Telltale Games...THEY KNOW!

"The Walking Dead: Starved for Help will be available later this month. Telltale cited that the certification process with Xbox Live was the reason for the delay but that it would be ready any day now. They also emphasized that the strategy for a dedicated release schedule is currently being worked out. Once the episode releases, feel free to come back here and check out our full review. If you’re still on the fence about picking up this game, then please do yourself a favor and check out our review of A New Day."

They know people are mad about the late release and they're working a dedicated schedule out.

They know People want the game.

They understand they may lose potential new fans.


This changes my view a bit.


  • edited June 2012
    "The Walking Dead: Starved for Help will be available later this month. Telltale cited that the certification process with Xbox Live was the reason for the delay but that it would be ready any day now. They also emphasized that the strategy for a dedicated release schedule is currently being worked out. Once the episode releases, feel free to come back here and check out our full review. If you’re still on the fence about picking up this game, then please do yourself a favor and check out our review of A New Day."

    They know people are mad about the late release and they're working a dedicated schedule out.

    They know People want the game.

    They understand they may lose potential new fans.


    This changes my view a bit.

    Source? C++?
  • edited June 2012
    Well considering the facebook abuse culling, these official forums and godness know what other mediums they have going on

    obviously...they gotta do something...
  • edited June 2012
    Telltale cited that the certification process with Xbox Live was the reason for the delay.

    Thanks consoles.
  • edited June 2012
    The_Ripper wrote: »
    Source? C++?

    There. It's another "20 minute preview" review but something told me to scroll down on this one...
  • edited June 2012
    Of course they know.
    I would imagine that 9 out of 10 emails they receive right now are among the lines of "GOXXXXXX WHERE THE XXXX IS THE NEW FXXXXXX EPISODE??? I WANT MY FXXXXXX MONEY BACK OR I WILL KILL YOUR PETS AND EAT THEM!!!!"

    After a while you can't help but notice that the people are a little disgruntled.
  • edited June 2012
    Thanks consoles.

    If it is Microsoft's fault I think they could simply release early to Steam and PS3 other fans playing on different platforms shouldn't lose out because Microsoft wants to do things their way.

    I'm normally not a whiny fan boy but yeah thanks XBox.
  • edited June 2012
    d_cover wrote: »
    If it is Microsoft's fault I think they could simply release early to Steam and PS3 other fans playing on different platforms shouldn't lose out because Microsoft wants to do things their way.

    I'm normally not a whiny fan boy but yeah thanks XBox.

    Sony also has a certification process for everything that is put on the PSN store, so I fail to see how it's Microsoft's fault or even a bad thing that the console manufacturers have a certification process in the first place.

    "Microsoft wants to do things their way" ... you know, things that cause the certification process to fail are things like "the game freezes at this specific section." I fail to see how Microsoft's way isn't also in the consumer's interest in that case.
  • edited June 2012
    'telltale cited' .... Where? Where did telltale release this information? Somebody go forth and bring me an official source for this information and they shall be greatly rewarded! And as an xbox owner may i just chime in with the whole thanks xbox thing? An xbox has no feelings, no morals, no say in when the games it periodically plays are released, so you blame xbox? I say nay! Blame microsoft! For microsoft are dicks.
  • edited June 2012
    'telltale cited' .... Where? Where did telltale release this information? Somebody go forth and bring me an official source for this information and they shall be greatly rewarded! And as an xbox owner may i just chime in with the whole thanks xbox thing? An xbox has no feelings, no morals, no say in when the games it periodically plays are released, so you blame xbox? I say nay! Blame microsoft! For microsoft are dicks.

    I saw a video on GT where TellTale had a booth for The walking dead. I'll try and see if I can dig up a link for you. It was legit info although to me it didn't feel that way. Don't ask why.
  • edited June 2012
    'telltale cited' .... Where? Where did telltale release this information? Somebody go forth and bring me an official source for this information and they shall be greatly rewarded! And as an xbox owner may i just chime in with the whole thanks xbox thing? An xbox has no feelings, no morals, no say in when the games it periodically plays are released, so you blame xbox? I say nay! Blame microsoft! For microsoft are dicks.

    You think xbox doesn't know when you're asleep? It can hear can smell us.....Like you said it has no morals, no feelings, don't you know it's dangerous to even utter the words three sixty now...Your a madman a MADMAN I say!
  • edited June 2012
    You think xbox doesn't know when you're asleep? It can hear can smell us.....Like you said it has no morals, no feelings, don't you know it's dangerous to even utter the words three sixty now...Your a madman a MADMAN I say!

    I think we have a strong contender for crazier than me..


    pot calling the kettle black anyone ?
  • edited June 2012
    I know saying this isn't going to make me very popular, and I know it's not very realistic since the console crowd is too big a market for any game company to ignore, but I honestly think it'd be better if Telltale didn't bother with consoles. I don't mean that as an insult towards Telltale, mind you. Just consoles. :p

    Telltale makes point-and-click adventures, a traditionally PC-only genre. They also make episodic games, a format that's already plenty hard to pull off without another company telling you when you can release your game. That's two strikes against them already. But there's also the fact that consoles bring, unrefined crowd with them.

    I've noticed that most of the complaints towards Telltale these days have nothing to do with the games themselves, but instead console-related issues that are beyond Telltale's control. "Why didn't you put the game on this system?" "How come the console version came out later?" "Why didn't the console version come out in my country?" That sort of thing. Hell, even before Telltale went casual, we had the delay of Wallace and Gromit on the 360, the piss-poor porting job for the Wii version of the first two Sam and Max seasons, the massive graphical downgrade of Tales of Monkey Island on WiiWare, and the whole Nutri-Specs fiasco.

    I know that the side that's most vocal online isn't necessarily the majority, but I can't help but feel that putting their games on consoles nets Telltale more enemies than fans. It's kind of upsetting every time someone bitches at Telltale due to something that they didn't cause and can't fix.

    In the end, I recommend getting the PC version every time. With every game, not just Telltale's. :p
  • edited June 2012
    I know saying this isn't going to make me very popular, and I know it's not very realistic since the console crowd is too big a market for any game company to ignore, but I honestly think it'd be better if Telltale didn't bother with consoles. I don't mean that as an insult towards Telltale, mind you. Just consoles. :p

    Telltale makes point-and-click adventures, a traditionally PC-only genre. They also make episodic games, a format that's already plenty hard to pull off without another company telling you when you can release your game. That's two strikes against them already. But there's also the fact that consoles bring, unrefined crowd with them.

    I've noticed that most of the complaints towards Telltale these days have nothing to do with the games themselves, but instead console-related issues that are beyond Telltale's control. "Why didn't you put the game on this system?" "How come the console version came out later?" "Why didn't the console version come out in my country?" That sort of thing. Hell, even before Telltale went casual, we had the delay of Wallace and Gromit on the 360, the piss-poor porting job for the Wii version of the first two Sam and Max seasons, the massive graphical downgrade of Tales of Monkey Island on WiiWare, and the whole Nutri-Specs fiasco.

    I know that the side that's most vocal online isn't necessarily the majority, but I can't help but feel that putting their games on consoles nets Telltale more enemies than fans. It's kind of upsetting every time someone bitches at Telltale due to something that they didn't cause and can't fix.

    In the end, I recommend getting the PC version every time. With every game, not just Telltale's. :p

    Im with you in all of this mate.

    Im an xbox fanboy myself, but this game needed to be computer only just like telltale games used to be.
  • edited June 2012
    thing is anthony my dear fellow, not everyone can afford a decent pc or is tech savvy enough to use one....and with all the different permutations of spec a pc can have a console is a set spec set price...

    true all console games are built on a pc..

    you do make some good points though :)
  • edited June 2012
    I didn't think the specs for The Walking Dead were that high...
  • edited June 2012
    I think we have a strong contender for crazier than me..


    pot calling the kettle black anyone ?

    Because I used bairds immortal: heAr us smell us line about the berserker on 360 or the fact I have a 360 or because you called me crazy when in fact you are the one who is slightly mad? Or all/none of the above?
  • edited June 2012
    Because I used bairds immortal: heAr us smell us line about the berserker on 360 or the fact I have a 360 or because you called me crazy when in fact you are the one who is slightly mad? Or all/none of the above?

    hmmm baird yeah that explains the first bit , you seem mad in a fair few posts then make sense then mad again..

    me i'm not mad i just come out with random stuff sometimes :P
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    I have a 360 we got gypped on Sam and Max season 3 you'd deny us TWDG too?
  • edited June 2012
    I can forgive them because they know they are going to lose fans over it. They have already paid the price because of that. Please people, don't give them more to worry about. They are listening.

    I take back whatever I said about 'em.

    Also, I agree with Anthony.
  • edited June 2012
    They know ... what you had for breakfast

    They know ... who killed JFK

    They know ... what YOU did last summer
  • edited June 2012
    Well, the source it's weak, for saying something. :D

    They told us that don't trust no source if Telltale didn't post on their blog or until somebody from them confirm on the forums that's truth.

    But... oh, well, they disappeared, we don't know anything from them. Only we know it's the Telltale marketing guy it's alive and I'm glad for him.

    Ok, second point:

    If this is truth (I doubt it but it's not impossible) Telltale customers deserve this time priority. If they have problems with Xbox users I'm sorry for them but with Episode 1 they played before us. I suggest release now in the Telltale's web and when Microsoft finishes with the certifications or whatever they are doing with the game, Xbox users would play.

    I think Telltale it's managing all this PR stuff the wrongest way possible if this is true.
  • edited June 2012
    I think Telltale it's managing all this PR stuff the wrongest way possible if this is true.

    +1, your customers should never be the last to know. Just a quick "sorry, we're delayed", not even with a reason would stop alot of the anger towards them. Although I don't agree with people rocking insults in the Talk to the Telltale Team thread, those guys are not involved in marketing from what I've seen, so it just demoralises them.

    We'll, at least we know the episode is done if its getting certified, which means they can start on ep 3 and hopefully have it out on time.
    If this is truth (I doubt it but it's not impossible) Telltale customers deserve this time priority. If they have problems with Xbox users I'm sorry for them but with Episode 1 they played before us. I suggest release now in the Telltale's web and when Microsoft finishes with the certifications or whatever they are doing with the game, Xbox users would play.

    I can understand the delay, all a seperate release would gain them is more hate on the forums, and it might be a contractual agreement with the stores that it has to be a simultaneuos release for them to carry it. (Just my 2c, but can't imagine being the last to carry a game is great advertising for your console)
  • edited June 2012
    Agree with the dude above. Most of the people wouldn't be here , like me, if they just put even the single word ""sorry" on their page, that would have been it, but since they had time to update about how much cash they made, it's really irritating, especially when it's our cash, and we get no apology. It's all on telltale te customers are understandably angry, those who defend TTg are correct as far as it's not their fault it's not the only late game bla bla bla bit but it's the only time I've heard that the devs were so rude about it...anyways if it's that important you can make the time, and they shod have, what's one person logging on and putting 5 letters down?
  • edited June 2012
    I tried digging up the video yesterday. I think GT just put it under as basic coverage so you can't go to the video games page on GT to find it. But the guy they interviewed specifically said they're waiting on Microsoft to sort their side.
  • edited June 2012

    They know people are mad about the late release and they're working a dedicated schedule out.

    They know People want the game.

    They understand they may lose potential new fans.


    This changes my view a bit.

    Did you really think they didn't know? They're not stupid just behind schedule.
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    I dont think Telltale will admit to a mistake till all episodes are released thats how i'd do it. because any other unforseen events would be blanket covered in the apology
  • edited June 2012
    CapnJay wrote: »
    I have a 360 we got gypped on Sam and Max season 3 you'd deny us TWDG too?


    I own an Xbox, a PS3, an iPhone, an Android tablet, and a PC.

    I say to hell with all the platforms besides the PC. That's what this kind of game is designed for.

    My $199 eMachines laptop I bought 3 years ago plays the game reasonably well. I'm willing to bet the vast majority of people can play it on their home PC if World of Warcraft can keep over 5 million people playing in the US.

    People have the hardware to play the game on a PC, yet we have to wait to satisfy console gamers.

    So yeah, F them.
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    gaddorm wrote: »

    I own an Xbox, a PS3, an iPhone, an Android tablet, and a PC.

    I say to hell with all the platforms besides the PC. That's what this kind of game is designed for.

    My $199 eMachines laptop I bought 3 years ago plays the game reasonably well. I'm willing to bet the vast majority of people can play it on their home PC if World of Warcraft can keep over 5 million people playing in the US.

    People have the hardware to play the game on a PC, yet we have to wait to satisfy console gamers.

    So yeah, F them.
  • edited June 2012
    I dont think Telltale will admit to a mistake till all episodes are released thats how i'd do it. because any other unforseen events would be blanket covered in the apology

    Might also be for legal reasons, especially with everyone screaming for refunds. An apology indicates thier at fault and therefore liablilty
  • edited June 2012
    why should pc users suffer because of xbox? let the xbox peeps get it later
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    Tell you what threepwood They release SBCGAP and Sam and Max season 3 for the xbox we'll let you guys have TWDG first fair trade?
  • edited June 2012
    Guys no starting arguments please. K thanks.
  • edited June 2012
    Like i said b4 i think its stupid that the monthly releases arnt happening (so far atleast) but if the comment at the top is true then y didnt thry get the liscensing for the whole thing done b4 they released ep1....almost seems like they rushed it out...but it didnt look it! My whole prob was just how telltale didntmsay anythin about a delay or a new date...and i think the paying consumer atleast deserves that!
  • edited June 2012
    As I pre-ordered from TTG site and they couldn't release on release day they gave me a Steam code to use, can I still use Steam for all the subsequent episodes?
  • edited June 2012
    Should a been done at least a month ago. Comic style graphicz come on how are hard could it be?? especially now dayz yo. TellTale did dew a good job tho, and game making requirez some serious patience. Besidez thats what makez a good game TIME and EFFORT. So this better be a kickass episode. :)
  • edited June 2012
    Nissassa\ wrote: »
    Should a been done at least a month ago. Comic style graphicz come on how are hard could it be?? especially now dayz yo. TellTale did dew a good job tho, and game making requirez some serious patience. Besidez thats what makez a good game TIME and EFFORT. So this better be a kickass episode. :)

    For realz homez....
  • edited June 2012

    This is why this game in particular got a console release. This is why telltale sees console games as value customers. Consider that it beat Sonic, Doctor Who and Journey, the first two of which came out this month, and consider this doesn't include the first week of TWD sales and you'll see that, in fact, TTG are probably making good money from PSN sales.

    I am solely a console gamer these days. My gaming tastes aren't unrefined or any less valid than your own.

    I don't know the facts. I haven't seen the evidence, but it's likely that Microsoft have sold more or less as many copies of TWD as Sony. I can see why TTG are holding out on releasing the game. In fact, if this is a Microsoft certification issue, then TT may be being held hostage by Microsoft over the release, to ensure Sony and PC gamers don't get an edge in terms of month 3 sales looking to pick up the season pass for episode 2 onwards. Microsoft will refuse to release TTG games on their console if Telltale breach this, dropping a significant % of potential purchasers and losing Telltale important mayonnaise.

    If it is true and Microsoft certification is what we're waiting on, then let's blame Microsoft, not Telltale, who are getting all this grief from us over something beyond their control as a reward for crafting a first episode so excellent, we all can't wait to continue the story.

    Seriously though Telltale, throw us an official bone about why it's late. It's only polite.
  • edited June 2012
    zerodemon wrote: »
    Seriously though Telltale, throw us an official bone about why it's late. It's only polite.

    They already have. See first post.
  • edited June 2012
    zerodemon wrote: »
    Seriously though Telltale, throw us an official bone about why it's late. It's only polite.

    Consider, though, if waiting on Microsoft is the issue, Telltale can't exactly put out a press release saying "we'd love to release this game now, but Microsoft is being a tool". They're working with MS to release their videogame, they can't bad-mouth them or even make them look bad to their customer base. Not only would it not be good business, it may even be part of their contract.
  • CapnJayCapnJay Banned
    edited June 2012
    Heres a question I started up TWDG today and saw from TTG and Skybound entertainment... so ... whats these sky peoples part in all this. Are they catching any flak for the delays?
This discussion has been closed.