I see that most people tired to save Larry. Screw that guy, I don't care if he's looking out for his daughter he still tired to leave me for dead in the drug store. Kenny won me over even more after he bashed his head in.
I guess i should add i killed both brothers because i wouldnt want them to recover and come after the group seeking revenge for what we did to them and their mother.
And those brothers knows where to find us.
Now, because i killed them, i wont have to worry about that.
Didn't chop the leg in time. I tried everything else first, and ended up leaving him behind.
Did not shoot Jolene. I was really starting to have suspicions about Danny by that point, and his attack confirmed his evil intents to me.
I stopped Clementine from eating right in time. I didn't know that there was a different outcome to that.
Didn't help kill Larry. After Kenny accused me of putting his son in danger (despite my helping him in Episode One), I started trying to help Lilly instead. Besides, Larry is a strong mofo, maybe saving his life twice would get him to stop hating me so much, y'know?
I killed Danny because his ramblings wouldn't look good for an impressionable little girl. And because his earlier murder of Jolene needed punishment. However, I didn't kill Andy... I thought leaving him to his own misery was better than just letting him die. He wants to eat people, then he can go eat people. That jerk.
I didn't steal from the car. I think it was more Clem instilling her good nature on me at that point, though.
Chopped the leg. I've read the comics, so I knew he could survive if we stopped the blood flow. I can see why it didn't work, though, because I don't know exactly how far from the motor inn we were, but it was probably far enough that he lost plenty of blood by the time we returned.
Didn't shoot Jolene. She wasn't wanting to kill us, she was scared. At first, I thought she was Clementine's mom, but then I remembered Clementine was black. (Hard to tell.) This is what got my suspicious of the St John's being cannibals. After talking to Danny when he got back, and how he said "a REAL special supper" or something like that, it confirmed my suspicions, and from then on I sided with Kenny because he knew something was up too.
I stopped Clem from eating as well, Kain. I also did not know there was a different outcome.
Killed Larry. I want to keep Lily around, and if Larry got back up and bit her face off (Probably doesn't, and I don't intend to do another playthrough to find out.) it wouldn't be good.
Didn't kill Danny or Andy. I'm pretty sure they aren't coming back, guys- did you see their zombified mom coming down the steps? I'm pretty sure neither of them could bring themselves to kill her, and they cant fight off that many walkers. Danny wouldn't have been able to get out of that deer trap fast enough to escape- there was proof of that from the beginning of the episode.
Didn't steal from the car for Clementine's sake. If we suffer from it, so be it.
I tried everything possible and was goint to cut the leg off when I was completely out of options. Ran out of time for him before I even took a swing at his leg in the end though.
Didn't shoot the crazy woman since I figured I could talk her down and she seemed annoyed at the farm guys I was already suspicious of.
Tried to save Larry since the guy can hit like a truck and seemed like it was worth at least trying to save him first.
Decided to let the brothers 'live'. I don't think they were in much of a position to be a threat.
Didn't steal from the car because Clem didn't want to and she kinda had a point.
Chopped David's leg off? I chopped his leg off, I didn't know there was another option
Shot Jolene? I shot her the first time.. went back and didn't shoot her cause I felt bad and wanted to hear what she had to say lol
Helped kill Larry? Yup, I sure did.
Killed both of the St. John brothers? I killed em both dead!
Stole food from the car? I wouldn't call it stealing... it was obviously abandoned!
Gonna go play through on my Carly save later and try out some different options.
Chopped David's leg off or not?
Wasn't long before I was hacking at his leg. I think the only thing I tried to do before that was to pry the trap open. I figured that I wasn't gonna piss about but instead just get him out and get the group away from the zombies.
Shot Jolene or not?
I have sort of decided that unless under extreme conditions, I won't kill a human on purpose. I was sure that she wasn't going to shoot so I let her talk and began to pity her really. Was pretty annoyed at Danny afterwards as well.
Helped kill Larry or save him?
I helped kill Larry. This is the only decision I made that I sort of regret. I pretty much just thought at that time "Kenny or Lilly?" and that wasn't the right thing to do. Me and Kenny have gotten along so far (although he keeps acting as though I backed up Larry back up the drug store which I didn't do), and me and Lilly haven't, plus I sort of judge her from her actions in the comics. But I agreed with Kenny and felt really bad for Lilly (until she decided to not shoot Andy later on), when Kenny could have easily waited over Larry's body with a salt lick to smash his brain in as soon as he reanimates.
Killed both of the St. John brothers or left them?
I didn't kill either. Like I said before I have decided not to kill humans and I wasn't going to stoop to their level. I figured that Danny was pretty much screwed anyway trapped in that bear trap and so was Andy with all those zombies around. Lilly was pissed off that I helped kill her dad but didn't kill Danny. She had a point, but Danny wasn't at risk of killing us anymore. And with the whole group there I didn't think it was right to kill Andy, especially with Duck and Clementine there.
Stole food from the car or leave it?
I stole the food, and this was a pretty easy decision for me. You have to think about the group and although Clementine didn't want to take the food, I would rather her be annoyed and everyone would be able to eat than otherwise.
Also I gave Cheese and Crackers to Clementine and the Apple to Duck because they are only kids and she be a top priority. I offered the other Cheese and Crackers to Carley who declined but suggested I gave some food to Larry, so I gave him jerky (and gave the axe to Mark). And I gave the last Cheese and Crackers to Kenny.
Priority List
1. Clementine - I think this is what the game intends, for her to be the top priority
2. Duck - He is pretty annoying, but I think kids should be top priority.
3. Carley - She saved me a few times in Episode 2 and she seems like a good friend to Lee, and they trust each other.
4. Kenny - Lee and Kenny are pretty good friends and have stuck by each other.
5. Katjaa - She's isn't as useful as Kenny or Carley, but is good with Clementine (and Duck obviously) and is more useful than Ben so far.
6. Ben - I don't really know him and he is the newest so he isn't a high priority, plus at the moment he doesn't seem so useful.
7. Lilly - I sort of judge her because of the comics, and she kind of hates me now (she left me to die), but I know she will survive anyway.
Decided to let the brothers 'live'. I don't think they were in much of a position to be a threat.
How are they not a threat?
If big brother stands up, see his mother as a zombie, finds a gun, blame you and know where you are located.
How is that not a threat?
Chopped his leg - I wanted to save his life and all. Besides, the comics seem to like chopping guys' limbs off.
Didn't shoot Jolene - It seemed like she knew some very interesting info I wanted to know. When Danny shot her just when she started talking about him, I knew for sure they were trouble. Also, I was overcome by pity since she was raped. She wouldn't have threatened us like that if she didn't think we were trying to rape her/Clem.
Didn't kill Larry - Larry was obviously alive. CPR could've saved him, he wasn't deas yet. Worst case scenario, we kill him after he turns, when there's no other chance. From that point, I resumed my "kenny is an ass" way of thinking. I really don't like him most of the time.
Didn't kill the brothers - Even if Clem wasn't right there, they didn't deserve the easy way out. I wasn't going to fall to their level.
Didn't steal the food - I use Clem as my moral compass. She was so intent on not stealing, I wanted to side with her. It was a tough decision, but I prefer that Clem sees me in a positive light.
- I chopped the guy's leg off straight away. After Mark said that the trap was altered so that there was no release latch I figured that there was no point in wasting time on the bear trap itself. I also ruled out trying to break the chain as even if it did break the guy was still going to be hopping around with the bear trap on his leg. Hacking the leg off was the only plausible option to me.
- My initial reaction to Jolene was that she had gone crazy due to the loss of her daughter and although that is true, I had a feeling that there was some credibility with what she was saying and I thought she knew about the St Johns being cannibals so I didn't shoot her. After the shooting, Danny kind of reveals he is a cannibal after looking at the corpse and talking about it being 'tainted' and then saying 'what a waste'.
- When it came to Larry having a heart attack, I didn't even think about our mutual hatred. All I thought about was that the guy was clearly dead and his daughter was trying to cling on to the only thing left in her life. She wasn't thinking about him turning in a few minutes just like any other person wouldn't if it was their own flesh and blood. I have sided with Kenny all through the game and I felt he was in the right here too.
- Mark was a character I instantly liked. When Lee, Mark, Carley/Doug and Ben went to the dairy I felt that Mark and Lee knew what was was best for the group when they talked about how safe it is etc. In my opinion, those two would have been the perfect pairing to lead the group. So as soon as I found out that the family had killed Mark for dinner, I felt the need to avenge him and I did, first-hand. I know that some say the didn't do it for Clementine's sake. Clem is pretty understanding for a girl her age as shown by the conversation in episode 1 where Lee talks to her about only killing 'bad' people. I hope in episode 3, Lee can talk to Clem about the cannibals and make her understand how they were bad and how it was ok to kill them.
- Finally, the car full of food was quite an easy decision for me. Although Clem and Lilly didn't want to steal, I saw it as better for the group as a whole if we took the food. I want Lee to be the leader of the group and that is a decision a leader would make: Putting the group as a whole first no matter the strong connections to one or two you have made personally. That is also why I don't think Kenny would make a good leader. I could easily see him causing the death of another of the group if it meant saving Duck or Katjaa. The only cause for concern for me is that in the future we may come across the original owners of the car and they will recognize the hoodie Clem is wearing and that may start a whole lot of trouble.
I chopped the teacher's leg. I tried prying it open first, tried chopping the chain, but knowing what kinda story this is, I knew I was going to have to chop the leg. By the way, doing that was the most horrific thing I've seen in a videogame... at least until later that episode.
I gave food to Mark, Larry, Lilly and Clem. I tried giving some to Doug but he politely declined (making him even more awesome and moving him up a spot in my priority list). i gave some to Mark and Larry because they were both working on the fence and needed the energy. Plus, I was trying to make peace with Larry and Lilly at that point. That's also the reason I offered food to Lilly. She refused, but I insisted. She looked exhausted anyway and was the one keeping watch. I also offered food to Kenny to make peace, but he told me to give it to Duck. I didn't have the heart to feed Duck and not Clem, and Kenny was being a schmuck at the time, so I fed Clem instead (he didn't like that).
I chose not to shoot the woman. Maybe I've read too many Kirkman comics, but I knew the brothers were bad news the moment they walked up (also, maybe I'm sick, but when it's the apocalypse, food is scarce and a couple people stop by telling you they have plenty to eat, I just automatically assume they're cannibals). The woman obviously knew more than I did about the dairy farm, the bandits, or both, so I kept trying to calm her down so she would talk.
I tried to save Larry. Throughout the whole of Episode 2, I kept talking to Lilly and Larry every chance I got and I started appreciating Larry a little more - even if I still didn't actually like him. I knew if I opted to just smash his head in, Lilly would never forgive me and I'd always have to worry about her. I figured, if he started to turn, we could kill him then but until then we had to try to save him. To me, what Kenny did was unforgivable (and, by the way, salt brick to the head while I was trying to give CPR IS the most horrific thing I've seen in a videogame). He acted way too quickly. It's become obvious to me that Kenny is actually a huge coward. He'll throw anyone under a bus - including me - if he thinks it keeps him and his family out of harm's way. He didn't hesitate to smash Larry's head in to protect himself, he didn't lift a finger to help save Shawn in Episode 1, and he hid in the barn stall while I fought with Danny at the end of this episode. The guy's a coward, I think me and him are done.
I let the brothers live because I wasn't going to become them and because leaving them to the walkers was more justice than giving them a quick death.
Taking the food from the car was actually the hardest decision for me in the game, but in the end, I opted to take it.
I decided not to help Kenny kill Larry. It just felt completely wrong. If Larry had turned, there would have been time to smash him over the head before he would have had time to get up off the ground. Also Kenny has more and more demonstrated he will sacrafice any of the group to save his wife and son. Understandable to a point, but Im starting to dislike the guy.
I killed neither of the brothers. Both of them were clearly insane, but the situation in both cases didnt require their deaths. The first brother was down and trapped, so he wasnt an immediate threat. And the second brother had clearly gone off the deep end. I stopped Lee from punching him after the first few blows almost knocked the guy out. Didnt want the rest of the group to watch Lee beat the guy into a pulp. So I walked away and left him to his mama.
The food to me was a tough, but clear choice. They had lost the opportunity to get food from the farm. They were back to virtually starving again. There was no way they could turn there noses up at the prospect of a entire car full of supplies. Its entirely possible the owners of the car are already dead. Or maybe fled on foot with a bunch of walkers on their heels. If they left the food, theres a chance it would just sit there and rot. Clementine didnt like it, and to be honest I felt guilty about it too, but it had to be done. Hopefully she wont hate us for it
Am i the only one who felt great crusifying the brothers?
They chop Marks leggs off and feed them to you and your group. Mark later dies because of the wounds.
They lock you in the freezer, with the intentions to kill you. This kills Larry.
Sorry but as soon as i got the chanse to kill little brother i did so. And it felt good.
And when i sat on big brother i punched him repetedly in the face, on one side. Didnt want to split the damage on both sides. I must have punched him 20-25 times and i would have continued doing it untill the game stopped me. Then when i got the chanse i kicked him into the fence. This man will not get a chanse to find a rifle and come after me. And who knows what he is capable of doing when he see his mother as a walked and little brother stuck in the barn. He himself would be capable of outrunning the walkers approaching him. And if he finds a rifle. What would i do if i was him? Oh ya. Clementine or no Clementine. Big brother Andy had to go.
no, there is no other alternative. Although there really is because I know how those traps work, it is just a matter of compressing the two metal springs on the side. This can be accomplished by stepping on them, then the jaws will release. But for plot reasons and possibly because the heroes do not understand how a spring works... the only method available to free the guy given is chopping his leg.
Actually you can not cut off the leg.
1. Try to cut the chain.
2. Try to trap. With hand. With ax. With stick (by looking at the stick).
If you do enough failing actions the game skips to "Can't save him" branch. And instead of taking one-leg to the Inn, the black haired kid panics, tries for Mark's gun, and gets gut shot. Mark carried him back instead.
My favorite choice is after the salt lick flattens Larry's head, you can press A to give a 5th chest compression.
After a while, I did. But I tried a few things first. I tried to cut the chain until Mark griped at me. I tried to cut down the tree (....STFU.) until they got on to me. Then figured that I had no choice and went to hack-a-leg strategy. It was Kenny muttering about wasting ammo that put my ass in gear and I knew that it was either that or this guy was toast. (... which he was anyway. Jerk.)
First time through it was super hard! I gave Clem and Duck food as well as Lilly and Mark. I figured that I'd try to try and turn Lilly a little more my way if I could without upsetting the group. Later on I wished I had given the food to Larry instead of Mark but that was for a later playthru. I didn't trust Larry yet so gave Mark the axe as well.
Told the group not to go to the dairy. But the assholes didn't listen.
Told them that I was the leader and didn't divulge much information. I was pretty silent when they'd ask questions of be extremely vague. Needless to say, I trusted these guys about as much as I'd trust Lebron James wanting to go back to Cleveland.
Fixing the swing was tedious but rewarding.
Didn't give anyone much information. And told Mark to not be so quick to kiss ass.
Shared hope with Clem as well.
Then Jolene came and I wanted to hear the story. I honestly thought that she'd end up shooting me and I'd have to restart but I wanted to hear it. Then that's when I knew just how bad the brothers were as of course, she gets shot just as she's about to divulge information on them. He had to stop her and I knew that things were about to get incredibly dicey.
Stopped Clem from eating the 'food'. I was like lightening when I found out that was going on!!
I had sided with Kenny the ENTIRE time but I couldn't bring myself to just kill Larry. I was beginning to make amends and was still trying to play the fence between Kenny and Lilly. I didn't know that Kenny would go apeshit crazy after that! And I saw Larry moving his mouth for a split second I thought he was going to cuss me out and then GALLAGHER'D. .... I saw just how weak Kenny could be in that moment. But he usually runs away from doing anything that's not explicitly for his family so I wasn't shocked. (Yes he came back for Lee in Ep. 1 but I bet Katjaa made him. xD)
On my first playthru, I killed the first brother then cringed when they showed Clem so I didn't have the heart to kill the other one. Especially as I knew that the walkers were on the way. He was beaten and not going anywhere. So I packed my shit up and left him to die.
Lastly, I had to side with Clem to make up for her seeing me kill the first brother. It sucked but I needed to make her slightly happier!
Chopped the leg | Yep, I felt he could still make it
Didn't shoot |She had clems hat so i wanted to know who the hell she was
saved Larry | I tried to save him. Even if I side with kenny, it was just wrong since this wasn't the first time this has happened and lilly said she has seen him in worse conditions.
Didn't kill both brothers |I had a feeling that when lilly came to save me when kenny's bitch ass was still hiding in the stable that clem would pop out and i wanted to show i was better than kenny's murdering ass.
Stole food | Stole the food. Clem only had cheese and crackers and the whole point of going to the farm was to get food for the group. I would be damned if i let clem starve anymore and i conviced her we were not like the bandits and we would not hurt anyone to get the food.
Chopped the teachers leg (after trying everything, didn’t seem to have any other option).
Didn’t shot that crazy woman. She was a very nonsense, but seemed to be getting somewhere with that talk. Also, I wasn't trusting at those brothers much by then (but must admit that cannibalism wasn’t my first guess).
Even disliking Larry and after all the problems that Lee had with him, I just couldn’t kill him that way. Especially with Lily around trying to save him desperately.
I’m sad because now Lee and Kenny had created a division between them (by both sides). If I could, I would have told Kenny to stay ready with that block to smash Larry's head the moment he turns into a walker, but I had to try save him before doing that.
Interesting that some people say that didn’t killed Larry because of Clem, but this is exactly a reason to kill him. My reason was Lily (with, by the way, isn’t the most logical choice since she will probably get separated from the group in the future and is not the best long-term person to side with).
I didn’t kill the brothers. The first one wasn’t going any where and having him alive could be useful to catch the others. Also, if I could capture them both, my vote would be to execute them (come on, we couldn’t let them escape after all that). But I would not kill them cold blood and without the groups word (and especially not in front of Clem).
And must say that there was some poetic justice at the end since by not killing them, they were eaten by the walkers.
About the car, there was no way I would leave that food there. The owners of the car were probably dead and, if not, they should not leave those things there unattended. And more than that, we really needed that food, so…
Was better to take that food and, if I find the owners, try to compensate them somehow (I would have no problems to let them join the group) than to leave it there to rot while we were hungry.
Gave food first to Clem and Duck (kids need it more and they are our first objective). Tried to give food to Carly, but she refused. That’s was perfect, so I didn’t had to choose between Kenny and Lilly (good thing I didn’t waste it with Mark or Larry).
Tried to be neutral about the whole Lilly x Kenny stuff as much as I could. Presented Lilly as the leader, but putted very clear that the group was capable to defend itself. Agreed with Kenny and Lilly when talked to them (not only to stay in a good position with them, but because both had a point and I couldn’t use the option to say they were wrong when they were not).
Managed to stop Clem from eating the food and used a more direct approach to inform the group about that crazy people (wasn’t time for chatting).
1. Chopped of the teacher's leg. It's a live after all, a crippled life in a world of zombies, but a life.
2. I didn't shoot, i mean, that lady was able to get in in our camp and stole Clementine's hat, she was a danger for Clementine specially, i needed to know who was she and what did she wanted. I had the feeling that she would die anyway.
3. I didn't help killing Larry, why? because i was hoping that maybe he could survive, and anyway, if he turns, it was impossible that three of us couldn´t kill a walker, even as big as Larry.
4. I didn`t kill the brothers, Clem was there, and i respected her over all the other things, even over my anger for that fuckin cannibals.
5. I didn't stole from the car, however, that was the hardest decision of the game for me. I decided to support Clementine because i need to make her understand that i'm someone trustable, and because i know that we could survive without stealing the food. And i was so proud seeing her facing all the group, i couldn't leave her alone in that.
PD: Sorry for my bad english, My native language is spanish.
I had chopped the leg. Like many others I hadn't realized there was another choice.
I didn't shoot Jolene. I wanted to see if she would keep talking
I did try to save Larry. He was a jerk but I didn't want him to die if he didn't have to. I even actually felt bad when he died. (am I the only one who did? )
I didn't kill either brother. For Clem's sake really.
I didn't steal the food. I didn't know if the people who owned the car would be back or if they were dead. If they were alive I didn't want them to come back to find nothing.
Oh and I gave food to Clem and Duck because they are kids. I can't say no to a hungry child. Also, I gave food to Mark and I tried to give food to Doug but he wouldn't take it. So I gave it to Lilly instead.
1. Chopped off band teacher's leg.
2. Gave food to Clem, Duck, Carley, and Mark.
3. Didn't kill Jolene.
4. Didn't kill the brothers.
5. Didn't steal from the car.
Chopped David's leg off? Nope, I actually tried everything else first, hitting the chain, using the rock, chopping the tree (LOL), using hands to break trap and hitting trap with axe. only thing i didn't do was use the stick. Eventually i ran out of time and left the poor guy there..
Shot Jolene? Nope, wanted to hear what she had to say but then she got shot..
Helped kill Larry? Sided with Lily for this, thought the guy was still alive
Killed both of the St. John brothers? Only killed the one in the barn, left the other one cos everyone was watching. So stats recorded as not killing both.
And those brothers knows where to find us.
Now, because i killed them, i wont have to worry about that.
Did not shoot Jolene. I was really starting to have suspicions about Danny by that point, and his attack confirmed his evil intents to me.
I stopped Clementine from eating right in time. I didn't know that there was a different outcome to that.
Didn't help kill Larry. After Kenny accused me of putting his son in danger (despite my helping him in Episode One), I started trying to help Lilly instead. Besides, Larry is a strong mofo, maybe saving his life twice would get him to stop hating me so much, y'know?
I killed Danny because his ramblings wouldn't look good for an impressionable little girl. And because his earlier murder of Jolene needed punishment. However, I didn't kill Andy... I thought leaving him to his own misery was better than just letting him die. He wants to eat people, then he can go eat people. That jerk.
I didn't steal from the car. I think it was more Clem instilling her good nature on me at that point, though.
Didn't shoot Jolene. She wasn't wanting to kill us, she was scared. At first, I thought she was Clementine's mom, but then I remembered Clementine was black. (Hard to tell.) This is what got my suspicious of the St John's being cannibals. After talking to Danny when he got back, and how he said "a REAL special supper" or something like that, it confirmed my suspicions, and from then on I sided with Kenny because he knew something was up too.
I stopped Clem from eating as well, Kain. I also did not know there was a different outcome.
Killed Larry. I want to keep Lily around, and if Larry got back up and bit her face off (Probably doesn't, and I don't intend to do another playthrough to find out.) it wouldn't be good.
Didn't kill Danny or Andy. I'm pretty sure they aren't coming back, guys- did you see their zombified mom coming down the steps? I'm pretty sure neither of them could bring themselves to kill her, and they cant fight off that many walkers. Danny wouldn't have been able to get out of that deer trap fast enough to escape- there was proof of that from the beginning of the episode.
Didn't steal from the car for Clementine's sake. If we suffer from it, so be it.
Didn't shoot the crazy woman since I figured I could talk her down and she seemed annoyed at the farm guys I was already suspicious of.
Tried to save Larry since the guy can hit like a truck and seemed like it was worth at least trying to save him first.
Decided to let the brothers 'live'. I don't think they were in much of a position to be a threat.
Didn't steal from the car because Clem didn't want to and she kinda had a point.
Shot Jolene? I shot her the first time.. went back and didn't shoot her cause I felt bad and wanted to hear what she had to say lol
Helped kill Larry? Yup, I sure did.
Killed both of the St. John brothers? I killed em both dead!
Stole food from the car? I wouldn't call it stealing... it was obviously abandoned!
Gonna go play through on my Carly save later and try out some different options.
Wasn't long before I was hacking at his leg. I think the only thing I tried to do before that was to pry the trap open. I figured that I wasn't gonna piss about but instead just get him out and get the group away from the zombies.
Shot Jolene or not?
I have sort of decided that unless under extreme conditions, I won't kill a human on purpose. I was sure that she wasn't going to shoot so I let her talk and began to pity her really. Was pretty annoyed at Danny afterwards as well.
Helped kill Larry or save him?
I helped kill Larry. This is the only decision I made that I sort of regret. I pretty much just thought at that time "Kenny or Lilly?" and that wasn't the right thing to do. Me and Kenny have gotten along so far (although he keeps acting as though I backed up Larry back up the drug store which I didn't do), and me and Lilly haven't, plus I sort of judge her from her actions in the comics. But I agreed with Kenny and felt really bad for Lilly (until she decided to not shoot Andy later on), when Kenny could have easily waited over Larry's body with a salt lick to smash his brain in as soon as he reanimates.
Killed both of the St. John brothers or left them?
I didn't kill either. Like I said before I have decided not to kill humans and I wasn't going to stoop to their level. I figured that Danny was pretty much screwed anyway trapped in that bear trap and so was Andy with all those zombies around. Lilly was pissed off that I helped kill her dad but didn't kill Danny. She had a point, but Danny wasn't at risk of killing us anymore. And with the whole group there I didn't think it was right to kill Andy, especially with Duck and Clementine there.
Stole food from the car or leave it?
I stole the food, and this was a pretty easy decision for me. You have to think about the group and although Clementine didn't want to take the food, I would rather her be annoyed and everyone would be able to eat than otherwise.
Also I gave Cheese and Crackers to Clementine and the Apple to Duck because they are only kids and she be a top priority. I offered the other Cheese and Crackers to Carley who declined but suggested I gave some food to Larry, so I gave him jerky (and gave the axe to Mark). And I gave the last Cheese and Crackers to Kenny.
Priority List
1. Clementine - I think this is what the game intends, for her to be the top priority
2. Duck - He is pretty annoying, but I think kids should be top priority.
3. Carley - She saved me a few times in Episode 2 and she seems like a good friend to Lee, and they trust each other.
4. Kenny - Lee and Kenny are pretty good friends and have stuck by each other.
5. Katjaa - She's isn't as useful as Kenny or Carley, but is good with Clementine (and Duck obviously) and is more useful than Ben so far.
6. Ben - I don't really know him and he is the newest so he isn't a high priority, plus at the moment he doesn't seem so useful.
7. Lilly - I sort of judge her because of the comics, and she kind of hates me now (she left me to die), but I know she will survive anyway.
If big brother stands up, see his mother as a zombie, finds a gun, blame you and know where you are located.
How is that not a threat?
Didn't shoot Jolene - It seemed like she knew some very interesting info I wanted to know. When Danny shot her just when she started talking about him, I knew for sure they were trouble. Also, I was overcome by pity since she was raped. She wouldn't have threatened us like that if she didn't think we were trying to rape her/Clem.
Didn't kill Larry - Larry was obviously alive. CPR could've saved him, he wasn't deas yet. Worst case scenario, we kill him after he turns, when there's no other chance. From that point, I resumed my "kenny is an ass" way of thinking. I really don't like him most of the time.
Didn't kill the brothers - Even if Clem wasn't right there, they didn't deserve the easy way out. I wasn't going to fall to their level.
Didn't steal the food - I use Clem as my moral compass. She was so intent on not stealing, I wanted to side with her. It was a tough decision, but I prefer that Clem sees me in a positive light.
- My initial reaction to Jolene was that she had gone crazy due to the loss of her daughter and although that is true, I had a feeling that there was some credibility with what she was saying and I thought she knew about the St Johns being cannibals so I didn't shoot her. After the shooting, Danny kind of reveals he is a cannibal after looking at the corpse and talking about it being 'tainted' and then saying 'what a waste'.
- When it came to Larry having a heart attack, I didn't even think about our mutual hatred. All I thought about was that the guy was clearly dead and his daughter was trying to cling on to the only thing left in her life. She wasn't thinking about him turning in a few minutes just like any other person wouldn't if it was their own flesh and blood. I have sided with Kenny all through the game and I felt he was in the right here too.
- Mark was a character I instantly liked. When Lee, Mark, Carley/Doug and Ben went to the dairy I felt that Mark and Lee knew what was was best for the group when they talked about how safe it is etc. In my opinion, those two would have been the perfect pairing to lead the group. So as soon as I found out that the family had killed Mark for dinner, I felt the need to avenge him and I did, first-hand. I know that some say the didn't do it for Clementine's sake. Clem is pretty understanding for a girl her age as shown by the conversation in episode 1 where Lee talks to her about only killing 'bad' people. I hope in episode 3, Lee can talk to Clem about the cannibals and make her understand how they were bad and how it was ok to kill them.
- Finally, the car full of food was quite an easy decision for me. Although Clem and Lilly didn't want to steal, I saw it as better for the group as a whole if we took the food. I want Lee to be the leader of the group and that is a decision a leader would make: Putting the group as a whole first no matter the strong connections to one or two you have made personally. That is also why I don't think Kenny would make a good leader. I could easily see him causing the death of another of the group if it meant saving Duck or Katjaa. The only cause for concern for me is that in the future we may come across the original owners of the car and they will recognize the hoodie Clem is wearing and that may start a whole lot of trouble.
I gave food to Mark, Larry, Lilly and Clem. I tried giving some to Doug but he politely declined (making him even more awesome and moving him up a spot in my priority list). i gave some to Mark and Larry because they were both working on the fence and needed the energy. Plus, I was trying to make peace with Larry and Lilly at that point. That's also the reason I offered food to Lilly. She refused, but I insisted. She looked exhausted anyway and was the one keeping watch. I also offered food to Kenny to make peace, but he told me to give it to Duck. I didn't have the heart to feed Duck and not Clem, and Kenny was being a schmuck at the time, so I fed Clem instead (he didn't like that).
I chose not to shoot the woman. Maybe I've read too many Kirkman comics, but I knew the brothers were bad news the moment they walked up (also, maybe I'm sick, but when it's the apocalypse, food is scarce and a couple people stop by telling you they have plenty to eat, I just automatically assume they're cannibals). The woman obviously knew more than I did about the dairy farm, the bandits, or both, so I kept trying to calm her down so she would talk.
I tried to save Larry. Throughout the whole of Episode 2, I kept talking to Lilly and Larry every chance I got and I started appreciating Larry a little more - even if I still didn't actually like him. I knew if I opted to just smash his head in, Lilly would never forgive me and I'd always have to worry about her. I figured, if he started to turn, we could kill him then but until then we had to try to save him. To me, what Kenny did was unforgivable (and, by the way, salt brick to the head while I was trying to give CPR IS the most horrific thing I've seen in a videogame). He acted way too quickly. It's become obvious to me that Kenny is actually a huge coward. He'll throw anyone under a bus - including me - if he thinks it keeps him and his family out of harm's way. He didn't hesitate to smash Larry's head in to protect himself, he didn't lift a finger to help save Shawn in Episode 1, and he hid in the barn stall while I fought with Danny at the end of this episode. The guy's a coward, I think me and him are done.
I let the brothers live because I wasn't going to become them and because leaving them to the walkers was more justice than giving them a quick death.
Taking the food from the car was actually the hardest decision for me in the game, but in the end, I opted to take it.
I decided not to help Kenny kill Larry. It just felt completely wrong. If Larry had turned, there would have been time to smash him over the head before he would have had time to get up off the ground. Also Kenny has more and more demonstrated he will sacrafice any of the group to save his wife and son. Understandable to a point, but Im starting to dislike the guy.
I killed neither of the brothers. Both of them were clearly insane, but the situation in both cases didnt require their deaths. The first brother was down and trapped, so he wasnt an immediate threat. And the second brother had clearly gone off the deep end. I stopped Lee from punching him after the first few blows almost knocked the guy out. Didnt want the rest of the group to watch Lee beat the guy into a pulp. So I walked away and left him to his mama.
The food to me was a tough, but clear choice. They had lost the opportunity to get food from the farm. They were back to virtually starving again. There was no way they could turn there noses up at the prospect of a entire car full of supplies. Its entirely possible the owners of the car are already dead. Or maybe fled on foot with a bunch of walkers on their heels. If they left the food, theres a chance it would just sit there and rot. Clementine didnt like it, and to be honest I felt guilty about it too, but it had to be done. Hopefully she wont hate us for it
They chop Marks leggs off and feed them to you and your group. Mark later dies because of the wounds.
They lock you in the freezer, with the intentions to kill you. This kills Larry.
Sorry but as soon as i got the chanse to kill little brother i did so. And it felt good.
And when i sat on big brother i punched him repetedly in the face, on one side. Didnt want to split the damage on both sides. I must have punched him 20-25 times and i would have continued doing it untill the game stopped me. Then when i got the chanse i kicked him into the fence. This man will not get a chanse to find a rifle and come after me. And who knows what he is capable of doing when he see his mother as a walked and little brother stuck in the barn. He himself would be capable of outrunning the walkers approaching him. And if he finds a rifle. What would i do if i was him? Oh ya. Clementine or no Clementine. Big brother Andy had to go.
As for momy, it was nice seeing her as a walker.
Actually you can not cut off the leg.
1. Try to cut the chain.
2. Try to trap. With hand. With ax. With stick (by looking at the stick).
If you do enough failing actions the game skips to "Can't save him" branch. And instead of taking one-leg to the Inn, the black haired kid panics, tries for Mark's gun, and gets gut shot. Mark carried him back instead.
My favorite choice is after the salt lick flattens Larry's head, you can press A to give a 5th chest compression.
After a while, I did. But I tried a few things first. I tried to cut the chain until Mark griped at me. I tried to cut down the tree (....STFU.) until they got on to me. Then figured that I had no choice and went to hack-a-leg strategy. It was Kenny muttering about wasting ammo that put my ass in gear and I knew that it was either that or this guy was toast. (... which he was anyway. Jerk.)
First time through it was super hard! I gave Clem and Duck food as well as Lilly and Mark. I figured that I'd try to try and turn Lilly a little more my way if I could without upsetting the group. Later on I wished I had given the food to Larry instead of Mark but that was for a later playthru. I didn't trust Larry yet so gave Mark the axe as well.
Told the group not to go to the dairy. But the assholes didn't listen.
Told them that I was the leader and didn't divulge much information. I was pretty silent when they'd ask questions of be extremely vague. Needless to say, I trusted these guys about as much as I'd trust Lebron James wanting to go back to Cleveland.
Fixing the swing was tedious but rewarding.
Didn't give anyone much information. And told Mark to not be so quick to kiss ass.
Shared hope with Clem as well.
Then Jolene came and I wanted to hear the story. I honestly thought that she'd end up shooting me and I'd have to restart but I wanted to hear it. Then that's when I knew just how bad the brothers were as of course, she gets shot just as she's about to divulge information on them. He had to stop her and I knew that things were about to get incredibly dicey.
Stopped Clem from eating the 'food'. I was like lightening when I found out that was going on!!
I had sided with Kenny the ENTIRE time but I couldn't bring myself to just kill Larry. I was beginning to make amends and was still trying to play the fence between Kenny and Lilly. I didn't know that Kenny would go apeshit crazy after that! And I saw Larry moving his mouth for a split second I thought he was going to cuss me out and then GALLAGHER'D. .... I saw just how weak Kenny could be in that moment. But he usually runs away from doing anything that's not explicitly for his family so I wasn't shocked. (Yes he came back for Lee in Ep. 1 but I bet Katjaa made him. xD)
On my first playthru, I killed the first brother then cringed when they showed Clem so I didn't have the heart to kill the other one. Especially as I knew that the walkers were on the way. He was beaten and not going anywhere. So I packed my shit up and left him to die.
Lastly, I had to side with Clem to make up for her seeing me kill the first brother. It sucked but I needed to make her slightly happier!
Didn't shoot |She had clems hat so i wanted to know who the hell she was
saved Larry | I tried to save him. Even if I side with kenny, it was just wrong since this wasn't the first time this has happened and lilly said she has seen him in worse conditions.
Didn't kill both brothers |I had a feeling that when lilly came to save me when kenny's bitch ass was still hiding in the stable that clem would pop out and i wanted to show i was better than kenny's murdering ass.
Stole food | Stole the food. Clem only had cheese and crackers and the whole point of going to the farm was to get food for the group. I would be damned if i let clem starve anymore and i conviced her we were not like the bandits and we would not hurt anyone to get the food.
Didn’t shot that crazy woman. She was a very nonsense, but seemed to be getting somewhere with that talk. Also, I wasn't trusting at those brothers much by then (but must admit that cannibalism wasn’t my first guess).
Even disliking Larry and after all the problems that Lee had with him, I just couldn’t kill him that way. Especially with Lily around trying to save him desperately.
I’m sad because now Lee and Kenny had created a division between them (by both sides). If I could, I would have told Kenny to stay ready with that block to smash Larry's head the moment he turns into a walker, but I had to try save him before doing that.
Interesting that some people say that didn’t killed Larry because of Clem, but this is exactly a reason to kill him. My reason was Lily (with, by the way, isn’t the most logical choice since she will probably get separated from the group in the future and is not the best long-term person to side with).
I didn’t kill the brothers. The first one wasn’t going any where and having him alive could be useful to catch the others. Also, if I could capture them both, my vote would be to execute them (come on, we couldn’t let them escape after all that). But I would not kill them cold blood and without the groups word (and especially not in front of Clem).
And must say that there was some poetic justice at the end since by not killing them, they were eaten by the walkers.
About the car, there was no way I would leave that food there. The owners of the car were probably dead and, if not, they should not leave those things there unattended. And more than that, we really needed that food, so…
Was better to take that food and, if I find the owners, try to compensate them somehow (I would have no problems to let them join the group) than to leave it there to rot while we were hungry.
Gave food first to Clem and Duck (kids need it more and they are our first objective). Tried to give food to Carly, but she refused. That’s was perfect, so I didn’t had to choose between Kenny and Lilly (good thing I didn’t waste it with Mark or Larry).
Tried to be neutral about the whole Lilly x Kenny stuff as much as I could. Presented Lilly as the leader, but putted very clear that the group was capable to defend itself. Agreed with Kenny and Lilly when talked to them (not only to stay in a good position with them, but because both had a point and I couldn’t use the option to say they were wrong when they were not).
Managed to stop Clem from eating the food and used a more direct approach to inform the group about that crazy people (wasn’t time for chatting).
1. Chopped of the teacher's leg. It's a live after all, a crippled life in a world of zombies, but a life.
2. I didn't shoot, i mean, that lady was able to get in in our camp and stole Clementine's hat, she was a danger for Clementine specially, i needed to know who was she and what did she wanted. I had the feeling that she would die anyway.
3. I didn't help killing Larry, why? because i was hoping that maybe he could survive, and anyway, if he turns, it was impossible that three of us couldn´t kill a walker, even as big as Larry.
4. I didn`t kill the brothers, Clem was there, and i respected her over all the other things, even over my anger for that fuckin cannibals.
5. I didn't stole from the car, however, that was the hardest decision of the game for me. I decided to support Clementine because i need to make her understand that i'm someone trustable, and because i know that we could survive without stealing the food. And i was so proud seeing her facing all the group, i couldn't leave her alone in that.
PD: Sorry for my bad english, My native language is spanish.
Gave food to clem, duck, larry and carley
helped revive larry,
didnt kill jolene
left both brothers alive.
didint steal the food
I didn't shoot Jolene. I wanted to see if she would keep talking
I did try to save Larry. He was a jerk but I didn't want him to die if he didn't have to. I even actually felt bad when he died. (am I the only one who did?
I didn't kill either brother. For Clem's sake really.
I didn't steal the food. I didn't know if the people who owned the car would be back or if they were dead. If they were alive I didn't want them to come back to find nothing.
Oh and I gave food to Clem and Duck because they are kids. I can't say no to a hungry child. Also, I gave food to Mark and I tried to give food to Doug but he wouldn't take it. So I gave it to Lilly instead.
2. Gave food to Clem, Duck, Carley, and Mark.
3. Didn't kill Jolene.
4. Didn't kill the brothers.
5. Didn't steal from the car.
Shot Jolene? Nope, wanted to hear what she had to say but then she got shot..
Helped kill Larry? Sided with Lily for this, thought the guy was still alive
Killed both of the St. John brothers? Only killed the one in the barn, left the other one cos everyone was watching. So stats recorded as not killing both.
Stole food from the car? Decided not to steal.