Spoilers! Ending Choice!
So how many people looted the car at the end and why? Personally i took the food becasue no one was around and we needed it. I then told Clementine it was ok. Do you think this small yet big choice will have a larger outcome?
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i did both ways just to see what happens and in the trailer (if you dont steal,) clem doesnt have that red Brooklyn hoodie.
in the end though it prolly wont be that big of a decision.
Its to go with what you feel is right. Making the hard choices, like in real life, you cant just try it again.
My game is getting pretty messy with choices, siding with one person the another and such, but i do what i believe is right at the given time.
In reality I would of probably said wait and see if anyone returns within a few hours, but sadly that was not a option =\
Those sound like they could be some famous last words to me. I wouldn't be surprised at all that in the future we bump into a few random survivors and one of them looks at Clementine and says, "Hey, that hoodie looks really familiar..."
As for myself, I also ended up taking the supplies. As others have said, the car appears to be abandoned (even if it was recently) and the group really needed the supplies. Although I will admit I would feel horrible if it turns out the car's owner was just a couple meters off in the woods peeing or something.
Well, actually, I expected that much from Kenny, but I expected better from Carly.
And I didn't loot the car... I had to make up with Clementine.
Well, I was defending my self-worth by making sure they were both dead.
Leaving your car open with food and supplies in it during a zombie apoc is just dumb. It's a time to be more guarded, even lock the door and take the key's.
And who know's why the car was left abandoned, what may have happened to them. We were starving, could use the food and supplies.
Stealing food from anyone is wrong.
I'm sort of torn on that. On one hand you are absolutely right, on the other hand ever since I saw the bar scene in the second season of The Walking Dead (the TV show) I have adopted the belief that just because the world has gone to hell does not give you the right to treat as enormous toilet.
I hear ya, I would be torn too between the moral right and wrong as human beings. Like with Dale, (from the TV show) once said something like he can at leaste know he lived his life as a decent person. That's admirable, but useless in the end as the walkers were pulling his gut's from his body!
Then Shane, he realized quickly that it's the strong that survive, and those morals have very little meaning during a zombie apoc. Even tho I feel Shane kinda 'lost it' early on with shooting Otis and eventauly attempted to kill Rick.
I guess the stress of everything, the guilt of Otis, the loss of leadership and losing Rick's wife and son when Rick found the group, all added up to be too much for him to cope with.
So I've taken into account everything from the TV show, and all that's happened in the game so far to determine how I would be if I were in that world, if I were Lee.. I wont go out killing innocent people just to loot their food and supplies, but I will also not hesitate to do what I think I must to survive. Like when some crazy woman is holding a crossbow at me, or a family of cannibles are trying to eat me, or if I come across an abandoned car with food and supplies, I am not going to worry about the right or wrong of it when it's survival!
So I'm guessing the they ran out of gas and bumped into some walkers and were forced to run for their lives.
They had presumably survived off of less for quite a while.
I was saying in mind. Ok, we'll only take 2 boxes of food and one box of supplies, sadly there was no [o] button to back out and I was forced to just keep taking until the back of the station wagon was empty.
so you were stealing from a dead lady, but idk why it was still on
that would explain the coat
You don't know that until after they take the batteries from the car and get the camera going again. That's AFTER you decide not to loot the car.
Frankly it's a bit infuriating. If I knew it belonged to the bandits or the dead lady, that changes EVERYTHING! But, the decision was already made, so Clementine goes hungry and cold.
So, so very stupid.
Logically they'd have to realize this was either owned by the ass-hole bandits or the dead lady and they'd take the food, but since this is never shown, you have to assume the supplies are still considered forbidden by Lee.
It's so stupid to leave the supplies there, that when I replay Episode 2 (my saves got broken), I will definitely take the supplies. I still think that at that juncture, it seems like the wrong thing to do, but future-knowledge means it's the right thing to do. Bah! I might as well be a total jerk to the dairy farmers as well, for all the sense this makes, but I'm not going to let Clem freeze for nothing.
I figured it was abandoned, hence it was okay to take the supplies.
(Maybe it was a set trap though?)
I find it kinda amusing to read: "I didn't steal the food because I had to make up for the murder on Danny / Andy in front of Clementine."
Yeah: "Kid, sometimes, you have to kill a defenseless man caught in a bear trap. But NEVER EVER take food from someone else, no matter how close you are to starving." lol
I killed Danny because I didn't realize I had a choice and went like "Oh!" when I saw the you-made-a-choice note on top of the screen and watched the camera panning to a horrified Clementine. That really made me feel bad.
It would have been totally different if the cars owners had been there. Like Lee said, were not the same as the bandits. I wouldnt have forced an innocent family of survivors to part with their supplies. Would have probably begged for a few cans of food for the kids sake, but thats about it.
i'm with those that did not loot the car. personally i wanted to reassure clementine that lee was still there for her by listening to what she felt was the right thing to do. as traumatizing and messed up their world has become, that poor little girl needs to know she still has a voice and her guardian listens to her.
also loved the little battery 'jab' as a shout out to episode one.
Honestly i looked left and all but i just had a feeling that who ever's car that way is gonna get pissed and want revenge in ep3.
Obviously the bandits and the people at the dairy went way over that line, but I dont think our group has strayed too far yet.
I guess now its time to stress our loyalty to Queen Clem, bring it on telltale!
could have been the crazy lady car, when danny and lee came across her camp it was empty and nothing was there, maybe she came back to grab the tent and stuff,the hoodie could have been her kids, maybe she was gonna load up the car and grab Clem and hightail it out.