Episode 2: Siding with Kenny /SPOILERS
I've learned that when you have Kenny's back he will always have yours.
A lot of people say "He didn't help you when Danny was going to execute you." but actually when you help him his face changes from scared to angry and he jumps out and starts attacking Danny.
Come on guys Kenny is going to be around for a while why get on his bad side?
A lot of people say "He didn't help you when Danny was going to execute you." but actually when you help him his face changes from scared to angry and he jumps out and starts attacking Danny.
Come on guys Kenny is going to be around for a while why get on his bad side?
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Him and Lilly hate each other so that adds to it. You not went out of your way to help the other Alpha of the group but you tried saving someone who wanted to kill you when no one was around and his son.
Also, he's racist.
Come on guys he always has your back.
Even when he wanted to leave the man stuck in the trap he decided to stay by your decision and save them.
When Lilly was yelling at you he stood up to her.
If you help him take out Larry, instead of sitting there scared when Danny is about to Execute you his face changes from scared to angry and he jumps out and starts attacking him.
You got his back he's got yours.
You get the back of the people that have always hated you he's going to see you as a person who would betray him if you had to.
I liked Kenny in episode 1, but tell tale managed to flip all that around. Great job guys.
Huh, I wasn't aware of that at all really. Should I educate myself on what happens or keep myself in the dark? :eek:
Just put yourself in Lee's shoes since he doesn't know either.
Once you finish the game or Lilly is no longer in your group then you should do a little research on her.
He's raping a survivor known as Michonne I have no clue where you got the toothless walker part. He protected his Niece but when she was infected he keeps her chained up and feeds her survivors he hates or peoples hands he cuts off etc.
And yeah Lilly ends up killing a mother that just had her baby...BUT once she realizes that she get's angered and turns on the Governor and shoots him!
Edit: ah here it is: http://walkingdead.wikia.com/wiki/The_Walking_Dead_(Video_Game)
To call Kenny a racist for that one stupid comment made at a particularly stressful time is patently ridiculous. What next? Clem is an alien from Mars masquerading as a child in order to observe how humanity is reacting to their zombie virus?
I'm glad it's Telltale writing this. :P
Anyway, he said a stupid thing. Anyone can say a stupid thing.
As for the situation, look at it from Kenny's viewpoint: You're trying to save a guy who has no love for anyone in that room but his daughter, a guy who's likely going to pop up as a zombie at any moment and slaughter everyone in that room, INCLUDING CLEMENTINE. If you sit by and give the Larry zombie a chance to do this, then you're likely totally unhinged.
Unlike you, Kenny was thinking of Clem.
So I can totally understand that viewpoint. I can understand him not wanting to save Lee if Lee just decides to allow zombie Larry to happen.
It's all about pragmatism.
Thus, I'm standing with Kenny. Kenny is a pragmatist who looks out for the people he's with, the kids especially. I can respect that.
The guy's wacko though. I fed his son, but he will never forgive Lee that he didn't try to save Duck in the first episode, and I even reasoned with Larry. Although I eventually told Larry to fuck off, the game mechanics somehow don't see the fact as overly relevant.
Add to that that I was unwilling to outright kill Larry. So, no, Kenny and Lee won't make up in my game.
/edit: jang, you made TWO threads with the essential topics "I sided with Larry" and "Why don't you side with Larry"? Learn to be more concise, man.
It wasn't until I saw how Mark ended up that I realized it's true.
So I didn't think Larry was going to come back and didn't smash his head for that reason.
Me too. I don't consider this a bug anymore, it's a silly game design failure.
It's easy to fix anyway. Some variable are picking up wrong data from our choices.
ANY person won't consider reasoning with Larry it's siding with him. I was not saying throw Duck to the street. I'm only saying that Larry was nervous and we COULD reason with him and change his mind but once we checked that this it's impossible it's saying "You don't touch anyone here, old fuck".
Kenny reminded the reasoning stuff and not this? Have no sense.