The top selling game
TWD is the top selling game on PSN for the month of May beating Journey, Tim Shafer's Awesomenauts, MK, and many other really well made games. PSN also hosted one of it's biggest sales at the time halfing prices on all complete edition games. Congradulation TTG, keep up the good work.
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saved by the bell reference that takes me back;)
Harry, hold on, we'll come back for you!!!
Seriously, I don't have any urge to play episode 2 of TWD. It could even be delayed several months more, and I would be perfectly happy with it.
BUT, what irks me is the lack of communication, which I feel it's hurting Telltale's reputation a lot more than the delay itself. I constantly see lots and lots of complaints about the delay and the lack of any kind of explanation. You don't have any PR people anymore? Why this silence, only broken for unrelated news about ports of other games, news of good sales (which people outside TTG don't care about) or whatever else? You don't even have to give an exact date, just tell what's actually happening at TTG.
Way to ruin a funny thread.
I think a lot of people outside telltale game do care about good sales, because good sales means a bigger chance of there being more games. I know I would like to see more than one season of the TWD game or more Sam and Max or Monkey Island.
Well, you're right. I also care about that to a certain extent, since I enjoy TTG games and I've been playing them since the first season of Sam & Max, back in 2006/7, so I like hearing about good news for Telltale. But I was thinking more about new users who are playing a Telltale game for the first time. Those users just want to hear news about the next episode, not episode sales.
Again, I'm not pushing for the episode to come out. For me it's ok that TTG take all the time they want to release it, no hurry. After all, I got the season for free, how can I complain? (completely legal, of course, so mods please don't ban me, thanks :rolleyes:).
It's precisely because I care about Telltale, why I don't like that it's getting poor reputation not only because the delay, which could be ok in itself, but because no explanations at all are being given to the public.
BTW, sorry for ruining the "atmosphere" in this thread
Awesomenauts was not made by Tim Schafer.
Someone is confusing Psychonauts with Awesomenauts.
Although Psychonauts was definitely awesome and could have been referenced to as Awesomenauts.