Gunshot in the beginning of the game..
Do anyone realize there was a gunshot when Lee was running away from massive amounts of walkers and climbed over the fence into Clementine house?
It was the gunshot which distracted the walkers' attention..
I wonder who fired the gun..
Any idea guys?
It was the gunshot which distracted the walkers' attention..
I wonder who fired the gun..
Any idea guys?

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well it could be anyone hershal, andre the cop, carley ?
I don't think it is either Hershel or Carley as they are in a different location (which is absolutely far away from Lee at that time)..
Andre the cop only appeared when Lee chose to make a move at night..
It could be..
But don't u think it'll a bit awkward if Telltale decided not to notify us who he/she really is?
And the gunfire near the end isn't really a random person fighting for their life..
I think it is just Lee's imagination of the past..
how will it be awkward? It was probably just some random person shooting a gun at other zombies.
It was Vegeta!
Why Does a Saiyan need a Gun?
what would be the point ? it has no relation to the story/plot it would only be to see guy shooting zombies only to survive lol
and the guy may or may not be friendly like if you pick night time lee got shot at so having the exact same situation twice would be lame..
also it would of made the game longer and ttg games are usually the same length
being picky but game devs have to trim down the fat sometimes...
May or may not be friendly, just could add interactions with other characters.
That way you find out, none the less alive or dead. If the place is jam packed full of walkers, then just leave as quietly as possible.
isn't that just a blunt pencil aka pointless ?
and like capn said why the 'fuck' would we follow a group of walkers with no means of protection and an injured leg ?
no one would be that stupid surely..
or is your 'point' to make the game longer ?
i feel we have enough 'interactions' and walkers to look at as it is...
Just because she killed the Zombie Robot Lord doesn't automatically make her queen
Shun the Nonbeliever
if people are wondering why it's an orange it's cos it's a clementine....
unrelated but googled her
clementine is the figure on the hill watching lee after he shoots the copzombie, ' clem from the future' where the smeg did you get that idea from ? when we say queen clem it is merely for the lols and some of us believe she will rule the world of twd the game (purely fan fiction)
lol no need more episodes of the game first
Dang the oldest thread you can comment on. Anyway I'm sure the gunshot was the strangers son.
It's also been nearly three years since A New Day
It really doesn't feel like it
Please don't necrobump old threads.