Episode 2 best quotes/ SPOILERS

Kaatja: Kenny I love that man but sometimes he's dumber then a bag of hammers
Carley: I found some batteries
Lee: Think you can handle those?
Carley: Your never going to let me live that down.
Mark:Calm down Larry I Know your just trying to protect your daughter like lees
protecting Clementine he told me so.
Larry: He Wha....I just need something to eat hunger would make anyone cranky.
CapnJay: I honestly don't think any episode could be darker then 2 i mean they implied they raped and murdered a young girl and resorted to cannibalism it can't get darker then that can it?
Predictions for Episode 3
Queen Clem has a crush on Ben
Carley: I found some batteries
Lee: Think you can handle those?
Carley: Your never going to let me live that down.
Mark:Calm down Larry I Know your just trying to protect your daughter like lees
protecting Clementine he told me so.
Larry: He Wha....I just need something to eat hunger would make anyone cranky.
CapnJay: I honestly don't think any episode could be darker then 2 i mean they implied they raped and murdered a young girl and resorted to cannibalism it can't get darker then that can it?
Predictions for Episode 3
Queen Clem has a crush on Ben
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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN? Lee, What the fuck do you mean?"
Lee: What's this thing?
Duck: Daddy, said it's called a salt lick.
Clementine: Yeah but don't lick it. It's gross!
Lee: Did you lick it?
Clementine:...I don't know...
From this point it can only get darker. The comics go waaaay worse then this kinda stuff. I know the TV show can't go as bad but the game can. I think it can probably be just as dark as evil as the comic if it wanted too.
Also, (I forget the lines) the part near the beginning where Ben and Duck are guessing what Clementine drew. It's a CAT, you idiots.
Yep, my favourite!
Kenny: "Lee, you know how to pick a lock right?"
Lee: "Why would you think that?"
Kenny: "Because you're, you know... urban?"
Lee: "Oh you are not saying what I think you're saying."
Kenny: "Jesus lee I'm from Florida! Crazy shit just comes outta my mouth"
That and the salt lick line had me laughing out loud. You really feel the few moments of humor in these games when the rest is just so insanely harrowing.
Duck: can i play in the hay lee ? please please lee (i forgot)
lee: sorry duck you can't go find your mother
duck; (sad face and walks away) aw ok....
and clem and the salt lick, ' i don't know' had me in stitches loling
even larry's demise when you try and save him 'splat'.... messy..
i ROFLed at that :P
and add to the list when Lee asks Larry about him talking to Brenda. "How about for a nice change of pace you mind your own f***ing business."
*an arrow is clearly sticking out of a character's arm*
My brother and I could not hold it together.
There we are, trying to teach Clementine what is best, and we miss all the lols because of it. :eek:
"Smells like shit, right Lee?" *proud little smile*
That was so funny.
Kat's face was hilarious, and Duck's head swiveled around so fast that I thought he was Linda Blair.
YES, this one! I seriously said "No shit!" out loud.
and when Clem said "it smells like manure, right Lee?" I instantly wished I'd chosen the "shit" option earlier.
not too dark tho other wise i'll need counciling...
Nope, we need this thing as dark as it can get, the comics can still be much much worse(Although its been rather boring lately, looks like the comics are starting to pick up the pace).
if they actually show child murder assault/rape then yeah it can..
imo a game is about entertainment and having fun and certain subjects no matter the form they come on are not fun to me..
but if ttg do get worse i will stop playing it..my views may seem daft to some but i have a line on what i will accept and so far ttg have managed to stay behind the line..
ep2 was good but i don't like how kenny has 'changed'...
Clem:...I dont know...
That really cracked me up. It sounds just like something a little kid would say.
She'll just exclaim it after Duck says, "It smells funny."
"Like shit! Right Lee?"
-Katjaa glare of doom-
i haz bin spoiled...
I missed that part. I said manure in ep 1 so she said manure and then the kids start giggling. That must have been funny though.
If I played it on the CPU then I would. I'm a console gamer though (don't kill me!). It was pretty funny to see her smile at Lee after she said it though like it was a bonding thing even if Duck and Katjaa weren't happy about it!
Is there something against console gamers around here? Lol.
I also said the "It's People" thing on my second playthrough just because I always wanted to say that, lol. Alas, it backfired as Clem ate the piece of Mark anyway. Then it felt bad, but it was still kind of fun, as well telling Larry to go ahead and eat. Sweet revenge!
Yay! Writing for Larry was so much fun! I'm gonna miss that guy!
Also, its awesome that you guys are picking out some of my favorite lines! Thanks for noticing!
LEE: "He got shot with an arrow!"
Not sure why exactly, but I laugh every time.
and then she shot me in the head
Also, when Lee looks at Duck in the swing: "He looks happy." Why does Telltale just include these goofy lines?