Question to the walking dead game
I played the first episode and loved it thats why im wondering if anyone has info to wether it will only be five episodes or if more have been planned if the game comes across well.
Thx to everyone who has info and to telltale for this great game!!
I played the first episode and loved it thats why im wondering if anyone has info to wether it will only be five episodes or if more have been planned if the game comes across well.
Thx to everyone who has info and to telltale for this great game!!

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Telltale usually makes only one season at a time, and Sam & Max is the only series they have made more than one season for, because it's (or used to be, at least) their flagship franchise...That said, anything's possible! I'm sure they'd look into making more than one season if the game's enough of a success and they feel like they have more to tell within the comic's universe.
Going by the length of the comic, which the game is based off of, I'm sure Telltale would have PLENTY of material for multiple seasons. But it's as you said, the eligibility for a new season is entirely dependent on the game's popularity and gross revenue gained from the sales and profits.