I disliked and went against Larry the whole time (although I gave him some of the food, as an olive branch to Lilly more than anything), but there was no way I was going to crush his head over the slight possibility of him reanimating.
I tried to save Larry because I wanted to be on Lilly's good side.
Though due to the comics I don't think she's going to stay until the end of episode 5. So Carley comes before Lilly ;o
oh I didn't realise Lilly was in the comics. I only read my compendium 1 through once, so I guess I forgot who she was. She did
kill Lori, but had no idea she was pregnant,
but she also
killed the govenor, after she realises how evil he is
. Now that I know, I don't know if it has changed my opinion about her, but then again we don't know the circumstances which led up to it. I'm guessing that she was
influenced by the govenor in a big way, and didn't know how to stand up to him?
Most fun thing it the game so far gotta be Kennys racist remark about Lee being urban and should know how to pick locks...
And Kennys excuse to say this is that he is from Florida... I really did "LOL" at that point.
Think how lilly feels, she got it all over her face!
I saw kenny lock at the block of salt lick and thought "Oh shit Kenny is gonna crush Larrys head whit that, shit is about to hit the fan in here and I dont have an umbrella"
I helped kill that fucker cause Kenny was right! His heart had stopped, who knew how fast he would turn... 6 foot 300 lb zombie locked in a small room with like 6 people.. who knows how many of us he would get before we could take him down.. after he took care of Lilly I'm sure he would have gone straight for Clem! It had to be done. I was NOT going to be down there by his face if he was going to turn soon! Sorry Lilly.. and may you rest in peace, Larry, you old bastard lol.
Oh. And about Larry's death scene.
I am going to assume that since 3 months have passed Larry and Lee have somewhat made up after the punching scene at the end of Ep1.
As always i try to play a game as if it was me in the situation.
When Larry dropped the EMT in me took over, i couldnt side with Kenny, how could i? Its against everything i stand for. But there are a few things to be aware of.
1. If you get a heart attack that severe. Unconcious and not breathing after three seconds? Thats it. You are dead, no matter how hard anyone tries.
2. There was no LP-15 in that room, and in a situation like this you need a defibrilator.
3. Lilly was doing CPR wrong. (Shame on you telltale)
So what did i do? In that situation i would have "tried" even if i knew there was no hope, so that is what i did. Lilly needed time and i wasnt gonna shatter her hope, even if i knew there was no hope. And i wouldnt want her to spend the rest of her life thinking we gave up Larry without trying.
Kenny smashed his head and became the bad guy. I understand why he did it, and i wish i had the option to tell him later that i dont hold it against him. But that wasnt an option.
I killed Larry of the second I had the chance I told ya, the second I get the change he is a dead man!
sadly he was already dead of a heart attack though, so I feel I was cheated out of my revenge! (was I really the only one who felt like this?)
I wanted to kill him myself, not led him die from a hearth attack and then just making sure that he would not come back as a zombie... but ohh well at least he is dead! and at least this doesn't make people suspicious about me sins everyone knows how he died and that it was Kenny that smashed his head in...
(so i guess it all worked out in the end)
Now no one knows my secret! (that Lee is a convicted murderer)
because I killed off Carley in Episode one because of the fact that she knew who I was and what I did and I never told Clementine that I killed a man, so unless the new guy knows what i did it looked like I'll get away with murder!
Mental note: Find out if the new guy Ben Paul knows about my crime and if he do, find a way to quietly kill him off without getting caught.
No because he still saved me. The fact that he ran to my rescue means something in all this.
Agreed. I didn't give Larry the axe, but I wish I had now. I didn't give it to him, because I clearly expected to be cleaved when I least expected it. For him to save you, when he could have let you die (after leaving you to do so once) definitely means something.
Oh. And about Larry's death scene.
I am going to assume that since 3 months have passed Larry and Lee have somewhat made up after the punching scene at the end of Ep1.
As always i try to play a game as if it was me in the situation.
When Larry dropped the EMT in me took over, i couldnt side with Kenny, how could i? Its against everything i stand for. But there are a few things to be aware of.
1. If you get a heart attack that severe. Unconcious and not breathing after three seconds? Thats it. You are dead, no matter how hard anyone tries.
2. There was no LP-15 in that room, and in a situation like this you need a defibrilator.
3. Lilly was doing CPR wrong. (Shame on you telltale)
So what did i do? In that situation i would have "tried" even if i knew there was no hope, so that is what i did. Lilly needed time and i wasnt gonna shatter her hope, even if i knew there was no hope. And i wouldnt want her to spend the rest of her life thinking we gave up Larry without trying.
Kenny smashed his head and became the bad guy. I understand why he did it, and i wish i had the option to tell him later that i dont hold it against him. But that wasnt an option.
I trained as an EMT too, and I think that's what drove a lot of my insistence that he wasn't a goner yet.
As far as Lilly doing CPR wrong, she was understandably distraught and not trained. I can live with her attempts at CPR, as it even makes sense for her to do it wrong. What drives me nuts is watching medical personnel on TV do the equivalent of push ups on cardiac victim's chests. Lock your elbows, bro. Save a life.
When I had Lee kneel down, I was so grateful that I didn't have to do mouth to mouth. That's just what I needed: to have Larry eat my lip while I'm trying to give him the breath of life.
I trained as an EMT too, and I think that's what drove a lot of my insistence that he wasn't a goner yet.
As far as Lilly doing CPR wrong, she was understandably distraught and not trained. I can live with her attempts at CPR, as it even makes sense for her to do it wrong. What drives me nuts is watching medical personnel on TV do the equivalent of push ups on cardiac victim's chests. Lock your elbows, bro. Save a life.
When I had Lee kneel down, I was so grateful that I didn't have to do mouth to mouth. That's just what I needed: to have Larry eat my lip while I'm trying to give him the breath of life.
Chest compressions were more than enough for me!
Only untrained personel do mouth to mouth. :P
I wouldnt, unless i had a pocket mask.(I always have a pocket mask with me in my backpack so its not a problem.)
And you know Larry was a goner. It was a matter of giving Lilly time to accept and understand it. I dont think she(Or anyone) would ever forgive me if i smashed his(Or someone elses) head in without trying.
But resuscitate someone who has a heart attack and slips into cardiac arrest is nearly impossible. It's a sick heart with little O2 that just decided to give up for a reason. Even with the right gear, medication and personel you got a nearly impossible task.
And you need that defibrillator to reset the heart.
When he started breathing and Kenny smashed his head in, I was thinking "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST KENNY HE WAS STILL ALIVE!".
It makes me sad that an honest man like Kenny got so selfish over these 3 months, cares nothing else than his family and who leads the group. I really thought we had something there :-(
When he started breathing and Kenny smashed his head in, I was thinking "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST KENNY HE WAS STILL ALIVE!".
It makes me sad that an honest man like Kenny got so selfish over these 3 months, cares nothing else than his family and who leads the group. I really thought we had something there :-(
True Kenny turned into a right a*******. He changed a lot since episode 1.
Oh. And about Larry's death scene.
I am going to assume that since 3 months have passed Larry and Lee have somewhat made up after the punching scene at the end of Ep1.
As always i try to play a game as if it was me in the situation.
When Larry dropped the EMT in me took over, i couldnt side with Kenny, how could i? Its against everything i stand for. But there are a few things to be aware of.
1. If you get a heart attack that severe. Unconcious and not breathing after three seconds? Thats it. You are dead, no matter how hard anyone tries.
2. There was no LP-15 in that room, and in a situation like this you need a defibrilator.
3. Lilly was doing CPR wrong. (Shame on you telltale)
So what did i do? In that situation i would have "tried" even if i knew there was no hope, so that is what i did. Lilly needed time and i wasnt gonna shatter her hope, even if i knew there was no hope. And i wouldnt want her to spend the rest of her life thinking we gave up Larry without trying.
Kenny smashed his head and became the bad guy. I understand why he did it, and i wish i had the option to tell him later that i dont hold it against him. But that wasnt an option.
I wish it was an option to tell Kenny that you understood why he thought he had to do what he did. But the only options were "You murdered him", "You're no hero", and silence. I chose silence and it pissed him off.
I tried to save him. It makes me wonder though, since Lilly is in the comics--there is a canon story to the walking dead game. I wonder what Lee (canon) would've done.
The ONLY reason I may not have sided with Kenny and killed Larry was Clem's reaction. I still feel killing Larry and keeping Kenny a friend (til we get to the boat then i'll feed him to the fishes) was the wisest thing to do at the time, it's just Clem saw that, but hey, it's a new world of kill or be killed/eaten, so tough it up lil girl!
I killed him. The way I looked at it is it seemed to be a severe heart attack and he probably would not recover; if he did there would be so many added complications that someone else or many people would die trying to take care of him (more food, meds, etc...). I know it is kinda heartless but it is me and Clem 1st then Kenny (& family) then Carley and who ever else after that.
It has to do more with trying to save someone versus preemptively killing them. Sure they hate him, but it doesn't mean everyone wants to just kill him. I personally figured he was screwed either way, so I figured I'd do the nice thing and try and help.
Exactly my way of thinking of this.
I just didn't want to kill him there, if there is a chance that he might survive... i'm not gonna just kill him for being an asshole to me...
If he doesn't survive you will deal with a zombie with a bear's size, not rotten yet, putting in danger all of you, Clem included.
Heart attack, he's not breathing, no pulse, the man tried to kill you three months ago...
It's clear for me, I won't put in danger to anyone cause that guy.
Well, you have a point, but at that moment i had to choose fast... and i'd rather not smash his head until i know for sure that he has no chance to survive.
Well, you have a point, but at that moment i had to choose fast... and i'd rather not smash his head until i know for sure that he has no chance to survive.
I understand your choice. I feel REALLY BAD for Lilly, but it's a consequence for my choice.
If someone has a cardiac arrest, unless you have access to a defibrillator or are trained to perform a precordial thump and get lucky, they are dead. CPR will help sustain viability until you can defibrillate, but cannot re-start the heart. So... given Larry's medical history, you know his arrest is of cardiac origin.. he is dead.
Maybe CPR as a purely token gesture would be helpful to Lilly... and waiting a few minutes before brain-smashing would have maybe been more tactful Kenny lol
I tried to save him, but I still don't like him. He attempted to murder you simply because he doesn't like you (he tries to dress it up all prettily as defending his daughter, but considering everything you had done to help so far it doesn't stand up, and still, trying to MURDER someone like that speaks more for his character than any pretty words he might spew out). Saying that he's 'had a hard life' is bollocks, if I have a hard life can I get to kill people I don't like too?
The fact that he was an army commander just means that he should know more than anyone the importance of teamwork. I didn't want him in the group as I could not trust him, but I wouldn't kill him or leave him to die, despite knowing that given the chance he would leave me to die by zombies.
I opted to try and save Larry for quite a few reasons, the fact he wouldn't make it was irrelevant.
Chief among them, Lilly's actually somewhat competent (having some military experience and all) and is (was?) actually invested in the group. And say what you want, Lilly and Larry had little things like "integrity" and "honesty". Kenny had none of these things going for him, the twerp's always been the two-faced parasite since he left Shawn Greene to die, has made it clear he's going to abandon the group, etc.
Granted, it wouldn't surprise me if Lilly's opinion and investment in the group (and her view of people in general) went down the crapper after Kenny re-enacted a Gallagher routine with her dad's head.
Granted, Larry ended up having Meat o' Mark for dinner in my playthrough too, but I haven't found a way to keep anyone except Clementine from eating it.
I opted to try and save Larry for quite a few reasons, the fact he wouldn't make it was irrelevant.
Chief among them, Lilly's actually somewhat competent (having some military experience and all) and is (was?) actually invested in the group. And say what you want, Lilly and Larry had little things like "integrity" and "honesty". Kenny had none of these things going for him, the twerp's always been the two-faced parasite since he left Shawn Greene to die, has made it clear he's going to abandon the group, etc.
Granted, it wouldn't surprise me if Lilly's opinion and investment in the group (and her view of people in general) went down the crapper after Kenny re-enacted a Gallagher routine with her dad's head.
Granted, Larry ended up having Meat o' Mark for dinner in my playthrough too, but I haven't found a way to keep anyone except Clementine from eating it.
Kenny came back and save me at the end of episode one, Larry tried to kill me. That says more about their 'integrity' to me. Kenny is unreliable, sure, he is quite cowardly but fear makes us do things we regret, but he believed that Larry was already dead and was doing what he thought best. Larry on the other hand nearly killed me deliberately, he wasn't panicking he saw the option to cowardly off me without people knowing and took it.
I couldnt wait for an opportunity to get rid of larry. I couldnt hit him hard enough with that salt lick, he was a dick and so is his petulant daughter. SHE IS NEXT!
Kenny came back and save me at the end of episode one, Larry tried to kill me. That says more about their 'integrity' to me. Kenny is unreliable, sure, he is quite cowardly but fear makes us do things we regret, but he believed that Larry was already dead and was doing what he thought best. Larry on the other hand nearly killed me deliberately, he wasn't panicking he saw the option to cowardly off me without people knowing and took it.
Except for the fact that Larry tried to kill Lee for the safety of the group, considering there's the minor detail that he knew Lee was a convicted murderer. Hell, the guy was on his way to prison when the apocalypse started.
Would you trust a guy convicted of auto theft with your car? I doubt it, so why would you trust a guy convicted of murder with your life, the life of your daughter, and the lives of everyone else in your group?
I would never say that I liked Larry (hell, I ended the first episode thinking about how I would have a chance to kill him), but I couldn’t kill him that way.
As I said in other topics, I would have tried to save him and asked Kenny to be ready with that block over his head for the moment he died, but I needed to try save him.
He might be an asshole and I’m not saying that I would have done the same as him if we change places, but I can see his point. On his head, I’m a murderer that may kill anyone there or put the whole group in risk at the first chance. Killing him without trying to save him would just prove he is right.
And more important than that, I couldn’t simply do nothing (or worst, kill him) with Lilly there trying to save her father (the only person she had).
The same way I didn’t agreed with Larry to simply kill Duck before he could turn, I wouldn’t agree with Kenny either. If he had a chance to be saved, I would take it (and be ready for the worst, of course).
I originally killed Larry and cackled that he finally got what he deserved. But Clementine saw me as a huge monster so I had to replay that and try and save him so she wouldn't think I was a monster. I hope she appreciates the self satisfaction I gave up for her.
Except for the fact that Larry tried to kill Lee for the safety of the group, considering there's the minor detail that he knew Lee was a convicted murderer. Hell, the guy was on his way to prison when the apocalypse started.
Would you trust a guy convicted of auto theft with your car? I doubt it, so why would you trust a guy convicted of murder with your life, the life of your daughter, and the lives of everyone else in your group?
But Larry also didn't tell anyone. By exposing Lee there is a big chance he would have been kicked out of the group at the very least everyone would stay away from him. By not telling anyone you are trusting them. You could argue Larry was putting people in just as much danger by not exposing a murderer in their ranks. I don't know what Larry's game was. He obviously didn't like Lee, but he didn't out him as being a murderer. It makes me think he didn't view Lee as a danger.
Okay, so before today I was just some lowly lurker, but I joined specifically to post this reply. Bear with me, it is kind of long...
Let's look at the exact situation we find ourselves in. We are trapped in a meat locker, facing certain death (a gruesome and horrifying death at that, probably worse then what we face at the hands of Walkers). Larry literally cannot stop screaming to save his life, instead of calming down and helping us find a way out. This also makes Lily become preoccupied with calming her father down, as opposed to finding a way out. Larry then has a heart attack that is bad enough to stop his breathing.
Even if we successfully perform resuscitation on Larry, what kind of state is he going to be in? He might not regain consciousness for some time, and even if he did, he would probably not be well enough to make the necessary escape from the farm, under the threat of the cannibals, the bandits, and also the Walkers. His heart attack has just made him a huge liability.
Also, this is the second indication in only three months of exactly how medically fragile Larry is. This puts a limit on his overall usefulness to the group, as he needs to be kept out of jobs/situations that might put a strain on his heart. Despite being careful, his heart is still in a weakened condition, so it might just give out. What if this happens at a time when the group is vulnerable (like if the majority of the group is asleep, or like now, when we are locked in a room with him and no weapons to defend ourselves)? The man is literally a Walker "time bomb".
Finally, Kenny has a very valid point. If Larry turns into a walker, what are three malnourished, unarmed, physically smaller and weaker adults and one child going to do against a walker in that small room? Injuries are almost one hundred percent certain, and would then create further liabilities when we later have to escape the St. John Farm. Heaven forbid he bites someone, and we then have to make the choice to kill that group member, just because we couldn't make the decision to not bring Larry back from certain death and to neutralize him when he was not a threat to anyone.
I made the decision to side with Kenny, and will probably not lose any sleep over it. On top of the reasons listed above, Larry is a polarizing hot head (a HUGE source of conflict and stress within the group). And, while trying to play the moral high card, he tried to murder me, despite the fact that I am singularly responsible for accessing the pharmacy and saving his life, and that I have also saved the life of two children, Glenn, and Doug (if he had his way, we would have been left outside to the Walkers, and both Doug AND Carly would have been left for dead inside the Drug Store). I won't take any flack from Lily, either, because had the roles been reversed, do you think the woman who refused to save the life of a child in not one but two separate occasions would have blinked twice about killing Larry had it not been her dad? I can sympathize with her situation, but I'm not going to pretend that she has higher moral standards than I do.
TLDR; We are dealing with a zombie apocalypse, and have found ourselves in an immediate life or death situation - our moral standards are going to have to be reevaluated. Killing Larry is the pragmatic choice, even though it might be morally reprehensible.
Except for the fact that Larry tried to kill Lee for the safety of the group, considering there's the minor detail that he knew Lee was a convicted murderer. Hell, the guy was on his way to prison when the apocalypse started.
Would you trust a guy convicted of auto theft with your car? I doubt it, so why would you trust a guy convicted of murder with your life, the life of your daughter, and the lives of everyone else in your group?
I would trust him if there were zombies about and he had gone out of his way to save my life. Most convicted murderers are not serial killers, most murders are crimes of passion, something that I'm surprised Larry hasn't done himself considering his temper.
Doug/Carley only die because of Larry: the zombies attack because you set the alarm off trying to get Larry's medicine, and yet Larry shows no appreciation for this at all. If he was just protecting the group then why didn't he just expose you to them? Why does he put the group at risk by attacking right there and then when people need each other to survive? Larry doesn't give a shit about the group, he gives the line about 'if anything happens to Clementine!' and yet he does nothing else to show that cares one whit about her and even threatens to kill the other kid in the group, and so I am led to believe he was just looking for excuses.
you don't just drop a salt lick on someones head thats just awful lol
The guy was already unconscious, and the salt lick caused enough damage that he never would have realized what had happened. I can think of fates worse than that (poor Mark ).
yeah im not sad to see larry die but i did try helping only because i wanted to save face with lily plus im not a cold blooded murderer like kenny. now if there was a choice like save larry or anyone else....then larry would have been zombie food.
But Larry also didn't tell anyone. By exposing Lee there is a big chance he would have been kicked out of the group at the very least everyone would stay away from him. By not telling anyone you are trusting them. You could argue Larry was putting people in just as much danger by not exposing a murderer in their ranks. I don't know what Larry's game was. He obviously didn't like Lee, but he didn't out him as being a murderer. It makes me think he didn't view Lee as a danger.
There was never a particularly good time for Larry to spill the beans on Lee that would've been all that beneficial to the cohesion of the group. The only real chance he had during the episode was when Lee first came into the store with his own group in tow, during an already high-stress crisis (the potential that Duck was going to turn into a Walker), and adding to the drama of "we just let in a kid who's going to turn into an undead cannibal" with "oh, and a murderer too" wasn't likely to help matters (incidentally, Carley actually makes the same observation when she's not as trusting of Lee).
For the rest of the episode right after that, Larry was semi-conscious. He wasn't able to speak in complete sentences again until the very end of Episode 1.
I would trust him if there were zombies about and he had gone out of his way to save my life. Most convicted murderers are not serial killers, most murders are crimes of passion, something that I'm surprised Larry hasn't done himself considering his temper.
Doug/Carley only die because of Larry: the zombies attack because you set the alarm off trying to get Larry's medicine, and yet Larry shows no appreciation for this at all. If he was just protecting the group then why didn't he just expose you to them? Why does he put the group at risk by attacking right there and then when people need each other to survive? Larry doesn't give a shit about the group, he gives the line about 'if anything happens to Clementine!' and yet he does nothing else to show that cares one whit about her and even threatens to kill the other kid in the group, and so I am led to believe he was just looking for excuses.
It's hardly Larry's fault the pharmacy alarm went off: First, we know from Lilly that her group had been trying to break into the pharmacy since they first set foot in the drugstore anyway, before Lee's group even arrived in Macon. Second, nobody objected to the idea of breaking into the pharmacy. Finally, nobody knew about the alarm; not even Lee, and his family owned the place.
By that reasoning, you can lay the blame for Carley/Doug's death squarely at the feet of Lee's group since the confrontation with them was the whole reason Larry needed his medication at the point in the first place.
There's also no reason to assume Larry knew Lee saved his life at the time, the guy doesn't really regain consciousness until after the drugstore was under siege.
The whole reason for the "Duck drama" had to do with the fact he spent time under a hungry walker, came into the store covered with blood and gore, while suspiciously covering part of his arm with his hand (incidentally, the arm he covers is the same one we see under the aforementioned walker's face) and the kid never says a word during the entire exchange. Considering Duck gets Shawn killed, and was the only one seen to keep happily chow down on Mark Meat after Lee tells everyone not to eat it, I wouldn't be surprised if turned out the kid was an undercover Walker (joke in bad taste? Maybe, pun intended? Also maybe).
For the vast majority of the time we see Larry in Episode 1, he's either near death and semi-conscious, or there's a "everything's going to hell" crisis. We don't see him in a "relaxed" setting until the very end of Episode 1, which would be the first real chance Lee would have to actually converse with the guy and potentially try to convince him that convicted murderers can be good people too. Hell, by the beginning of Episode 2, Larry's willing to save Lee's life.
Kenny came back and save me at the end of episode one, Larry tried to kill me. That says more about their 'integrity' to me. Kenny is unreliable, sure, he is quite cowardly but fear makes us do things we regret, but he believed that Larry was already dead and was doing what he thought best. Larry on the other hand nearly killed me deliberately, he wasn't panicking he saw the option to cowardly off me without people knowing and took it.
If you look at why,it does makes sense he want Lee gone. You dont have to like it but he has a good point. He dont know Lee, a man of Larrys age ought to been brought up in a rather racist community as well. So there is more to it then "Lee is black an a killer so I hate him" you do know that right?
Yes Kenny did save Lee in Ep I but he didnt seem to keen to help when Danny had a gun in your face(might be affected by if you sided whit him on killing Larry or not,Idk).
I can´t shake the feeling that Kenny and Larry was two sides of the same coin only Kenny is a bit more selfish then Larry, both are looking after thier family,sure. But I think Larry was a bit morde "greater good" then Kenny.
The guy was already unconscious, and the salt lick caused enough damage that he never would have realized what had happened. I can think of fates worse than that (poor Mark ).
It has been proven that Larry wakes up if your fast enough, picture yourself how time slows down and a block of salt lick is going towards your face, sounds like a nasty last moment to me. But no doubt Marks end was worse,just saying.
I changed my opinion of Larry in the second episode, which is why I attempted to save him. c:
At the end of episode 1, I hated Larry because I thought he was naturally stubborn. But in episode 2 I realised that Larry's heart condition, loss of family and desire to protect his only daughter from a supposed murderer (Lee) would impact his personality in a negative way. Because of this realisation, I still disliked him, but didn't outright hate him. Larry is just trying to cope; he doesn't deserve to die.
No because he still saved me. The fact that he ran to my rescue means something in all this.
Most fun thing it the game so far gotta be Kennys racist remark about Lee being urban and should know how to pick locks...
And Kennys excuse to say this is that he is from Florida... I really did "LOL" at that point.
I saw kenny lock at the block of salt lick and thought "Oh shit Kenny is gonna crush Larrys head whit that, shit is about to hit the fan in here and I dont have an umbrella"
Like Lilly said, hes gone through alot.
It's a pity it had to go that way.
I am going to assume that since 3 months have passed Larry and Lee have somewhat made up after the punching scene at the end of Ep1.
As always i try to play a game as if it was me in the situation.
When Larry dropped the EMT in me took over, i couldnt side with Kenny, how could i? Its against everything i stand for. But there are a few things to be aware of.
1. If you get a heart attack that severe. Unconcious and not breathing after three seconds? Thats it. You are dead, no matter how hard anyone tries.
2. There was no LP-15 in that room, and in a situation like this you need a defibrilator.
3. Lilly was doing CPR wrong. (Shame on you telltale)
So what did i do? In that situation i would have "tried" even if i knew there was no hope, so that is what i did. Lilly needed time and i wasnt gonna shatter her hope, even if i knew there was no hope. And i wouldnt want her to spend the rest of her life thinking we gave up Larry without trying.
Kenny smashed his head and became the bad guy. I understand why he did it, and i wish i had the option to tell him later that i dont hold it against him. But that wasnt an option.
sadly he was already dead of a heart attack though, so I feel I was cheated out of my revenge! (was I really the only one who felt like this?)
I wanted to kill him myself, not led him die from a hearth attack and then just making sure that he would not come back as a zombie... but ohh well at least he is dead! and at least this doesn't make people suspicious about me sins everyone knows how he died and that it was Kenny that smashed his head in...
Now no one knows my secret!
because I killed off Carley in Episode one because of the fact that she knew who I was and what I did and I never told Clementine that I killed a man, so unless the new guy knows what i did it looked like I'll get away with murder!
Mental note: Find out if the new guy Ben Paul knows about my crime and if he do, find a way to quietly kill him off without getting caught.
I can learn a lot from Dr. Greene, so long as I don't believe that decomposition can be cured. Silly, desperate, man.
Agreed. I didn't give Larry the axe, but I wish I had now. I didn't give it to him, because I clearly expected to be cleaved when I least expected it. For him to save you, when he could have let you die (after leaving you to do so once) definitely means something.
I trained as an EMT too, and I think that's what drove a lot of my insistence that he wasn't a goner yet.
As far as Lilly doing CPR wrong, she was understandably distraught and not trained. I can live with her attempts at CPR, as it even makes sense for her to do it wrong. What drives me nuts is watching medical personnel on TV do the equivalent of push ups on cardiac victim's chests. Lock your elbows, bro. Save a life.
When I had Lee kneel down, I was so grateful that I didn't have to do mouth to mouth. That's just what I needed: to have Larry eat my lip while I'm trying to give him the breath of life.
Chest compressions were more than enough for me!
I wouldnt, unless i had a pocket mask.(I always have a pocket mask with me in my backpack so its not a problem.)
And you know Larry was a goner. It was a matter of giving Lilly time to accept and understand it. I dont think she(Or anyone) would ever forgive me if i smashed his(Or someone elses) head in without trying.
But resuscitate someone who has a heart attack and slips into cardiac arrest is nearly impossible. It's a sick heart with little O2 that just decided to give up for a reason. Even with the right gear, medication and personel you got a nearly impossible task.
And you need that defibrillator to reset the heart.
When he started breathing and Kenny smashed his head in, I was thinking "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST KENNY HE WAS STILL ALIVE!".
It makes me sad that an honest man like Kenny got so selfish over these 3 months, cares nothing else than his family and who leads the group. I really thought we had something there :-(
I wish it was an option to tell Kenny that you understood why he thought he had to do what he did. But the only options were "You murdered him", "You're no hero", and silence. I chose silence and it pissed him off.
I saw that too, I wish I could've stood up and shoved Kenny aside before he plopped that salt lick down.
Exactly my way of thinking of this.
I just didn't want to kill him there, if there is a chance that he might survive... i'm not gonna just kill him for being an asshole to me...
If he doesn't survive you will deal with a zombie with a bear's size, not rotten yet, putting in danger all of you, Clem included.
Heart attack, he's not breathing, no pulse, the man tried to kill you three months ago...
It's clear for me, I won't put in danger to anyone cause that guy.
Well, you have a point, but at that moment i had to choose fast... and i'd rather not smash his head until i know for sure that he has no chance to survive.
I understand your choice. I feel REALLY BAD for Lilly, but it's a consequence for my choice.
You'll have to deal with your consequences too.
If someone has a cardiac arrest, unless you have access to a defibrillator or are trained to perform a precordial thump and get lucky, they are dead. CPR will help sustain viability until you can defibrillate, but cannot re-start the heart. So... given Larry's medical history, you know his arrest is of cardiac origin.. he is dead.
Maybe CPR as a purely token gesture would be helpful to Lilly... and waiting a few minutes before brain-smashing would have maybe been more tactful Kenny lol
i also let him eat a bit of marks leg
The fact that he was an army commander just means that he should know more than anyone the importance of teamwork. I didn't want him in the group as I could not trust him, but I wouldn't kill him or leave him to die, despite knowing that given the chance he would leave me to die by zombies.
Chief among them, Lilly's actually somewhat competent (having some military experience and all) and is (was?) actually invested in the group. And say what you want, Lilly and Larry had little things like "integrity" and "honesty". Kenny had none of these things going for him, the twerp's always been the two-faced parasite since he left Shawn Greene to die, has made it clear he's going to abandon the group, etc.
Granted, it wouldn't surprise me if Lilly's opinion and investment in the group (and her view of people in general) went down the crapper after Kenny re-enacted a Gallagher routine with her dad's head.
Granted, Larry ended up having Meat o' Mark for dinner in my playthrough too, but I haven't found a way to keep anyone except Clementine from eating it.
Kenny came back and save me at the end of episode one, Larry tried to kill me. That says more about their 'integrity' to me. Kenny is unreliable, sure, he is quite cowardly but fear makes us do things we regret, but he believed that Larry was already dead and was doing what he thought best. Larry on the other hand nearly killed me deliberately, he wasn't panicking he saw the option to cowardly off me without people knowing and took it.
Except for the fact that Larry tried to kill Lee for the safety of the group, considering there's the minor detail that he knew Lee was a convicted murderer. Hell, the guy was on his way to prison when the apocalypse started.
Would you trust a guy convicted of auto theft with your car? I doubt it, so why would you trust a guy convicted of murder with your life, the life of your daughter, and the lives of everyone else in your group?
As I said in other topics, I would have tried to save him and asked Kenny to be ready with that block over his head for the moment he died, but I needed to try save him.
He might be an asshole and I’m not saying that I would have done the same as him if we change places, but I can see his point. On his head, I’m a murderer that may kill anyone there or put the whole group in risk at the first chance. Killing him without trying to save him would just prove he is right.
And more important than that, I couldn’t simply do nothing (or worst, kill him) with Lilly there trying to save her father (the only person she had).
The same way I didn’t agreed with Larry to simply kill Duck before he could turn, I wouldn’t agree with Kenny either. If he had a chance to be saved, I would take it (and be ready for the worst, of course).
But Larry also didn't tell anyone. By exposing Lee there is a big chance he would have been kicked out of the group at the very least everyone would stay away from him. By not telling anyone you are trusting them. You could argue Larry was putting people in just as much danger by not exposing a murderer in their ranks. I don't know what Larry's game was. He obviously didn't like Lee, but he didn't out him as being a murderer. It makes me think he didn't view Lee as a danger.
Let's look at the exact situation we find ourselves in. We are trapped in a meat locker, facing certain death (a gruesome and horrifying death at that, probably worse then what we face at the hands of Walkers). Larry literally cannot stop screaming to save his life, instead of calming down and helping us find a way out. This also makes Lily become preoccupied with calming her father down, as opposed to finding a way out. Larry then has a heart attack that is bad enough to stop his breathing.
Even if we successfully perform resuscitation on Larry, what kind of state is he going to be in? He might not regain consciousness for some time, and even if he did, he would probably not be well enough to make the necessary escape from the farm, under the threat of the cannibals, the bandits, and also the Walkers. His heart attack has just made him a huge liability.
Also, this is the second indication in only three months of exactly how medically fragile Larry is. This puts a limit on his overall usefulness to the group, as he needs to be kept out of jobs/situations that might put a strain on his heart. Despite being careful, his heart is still in a weakened condition, so it might just give out. What if this happens at a time when the group is vulnerable (like if the majority of the group is asleep, or like now, when we are locked in a room with him and no weapons to defend ourselves)? The man is literally a Walker "time bomb".
Finally, Kenny has a very valid point. If Larry turns into a walker, what are three malnourished, unarmed, physically smaller and weaker adults and one child going to do against a walker in that small room? Injuries are almost one hundred percent certain, and would then create further liabilities when we later have to escape the St. John Farm. Heaven forbid he bites someone, and we then have to make the choice to kill that group member, just because we couldn't make the decision to not bring Larry back from certain death and to neutralize him when he was not a threat to anyone.
I made the decision to side with Kenny, and will probably not lose any sleep over it. On top of the reasons listed above, Larry is a polarizing hot head (a HUGE source of conflict and stress within the group). And, while trying to play the moral high card, he tried to murder me, despite the fact that I am singularly responsible for accessing the pharmacy and saving his life, and that I have also saved the life of two children, Glenn, and Doug (if he had his way, we would have been left outside to the Walkers, and both Doug AND Carly would have been left for dead inside the Drug Store). I won't take any flack from Lily, either, because had the roles been reversed, do you think the woman who refused to save the life of a child in not one but two separate occasions would have blinked twice about killing Larry had it not been her dad? I can sympathize with her situation, but I'm not going to pretend that she has higher moral standards than I do.
TLDR; We are dealing with a zombie apocalypse, and have found ourselves in an immediate life or death situation - our moral standards are going to have to be reevaluated. Killing Larry is the pragmatic choice, even though it might be morally reprehensible.
I would trust him if there were zombies about and he had gone out of his way to save my life. Most convicted murderers are not serial killers, most murders are crimes of passion, something that I'm surprised Larry hasn't done himself considering his temper.
Doug/Carley only die because of Larry: the zombies attack because you set the alarm off trying to get Larry's medicine, and yet Larry shows no appreciation for this at all. If he was just protecting the group then why didn't he just expose you to them? Why does he put the group at risk by attacking right there and then when people need each other to survive? Larry doesn't give a shit about the group, he gives the line about 'if anything happens to Clementine!' and yet he does nothing else to show that cares one whit about her and even threatens to kill the other kid in the group, and so I am led to believe he was just looking for excuses.
The guy was already unconscious, and the salt lick caused enough damage that he never would have realized what had happened. I can think of fates worse than that (poor Mark
There was never a particularly good time for Larry to spill the beans on Lee that would've been all that beneficial to the cohesion of the group. The only real chance he had during the episode was when Lee first came into the store with his own group in tow, during an already high-stress crisis (the potential that Duck was going to turn into a Walker), and adding to the drama of "we just let in a kid who's going to turn into an undead cannibal" with "oh, and a murderer too" wasn't likely to help matters (incidentally, Carley actually makes the same observation when she's not as trusting of Lee).
For the rest of the episode right after that, Larry was semi-conscious. He wasn't able to speak in complete sentences again until the very end of Episode 1.
It's hardly Larry's fault the pharmacy alarm went off: First, we know from Lilly that her group had been trying to break into the pharmacy since they first set foot in the drugstore anyway, before Lee's group even arrived in Macon. Second, nobody objected to the idea of breaking into the pharmacy. Finally, nobody knew about the alarm; not even Lee, and his family owned the place.
By that reasoning, you can lay the blame for Carley/Doug's death squarely at the feet of Lee's group since the confrontation with them was the whole reason Larry needed his medication at the point in the first place.
There's also no reason to assume Larry knew Lee saved his life at the time, the guy doesn't really regain consciousness until after the drugstore was under siege.
The whole reason for the "Duck drama" had to do with the fact he spent time under a hungry walker, came into the store covered with blood and gore, while suspiciously covering part of his arm with his hand (incidentally, the arm he covers is the same one we see under the aforementioned walker's face) and the kid never says a word during the entire exchange. Considering Duck gets Shawn killed, and was the only one seen to keep happily chow down on Mark Meat after Lee tells everyone not to eat it, I wouldn't be surprised if turned out the kid was an undercover Walker
For the vast majority of the time we see Larry in Episode 1, he's either near death and semi-conscious, or there's a "everything's going to hell" crisis. We don't see him in a "relaxed" setting until the very end of Episode 1, which would be the first real chance Lee would have to actually converse with the guy and potentially try to convince him that convicted murderers can be good people too. Hell, by the beginning of Episode 2, Larry's willing to save Lee's life.
If you look at why,it does makes sense he want Lee gone. You dont have to like it but he has a good point. He dont know Lee, a man of Larrys age ought to been brought up in a rather racist community as well. So there is more to it then "Lee is black an a killer so I hate him" you do know that right?
Yes Kenny did save Lee in Ep I but he didnt seem to keen to help when Danny had a gun in your face(might be affected by if you sided whit him on killing Larry or not,Idk).
I can´t shake the feeling that Kenny and Larry was two sides of the same coin only Kenny is a bit more selfish then Larry, both are looking after thier family,sure. But I think Larry was a bit morde "greater good" then Kenny.
It has been proven that Larry wakes up if your fast enough, picture yourself how time slows down and a block of salt lick is going towards your face, sounds like a nasty last moment to me. But no doubt Marks end was worse,just saying.
At the end of episode 1, I hated Larry because I thought he was naturally stubborn. But in episode 2 I realised that Larry's heart condition, loss of family and desire to protect his only daughter from a supposed murderer (Lee) would impact his personality in a negative way. Because of this realisation, I still disliked him, but didn't outright hate him. Larry is just trying to cope; he doesn't deserve to die.