Will Lee meet Shane?
As far as we know, the games take place pretty early in the apocalypse, and probably before Rick Grimes gets out of the hospital. Does that mean Lee will be able to meet Shane during the remaining episodes?
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Member in the comic books. He played a pretty big role... Ricks best friend.
It's probably an idea that came out from my desire to see more of this character, as he got killed really early in the comics and before the Prison arc in the series. Would be interesting though.
No human body can be unconcious for a month without support of fluids.
I am thinking Rick was out for a week at most.
Assuming Kirkman hasn't revealed that he's free to use the idea I used when I tried to do an Walking Dead Roleplay with a friend. Her character was in a Coma and being tended too till the last possible minute by a Mystery person who risked life and limb but when overrun They took off to regroup and didn't get back in time
Great idea, and kinda what I think happened except maybe it was Shane, Lori, or the medical staff. IIRC Shane was checking on Rick until the military showed up
Tweet it to kirkman
I'm pretty sure we'll meet a few more outlier characters but I'm not too sure we'll meet too many of the main cast. I could be wrong though! I don't write!
i'd like to see more females later in game has it's quite the sausage fest right now
I had to! Just in case! One has a gun, the other is super tech-savvy ... and I don't know what will be more important later.
-may not matter... they may both die no matter what sooner or later.... Walking Dead does that sort of thing.-
Depends on what you want the women for.
lilly being an exception while she stays so i'd like to see a female character to come in and challenge lee's authoritah..(better than lilly)
His death was what finally pushed the group to start their journey. I consider that pretty major.
Shane and Lori were already evacuating to Atlanta. Neither of them could have cared for him. I think he was only out for a day or so at most. Maybe three depending on how many IV's he had running. Once those ran out hunger and thirst would have awoken him. Or pain if he had run out of Iv pain meds.
My guess is he came two a day or so after he was given up for dead. Then he just had to play catch up.
The human body could possibly survive for many weeks without food. But without fluids? A week at the most.
I dont think the pain from a gunshot wound would awake someone from a coma, I may be wrong but i imagine it to be very different to being asleep. as for calories I dont think it would be such an issue because the body can survive without food for a long time and the fact Rick is not moving at all means all his bodies resources are being used to heal his wounds. I think he would wake up a lot skinnier than Andrew Lincoln looked in the show though
As for the sticky situation of fluids as mentioned by Lars80 I imagine he has fluids being fed through a drip. they dont always run on electricity so its possible that it still continued to supply fluids even after the power went.
Ricks coma may have lasted around month but was that a month since the zombies or a month since he was admitted to hospital. I'm unsure myself.
The Governor ( I think this is a possibility because of the cast of ep1 )
Would be interesting to see billy/ben running round playing together
*Possible Spoilers*
Episode 3: Long Road Ahead
After the events of "Starved for Help", the survivors may possibly encounter the infamous town of Woodbury and will, at one point, obtain the controls of a locomotive.
That's what TWD:TG Wiki says.
You already know the show won't touch the Governor-Michonne thing. And if they do it'll be nothing like the comic! If Lee's group does come across Woodbury it'd probably be early-on. Rick's group doesn't find Woodbury until around a year after the zombie outbreak. I guess we just have to wait to find out what they do!!!
p.s. How do I get a fancy signature thingy??
Well, the gunshot wound wont be causing pain over a long period of time unless it get infected. In this case it didnt. It was healing, and he was in a coma. I am guessing the doctors put him in that coma to allow his body to rest. So body was resting and not spending as much kcal. But that doesnt change the fluid situation. Perhaps a little bit but Rick was in bed, without assistance for a week. At most.
Abraham, hmmm.. maybe... Merle... I heard he's gonna be in next season of the show.... think they'll make him in the Woodbury crew? Who knows what they'll do with the show... a lot of stuff has been waaaaay different (*possible spoilers!*) and I don't much like it.. how they make Rick seem like such a pussy in the beginning.. Carl learning to be a badass from Shane instead of his dad, Andrea being some bitch instead of the awesome chick she is... they killed off Sophia who is still alive and well in the comics! They've already killed off Dale:(.. But anyways... as far as meeting Merle in the game, I don't see that happening as Merle is a tv show character and the game is supposed to be based of the comic. However, Glenn rolls off with Clem's walkie-talkie in the end of episode 1 of the game, ya know.. but he doesn't have a talkie in the comic.. but he does use a talkie to save Rick from Atlanta in the show... hmmmm.
No he won't, Shane is with the survivors (Dale with his RV and so forth) outside Atlanta where Glenn has gone now, I doubt Lee will go near Atlanta again, could be, but i bet by the time he gets there Shane and Rick will have taken the group further away from the city. Shane didn't die at the camp site as far as i can recall, he died between the Camp site and the prison.
Nah, Shane died at the camp site.. only a few days, maybe a week, after Rick showed up. Rick and Shane are fighting, cause Rick wants to move camp.. Shane is losing it.. tries to shoot Rick... Carl is witnessing it all and shoots Shane. "Don't hurt my daddy again!" Bye-bye Shane! Later after they find the prison and Rick finds out that "we ARE the walking dead!" He takes a trip back to the old camp site, digs Shane's zombie body up, and shoots it in the head. This happens, I'd say, about nearly 2 months after the beginning of the apocalypse, and they say the next episode of the game is gonna be 3 months after the beginning, so I'd say we can scratch Shane off the list of people Lee might meet
As an award i'm leaving you the memorable scene you quoted with Carl!