Choice consequence theorys for next eps. SPOILERS

I think stealing the stuff from the car will come back around, we see clem with the red hoodie i the next episode, so mabey the owner will see clem in it. the owner could even be that african american guy seen in ep 3 trailer and the promo for ep4. and it would be a bad way to start life with the new guy
I dont think it matters too much about who you save out of Doug and Carley, i think they will die in the last episode, I think TTG are going to put us through an ordeal lol and are gunna kill off our character that we have brought thru from episode one, that we know and love and who always has our backs, in a gory upsetting way! ;] if think it was always going to go that way.
There could be more to the crazy lady even tho she is dead.
I get the feeling its better to be on kennys side, we know lilly is woodbury bound. even tho kenny make bad choices and puts duck and kat first.
I think always lying to clem and killing folk in front of her will be a bad choice ( may even cost her her life =0 ) like you may need her to trust you in the last episode and she's in danger but she wont cme near you. im going to do a play thru when all the eps come out and test that theory lol
anyone sle have any theorys?
I dont think it matters too much about who you save out of Doug and Carley, i think they will die in the last episode, I think TTG are going to put us through an ordeal lol and are gunna kill off our character that we have brought thru from episode one, that we know and love and who always has our backs, in a gory upsetting way! ;] if think it was always going to go that way.
There could be more to the crazy lady even tho she is dead.
I get the feeling its better to be on kennys side, we know lilly is woodbury bound. even tho kenny make bad choices and puts duck and kat first.
I think always lying to clem and killing folk in front of her will be a bad choice ( may even cost her her life =0 ) like you may need her to trust you in the last episode and she's in danger but she wont cme near you. im going to do a play thru when all the eps come out and test that theory lol
anyone sle have any theorys?
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You didn't. I saved Doug and we found out at the end, as with Carly (Played through twice).
otherwise this will be a downer...
Kirkman says no one is safe, he will kill off Rick when he wants to.
i think the comic would be done when rick dies! after all this time it would be reaaaly hard to introduce a new main-character, which has to be vastly different from rick because otherwise theres no need to kill him. its just.. how do i put it... advertisement from kirkman
people want to have a glimpse of hope in a story (mass effect 3 ending.. anyone :rolleyes:) . everythings fucked up, important people die and psychos running around everywhere but rick and carl (like lee and clem) always survive somehow.
Since Larry is dead, Lilly has pretty muched stepped down as leader. However, Kenny is problematic should he take charge - as good a man as he is, he puts his family first, which would be a detriment to the group.
Which is part of the reason why I took the stuff from the car. It gives Lee credibility as the person in charge when he distributes rations. Sure, Clementine isn't happy, but the group is - and that's the key to survival at this point in time.
I LOVE the shock value, the not-knowing what comes next. Like when Sophia comes out of the barn as a walker, I was so totally OMG!!
I want to watch every episode just as the characters would expirence them, every new day is unknown. Just like the game, I dont want to look ahead and see who 'should' be around, I want to play it, going in as unknowingly as the character would be.
Obviously one cannot browse these's forum's or look at youtube video's without getting a slight insight to some thing's.. Ok so I've learned by looking at the screenshots of each episodes, that some characters will survive to a point, but I'm not trying to look ahead for all the answers so I know what decisions to make to "win" the game..
For me, the point and best part of all this is WTF is going to happen next?!?!
Oh damn i never noticed that
What we need to tie up is when will Lilly leave for Woodbury, after episode 5 or before episode 4.