What Fan Input would you like to see in Episode 4 or 5

Ok alot of people are raging over the delay but then they hear that TTG takes heed of it's customers opinions and reflects that in designing a game. So what would you like to see in episode 4 or 5 that makes you feel your opinion matters?
{I don't promise any ideas in this thread will actually be used because im not an employee of TTG but i dont promise they wont be either by coincidence or by TTG employees reading this thread]
{I don't promise any ideas in this thread will actually be used because im not an employee of TTG but i dont promise they wont be either by coincidence or by TTG employees reading this thread]
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Hey, you dedicated that gif to me once. Now I'm jealous.
having someone find a crown or paper hat crown shaped and giving it to clem or making a comment about clem being queen..
duck liking orange juice/ wanting a burger (king) duck wanting to be a doctor (quack)
kenny shaves his magnum pi tash off...
lee doesn't return any gay vibes from doug...or flat out tells doug he'll only tap dat female ass...
larry dies slowly and painfully...
='( noooo!!!!
since some people on here want to see bouncing baps....
Every main character in TWD at least has one hook up, Glenn has Maggie, Dale has Andrea, Rick even gets some strange non Lori's flat ass, Carl has Sophia, Abraham has two hot ladies, Michonne has Tyresse, and Morgan. It's the end of the world, and people would try to find comfort in strange warm bouncy places. It falls perfectly in line with TWD. Mass Effect didn't invent the game hook up either, but I like the idea of him shooting down Doug.
Well, he is the one with the ship... :cool: