if you pass any rampant wildebeest, soapy frogs and comfy chairs send them our way!
Also we have a screen shot meme thread that i have taken on with little (but much appreciated) help if you see anything that you think is/can be amusing but not in anyway reflects badly on our queen post it up
Mr flibble accepts credit cards or paypal for donations to help fund our crusades.
if you prove your self i will bestow upon you the orange or peach crown pic
and capnjay if you like i'll send you the link
what link? I'm sorry i was thinking about the plot of Queen Clem Fanfiction
I merely want at (the very least) some compensation in case there is any possibly threat/damage to my person in my duty to protect our queen..
is that so wrong, i promise to spilt it!
what that mr flibble ? they don't believe me ? i must be judged ? how ?
The queens hand must live and be reborn as a hero ? ok lee it's time to chew bubble gum and kick ass, oh damn i forgot we're outta gum...
How do you promise to split Ducks lips being sewn up?
Share it and then share it again in her official thread with a coherent explaination of K.I.Q.C.S. and if it's not Coherent your going into Quarantine!
So far it look's like all the bad stuff Lee has, or can do at least that I can remember so far.
Kill a Senator
Lie to Hershel
Save Duck over Shawn
Not stick up for Kenny to Hershel
Choose to attack Larry, or side with Larry.
Be an Ass to Clem when she needs to pee.
Not save Clem from the lurker in the bathroom.
Chew out Kennys ass for letting Shawn die.
Hoard the energy bars
Open the outside pharmacy lock with a remote controll.
Give the gun to the girl, or not
Save the girl who doesn't know how to use batteries, but can fight or the useful nerd.
Tell Glenn leavings a mistake
Now that I look back, you can be pretty screwed up, and it's only episode 1. I wonder how dark it's going to get before the end, is Clem going to lose respect for us if we do bad things, justifyable things to survive, or will she be forced to do the same exact things? I have a feeling things have only really began to turn, and I hope we're in for a hell of a ride. I've been reading more, and it's got me even more excited for this game.
again i haven't read the comics but watched the tv show (which i know isn't canon with the game)
i speculate that if we go good lee he will be like rick and if we go balls to the wall badass we'll be like shane ?
rick is always going to be the leader and make tough choices but they all stem from saving the group protecting the kids and trying to keep some form of peace.
shane wouldn't be considered the leader but he would undermine the leader at every point and do his own thing (sounds like doug) he would take over any situation that furthers his mission statement of survival at any any and all costs.
Milo Are you attempting to use the K.I.Q.C.S. for your own personal wants... Again?!
what link? I'm sorry i was thinking about the plot of Queen Clem Fanfiction
I merely want at (the very least) some compensation in case there is any possibly threat/damage to my person in my duty to protect our queen..
is that so wrong, i promise to spilt it!
what that mr flibble ? they don't believe me ? i must be judged ? how ?
The queens hand must live and be reborn as a hero ? ok lee it's time to chew bubble gum and kick
ass, oh damn i forgot we're outta gum...
link to my avatar the now official seal of queen clems approval
How do you promise to split Ducks lips being sewn up?
Share it and then share it again in her official thread with a coherent explaination of K.I.Q.C.S. and if it's not Coherent your going into Quarantine!
unless theres more of them ? oh gawd
The Queen needs her Jester not a Mime
well the queen told lee she can't stand the quacking...
tell you what we probably should go and look for carly's batteries you know how she gets when 'doug' stops working....
tme to get back on topic methinks....
And as you can see New Knight we sometimes devolve into dirty jokes about the Queen's Subjects
Kill a Senator
Lie to Hershel
Save Duck over Shawn
Not stick up for Kenny to Hershel
Choose to attack Larry, or side with Larry.
Be an Ass to Clem when she needs to pee.
Not save Clem from the lurker in the bathroom.
Chew out Kennys ass for letting Shawn die.
Hoard the energy bars
Open the outside pharmacy lock with a remote controll.
Give the gun to the girl, or not
Save the girl who doesn't know how to use batteries, but can fight or the useful nerd.
Tell Glenn leavings a mistake
Now that I look back, you can be pretty screwed up, and it's only episode 1. I wonder how dark it's going to get before the end, is Clem going to lose respect for us if we do bad things, justifyable things to survive, or will she be forced to do the same exact things? I have a feeling things have only really began to turn, and I hope we're in for a hell of a ride. I've been reading more, and it's got me even more excited for this game.
KOTOR is also a PC game. You can get it on Steam.
i speculate that if we go good lee he will be like rick and if we go balls to the wall badass we'll be like shane ?
rick is always going to be the leader and make tough choices but they all stem from saving the group protecting the kids and trying to keep some form of peace.
shane wouldn't be considered the leader but he would undermine the leader at every point and do his own thing (sounds like doug) he would take over any situation that furthers his mission statement of survival at any any and all costs.