Comic/TV Characters you want in Game
Hey guys! 
I'm new to this forum so I thought that I should make my own thread for all you Walking Dead fans. What comic book characters or TV characters from The Walking Dead would you like to see in future episodes of The Walking Dead Video Game?? We already know that Glenn, Herschel, Lilly, Shawn are in the the video game so far and Thomas was referenced by the police officer in the car. I personally would love to see either Daryl from the TV series who is going to be in the upcoming comic issues soon, or Tyreese or Michonne who are in the comics somehow make their way into future episodes.
Also I'd, like to say good job TTG for making this awesome game, and I am so stoked for the upcoming episodes, so glad I bought the season pass

I'm new to this forum so I thought that I should make my own thread for all you Walking Dead fans. What comic book characters or TV characters from The Walking Dead would you like to see in future episodes of The Walking Dead Video Game?? We already know that Glenn, Herschel, Lilly, Shawn are in the the video game so far and Thomas was referenced by the police officer in the car. I personally would love to see either Daryl from the TV series who is going to be in the upcoming comic issues soon, or Tyreese or Michonne who are in the comics somehow make their way into future episodes.
Also I'd, like to say good job TTG for making this awesome game, and I am so stoked for the upcoming episodes, so glad I bought the season pass

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Oh cool, Jim was a great character wanted to know more about his past! Also was just wondering where did you find out who's going to make it into the future episodes?
New characters are the way to go, cameos were yesterday.
Haha, that's true. But what if you liked a certain character from the comic or tv show, whose past was left not fully explained. Wouldn't you think TTG could do a good job by placing them in the game and explaining it for us with the help of Kirkman?
Yeah, I think It'd be nice for Clem to have a friend who's a girl to play with, instead of Duck who's appeared to be boring her to death with his stories at the end of the 1st episode.
think ruari wants to be knight 'eyes suspiciously'
No R in your avatar collection yet?
i only did mine capn has yet to ask
and the guy with a b he did that himself lol
maybe if i'm really bored one day i'll do all of em..
Merle would murder that old fool...
That's true but Kirkman is willing to place TV characters into the comics. For example in the upcoming issues Daryl might make his way into the comics maybe as a member of the Saviors, and I wouldn't be surprised if Merle is going to be in the comics because he is in fact Daryl's brother. Here's what Kirkman said “I’ve definitely considered writing Daryl in to the comics. Norman is always pestering me about it. All I can say right now is that if you have been paying attention to the Internet we did just release a series of teasers called ‘Something to Fear’ for a new story arc that’s coming up and it’s a series of very threatening looking people with very specific weapons and one of them has a crossbow,”.
Yeah, Jesus is a pretty cool character that Kirkman created. Totally forgot about him when thinking about who I'd like to see in the game.
I want to see The Doctor played by David Tennant show up in a future episode
thank you for the insightful input.
I don't understand why you'd want to run into Andrew...besides...Andrew is locked up in the prison. He's been in there since the outbreak.
My Mistake
He runs away from the prison in the comic. And I would love to see him die!
Yeah. When he ran away I expected him to return at some point and either be a homicidal wreck or a vengeful villain. Instead kirkman tells us he will never return and he imagines that at some point he was killed and became a zombie. I would like to see him die. It just felt anticlimactic.