Was anybody else dissapointed in ep 2? *spoilers*
Was anybody else disappointed that Mark dies? We don't even get much of his background except that he worked at an air force base. He seemed like a pretty cool guy and i was sad when he was served for dinner

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But it works the other way, too.
And yeah, very good show.
1. When your ontop of Andy the game is vague on how to hit him
2. the previews and some of the scenes in the game are jaggedly cut.
Guys you should try talking to People even if it isn't mandatory.
Mark used to work at an airforce base but it was overrun, somehow the group found him at the base and luckily Mark had enough food for everyone, which led to the group letting him join.
Originally Posted by CapnJay
Did anyone notice how he says "If i hadn't open that door I'd BE food by now" in the beginning ?
i missed that..
i thought 'Gay toni from gta 4 ballard dlc' aka mark was ok but knew after he got the arrow and we never saw him or had the option to visit told me he was in the shit then the cannabalism hints told me he was the food...but wow can't believe ttg went there..
the fact that he was bumped off and not knowing anything about is not new tv shows do it all the time even films
He needed alot of extra indroduction time. Great character and all, but I think his fate would have sucked alot harder were he Doug or Carly.
I mean, she pretty much tells you your not allowed up to see your friend and that doesn't set off any warning bells?
Overall I loved this episode, and think it was really well written and done.
No dissapointments here.
We cant blame this on 'Lazy story writing' as Doug had an amazing impact on how episode 2 played out, and he's only on a quarter of people's 'gut reaction' saves.
i'll work on them soon