The emotion in episode 2 is unreal

I mean wow, talk about being sucked in lol! when your told to give the food out, the music mixed in with people all looking at you was just awsome! the music after the fight with andy? st john and whens he's telling you to come back and finish him, its beyond words! lol well done TTG you have out done ur self, my only regrette is not waiting until all the episodes were out so i can play it all at once and have a real fun weekend lol
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"F***... I mean... F***... I- I just... F***..."
I was blown away by this episode... I wish I had more time to think about what I should pick!!! Yes, I know it's to make it more realistic, and I love it... but god some of those choices... I felt bad doing either option most of the time!
And I can't believe I'm in the minority who
Helped kill Larry!
It really shows how much emotion they pack into the game when you can have yourself, who hates Kenny, and myself, who, while I think both "leaders" are wrong, would have a better friend and asset in Kenny. And so I like him much more than Lilly, but I still like Lilly. I wish she could be on my side too
I feel as though the developers should have added more distinct "I should be the leader" options for us to pick... Because I see much clearer paths to take than theirs. And truthfully, nobody acts without your say-so.
Although I wish I could be with both, I'm with Kenny. He seems more loyal. But that may be because of all my original choices... I DID give food to Larry and not Kenny though, but I fed Duck.
Nah i didnt feel bad at all, they killed mark, mark was a nice guy lol. he was not going to die from his wound, no way, it hit him in the most fleshy part of his back, just a flesh wound. but andy was nicer than danny i spose, on my 1st play thru, i accidently spared dannys life and killed andy lol but danny will surley die in that trap any way
Before I left to go to the camp, I was already weary about Danny, but then, afterwards, I even yelled to my computer "I will kill you dannyyyy!!!"
But if you think about it, Andy was the darker of the two... He was being nice to you so you'd stay, but in his mind, he was licking your arms and tenderizing your flesh...
I was very much pro-Kenny in episode 1. When Larry insisted Duck was bitten in the store I defended him and took Kenny's side 110% and Larry has been a jackass ever since. Straight away at the start of episode 2 he's having digs at Lee and pushing my patience.
The way Kenny looked at Lee in that instant, I don't see any way back. I trusted Kenny with my life in episode 1, thought I'd be sticking by him every step of the way, brothers to the end but just like Shane I feel his humanity is starting to slip. I appreciate he has his family to think about but Lee has Clem and no, she mightn't be his daughter but he'd still protect her with his life, doesn't mean he has to sacrifice his humanity.
I can see the gap widening between Lee and Kenny for me in future episodes now
I totally agree with this. Man it hurt when I realized that Kenny and I weren't on the same page anymore. :P
Well... DUH! It IS his only son.
I am with you on that after thinking about it they just wanted us dead, I feel bad about the lady that died in her camp at least I didn't kill her the other guy did in my story.
Now I can't wait to play ep 3 when it comes out but I do still have my Carrly story since I just played my Doug story.
He does help if you helped him take down Larry.
His face changes from scared to angry and he jumps out and starts attacking Danny.
He's definitely not a coward, he just puts an unusual amount of value on loyalty. If you stand with him and his decisions, he's with you. If you don't, then he takes it as a betrayal. I've stood by him the entire time, and he's always had my back. Someone who values loyalty that much is going to be the one who doesn't ultimately let me down.
I think the zombie apocalypse as changed Kenny for the worse, he's cranky, suspicious (yeah, that helped this time around, but probably wont in the future) and he puts his family before everyone else, he never helped me when I had the gun in my face.
I was really starting to like Larry, he was beggining to show his true colours in episode 2, and let's face it, we'd all be suspicous is a murderer was in our groups too, it was a shame to see him go.
On the bright side, with Larry gone, no one on my first playthough knows my little secret
im tearing my hair out seriously why cant europe PS3 play the game yet FFS
That doesn't engender trust in me, personally. He could feel betrayed through no fault of my own, as I really get the sense he expects 100% loyalty or nothing. I also don't think he cares about the survival of the group one jot, I think he'd sacrifice every one of them if it kept his family from perceived danger.
I'm sure that everything will come to light eventually. It's the biggest reason I always save the reporter on my 'main' play through. She knows and trusts Lee anyway. I can't be certain of Kenny or Lilly, they could go either way (Kenny because I 'lied' to him and he will feel betrayed, Lilly could turn on Lee for more logical reasons).
I think TTG's doing something very good, as I'm really getting a sense of complex characters with Kenny and Lilly at least. Their actions seem consistent with their personalities, yet I can't really nail down 'who' they are in a simple way. You could probably give them labels like Family Man and Devoted Daughter, but they come across with more depth than that.