSIDER killing a kid in front of their eyes and heard it through their ears. Who else you are going to go against? The guy who considered killing a Kid that turned out not bitten? Or the guy who killed a Senator (maybe even the wife) in a personal dispute, but one that you weren't exactly privy to all details? A hard call, but considering how Larry acted in front of them, I doubt they would be convinced, except his daughter.
That's a very informative and valid point you brought up there.
Mind you, I'm not arguing that he DIDN'T do it; I actually think it's a more interesting story if he did. I'm just speculating -- the whole situation might not be as cut-and-dried as we are led to believe in this first episode.
Agree. But we will find out soon.
not soon enough for me
It was not only a senator,but one involved with his wife.All his guilt,all the times he talks about bad decisions hes made,all the times he anguishes over how he became distant from his family,etc...
He may regret what he did,but that really only means he did.The whole "redemption" thing is tiring as heck,but its clearly there.
May be he regrets for leaving his family in Macon to live with his ex-wife in Atlanta. Then later he discovers she has this affaire with this senator and he would think "what have I done?" He leaves his family, surely he argued with them and later it's treasoned by her. He loved her so much and surely he felt that his life it was broken. Blinded by anger he killed the senator and... We already know the rest of the story.
I think it is certain he at least killed the Senator because one of his dialog options with Clementine is "I...I killed someone" when she asks about the trouble he had gotten into. Still that doesn't be is was murder, it could have been an accident, a fight or confrontation that got out of hand, etc.
I think it could be an issue if the group runs into law enforcement of any kind and if it might dissuade someone from joining the group in the future. But I really doubt a newcomer is going to try make a citizen's arrest or anything like that.
I also get the feeling that the longer the zombie apocalypse goes on the less people will member/care about that sort of thing as the 'kill or be killed' mentality starts to sink in.
*points to the govener arc nd the camniabal storyline* the walking dead has many points where human relations are the scarier part of the series than any herd or attack. The thing is people will try to take control of a situation if they see it to their benefit and capturing someone who was a convicted criminal is a hugr benifit as it could give the illusion of peace being restored and that person being the one to lead them there. See politics even in the zombie apocalypse are a big part of things among survivors. Just no one before kirkman tackled that in an intresting fasshion since the Romero night of the living dead.
One of the alternatives, when Lee is asked about his family, is to say, he doesn't know where his ex-wife is, which would indicate she might be alive...
Also, pointing to the fact he's trying to shroud away any evidence of him being who he really is from the others.
Thinking about it, he does seem to be feeling overtly guilty about something he did or thinks he did, even if that might not actually be the case...
one photo and choosing his words carefully about the family who owned the drug store isn't alot of evidence and he has opened up to clem/kenny
so the photo was only ripped up so no one who didn't know who lee doesn't want to know can find out.
i guess in coming episodes lee's 'secret' will come out and be used for certain 'leverage'
Well it could be Worse
wow thats ALL kinds of fucked up...
Maybe Lee should pay a visit to him
But knowing Lee Everett's face? Think back to the last major case the media followed and ask yourself honestly if you remember all the facial details that were shown on TV. I don't mean things like missing persons (especially kids).
No whats really fucked up was He was doing that before the outbreak occured. the outbreak just made it more conveniant.
CheckList time
I'm chet i love food/im night cop i dont know who you are [minus one to knowers]
I'm shawn i'll believe your the babysitter if you tell me [minus one to knowers]
i'm herschel "I don't know who you are or what you did {minus one to knowers]
I'm kenny if i know what you did im not mentioning it [?]
i'm kaatja if i know what you did im not mentioning it [?]
i'm duck i dont know what you did or i'd be blabbing about it [minus 1 to knowers
I'm Carley i'm a reporter so i know about your case {plus 1 to knowers]
I'm doug i just moved here so i dont really know about the family or your case[minus 1 to knowers]
I'm Glenn MACON NATIVE I lived here and knew your parents and know it hurt when i said their names so i say "I used to deliver pizza to the Everetts i mean the couple who lived here" [plus 1 to knowers]
I'm Larry MACON NATIVE I live here I know who you are {Plus 1 to knowers}
I'm Lily MACON NATIVE I live here but havent mentioned your past {?}
So to recap the total amount ot of people who knows lees secret in Episode 1 equals - 1 to - 2
Lol nah he was actually the nice shy guy before
I wonder if kirkman has any real influence in the game
and thats why japan is superior to america Lax morals