I didn't realize they did that. I figured something like that would happen. I'd rather them take a little more time than rush out a piece of garbage though
i hope they figure some better system for releases out, im not sure on there standing with advertising monthly then changing the wording after the release of the first episode, something about that doesnt sit right at all.
The way I see it, the campaign is like a set of reverse tournament brackets. The more decisions you make, the more you split off. I think episode 3 will be out in a month, because there was (spoilers)
The way I see it, the campaign is like a set of reverse tournament brackets. The more decisions you make, the more you split off. I think episode 3 will be out in a month, because there was (spoilers)
less huge decisions to make than in episode 1
( spoilers).
i dont actually recall any huge decisions that could lead down a different path tbh, and the fact that carly was barely in the episode AT ALL makes me think that the actual choices are aesthetic at best
Seriously don't care when it'll be out, I don't even know when I'll be able to play Episode 2 on my PS3 because of this bullshit situation with european psn release =(
I reckon humans would hAve gone off planet, settled in the nearest starcluster and yeah smoked space...I mean pathway 011213 yeah that's right / / I said / / anyways me and mechasnoop would be on the moon, selling rox not drugs obviously, moon rox (yeah cks got changed to x, Calvin klein went down obviously...but The real reason we never got to pull the trigger was the mountain of monkeys l, literally billions of monkeys defending their homelands, these monkeys then restore x back to cks, so now I'm back to selling rocks, we engage in a battle for space that spans lightyears and only ends when all the stars have burnt out...among this darkness though, there is hope, untold time has passed, even god couldn't count this high...TTg emerge from the Ashes of a broken universe, finally.... episode 3 is complete.
havent even got epp 2 yet, still fucking waiting, split feeling on one hand want to play the game i paided for on the other want to see ttg go broke and belly up so they cant fuck up on the community again
Episode 3 will come out when the devs have reaped just enough from the forums to add in so be creative make jokes make screenshots come up with crazy theories check out my spoilers in "Questions for the walking dead team"
Since its no longer a monthly release, there is no way to tell when EP 3-5 is coming. Telltale changed there ads to periodically release now. I'm guessing its because they cant release once a month.
I think it's best to just give up hope on a definitive release date. That way when it happens, it'll be a pleasant surprise. Never the less, mid August is my guess.
Sonsabitches, can't I just get my monies back?! Or give us every game you've developed for free...it's completely justified, rational and possible...honest
This could go into 2013??? WOW
Maybe they will sync the 5th episode of the game with TWD show
I wouldn't want to be in the company of angry people till 2013! :O
Do you see anyone flaming in here? I didn't. The TOPIC is certainly open for discussion before and after an official statement emerges.
Brilliant! lol
No, but it's likely to happen any day now..
If they released Episode 3 next week, it'd still be late.
I love it.
Feed me more!