SPOILERS- Starved for Help- first 20 minutes.
Hey guys. I'm waiting for the game so long that i read almost every site that contained information about the demo of the second episode on the E3.
This is what i understood:
(This game will change by the choices you make. In this demo was saved Doug, Duck, and the gun was refused to Irene).
Three months pasted since the ligths turned off. Is now autumn, and the group is still at the Motel. All the entrances are closed and fortified, there is a big hole in the second floor and Doug has build an alarm. There is one new member, Mark, who joined the group because he had food. But now that food is gone, and they don't see any reason too keep him around.
The demo starts with Lee and Mark hunting. Lee kills a walker that, unfortunately is eating a rabbit, that could been a lunch to them. Then, they find a bird, a crow i think. Mark aim, and then Lee have an opurtonity to tell him to shoot, or to let him go, because they can't take the risk of the sound.
Then they hear screaming. They run and they find a professor trapped in a bear trap and two students trying to help him. I think at that point Kenny, that was hunting too, find them. They analyse the trap and understand that it was modified, and they can't disarm it.
A herd of walkers appear in the woods, atracted by the screams, what make you decide:
Run from the walkers or save the man?
(I think this choice is different, because, even if you try to save the man, you can run at any time, if you think it's hopeless. JUST A THOUGHT, not sure.)
Now this is what will happen:
Hypothesis 1- You run. In the heat of the moment, one of the students grabs a gun and accidentaly shots himself in the stomach. The professor is eaten by the dead.
Hypothesis 2- You cut the man's foot. An horrifying moment, full of blood and gore. After four strikes, the foot is separated, and the man passes out. One of the students gets grabbed (the same that would shoot himself), and is eaten by the dead.
Hypothesis 3- You try to open the trap. It's too hard. Nothing happend. Then you can choose hypothesis1, 2 or 4.
Hypothesis 4- You try to break the trap. You fail. Nothing happend. Then you can choose hypothesis1, 2 or 3.
In the demo, they chopped the teacher's foot.
Independently of the choice that you make this is what will happend (The only difference is that the injured might be the teacher or the student):
Mark carries the injured, and they run to the Motel. There, Lilly is on watch, and understand that something is cooming through the woods. Luckly are Lee, Mark, Kenny and the other two guests. They enter, and Lilly yell at them, for bringing two more mouths to feed, and charges to Lee, the remainig food: half an apple, a piece of jerky, and two packages of Cheese and Crackers. You have nine people, without counting you and the injured ( I don't know if you can keep the food to yourself, but i don't think you can feed the injured, beacause he is fainted) and just four pieces of food (I also don't know if you can give more than one piece of food to someone). The players that don't received food might be pissed of with you, and say that you have favourites.
In the demo, they fed Clementine, Duck, Kenny, and Mark.
When you go talk to Kenny, he says that he is thinking about living the group, to go to his boat, and if that happend, you're welcome to go with him and his family.
Meanwhile, Katjaa started to heal the injured, in one of the trucks. When you go talked to her, she tells you the bad new ,that he couldn't resist, and passed away. But then the body starts moving and attacks Lee. Larry and Doug come to the rescue. Lee is on the ground with the walker on top of him. Then he sticks his thumbs into the zombie's eyes, but he doesn't die. Larry, with one final swing, sticks an axe into the waler's brain.
They are all mad at the other student, beacause he should told them that his friend was bitten. And then, the student tells you that you are all infected. Whatever it is, it's just waiting untill you die, to turn you into a zombie.... No matter how you die....
PPS: Sorry if my english is bad....
This is what i understood:
(This game will change by the choices you make. In this demo was saved Doug, Duck, and the gun was refused to Irene).
Three months pasted since the ligths turned off. Is now autumn, and the group is still at the Motel. All the entrances are closed and fortified, there is a big hole in the second floor and Doug has build an alarm. There is one new member, Mark, who joined the group because he had food. But now that food is gone, and they don't see any reason too keep him around.
The demo starts with Lee and Mark hunting. Lee kills a walker that, unfortunately is eating a rabbit, that could been a lunch to them. Then, they find a bird, a crow i think. Mark aim, and then Lee have an opurtonity to tell him to shoot, or to let him go, because they can't take the risk of the sound.
Then they hear screaming. They run and they find a professor trapped in a bear trap and two students trying to help him. I think at that point Kenny, that was hunting too, find them. They analyse the trap and understand that it was modified, and they can't disarm it.
A herd of walkers appear in the woods, atracted by the screams, what make you decide:
Run from the walkers or save the man?
(I think this choice is different, because, even if you try to save the man, you can run at any time, if you think it's hopeless. JUST A THOUGHT, not sure.)
Now this is what will happen:
Hypothesis 1- You run. In the heat of the moment, one of the students grabs a gun and accidentaly shots himself in the stomach. The professor is eaten by the dead.
Hypothesis 2- You cut the man's foot. An horrifying moment, full of blood and gore. After four strikes, the foot is separated, and the man passes out. One of the students gets grabbed (the same that would shoot himself), and is eaten by the dead.
Hypothesis 3- You try to open the trap. It's too hard. Nothing happend. Then you can choose hypothesis1, 2 or 4.
Hypothesis 4- You try to break the trap. You fail. Nothing happend. Then you can choose hypothesis1, 2 or 3.
In the demo, they chopped the teacher's foot.
Independently of the choice that you make this is what will happend (The only difference is that the injured might be the teacher or the student):
Mark carries the injured, and they run to the Motel. There, Lilly is on watch, and understand that something is cooming through the woods. Luckly are Lee, Mark, Kenny and the other two guests. They enter, and Lilly yell at them, for bringing two more mouths to feed, and charges to Lee, the remainig food: half an apple, a piece of jerky, and two packages of Cheese and Crackers. You have nine people, without counting you and the injured ( I don't know if you can keep the food to yourself, but i don't think you can feed the injured, beacause he is fainted) and just four pieces of food (I also don't know if you can give more than one piece of food to someone). The players that don't received food might be pissed of with you, and say that you have favourites.
In the demo, they fed Clementine, Duck, Kenny, and Mark.
When you go talk to Kenny, he says that he is thinking about living the group, to go to his boat, and if that happend, you're welcome to go with him and his family.
Meanwhile, Katjaa started to heal the injured, in one of the trucks. When you go talked to her, she tells you the bad new ,that he couldn't resist, and passed away. But then the body starts moving and attacks Lee. Larry and Doug come to the rescue. Lee is on the ground with the walker on top of him. Then he sticks his thumbs into the zombie's eyes, but he doesn't die. Larry, with one final swing, sticks an axe into the waler's brain.
They are all mad at the other student, beacause he should told them that his friend was bitten. And then, the student tells you that you are all infected. Whatever it is, it's just waiting untill you die, to turn you into a zombie.... No matter how you die....
- The student that is unhurt is called Ben, and we can see him in the preview saying: "This isn't happening!". Probably, he says that while his teacher is trapped.
- Is during the twenty minutes that Katjaa thanks/scolds you for saving/not saving Duck from the walkers at Hershel's.
- When the three hunters arrive to the hotel, there is a huge figth between Lilly and Kenny, and you can decide who is right, or remain impartial.
- At some point there will be an hypotesis (or not), where Lee tells Mark that Larry doesn't like him, beacause he is racist. Later Mark and Larry will both ask you the axe. You choose who to give, and after that Larry calls you something. If you told that later to Mark, he will call him racist.
PPS: Sorry if my english is bad....

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Before posting "OH MAH GAWD DOODE DIS IS JUST A NUTTER E3 PREVIEW!!!11!eleventy!1!"
Yes it is but this is game informers review and they have scenes that we've never seen before.
We also see how Doug could come in handy this episode by building that weird...device thing with strings.
I knew that Doug was going to build an alarm. But i had never seen it so close.
About the same. "Longer" episodes are an exception.
i reckon ep1-4 will be the same length of 2-3 hours depending on play style and mistakes made
ep5 maybe a bit longer being the finalle but i dunno but i hope :P