Retail version cancelled?

edited July 2007 in Sam & Max
I got a call from EB this morning informing that my Sam & Max: Season One pre-order was cancelled because they got word from the publishers that it was no longer being made. So, is there only one version now, the one you get directly from this website?

In any case, it must be a blessing in disquise. I never knew about the exclusive pre-orders from this site (the bonus DVD, getting all of the episodes on CD) as well as all of the cool swag. I pre-ordered the Season One Collection + Bonus DVD, as well as the Sam & Max Season One Case file, Soundtrack, and Artbook. Sure, I spent more than I originally planned, but what can I say? Sam & Max are awesome, as are all of you Telltale employees. You really go the extra mile with your products, and show true love and devotion to your fans (don't worry, not in a creepy way :D). Thanks again, and I can't wait until the July release.

EDIT: Thanks to Jake, a Telltale Team Member, the above information has been proved to be false (as you can read below), as the game is still available for pre-order in EB/GS locations (just not online apparently).The retail version is not cancelled, and apologize for the misleading information.


  • edited June 2007
    I think EB may have lied to you. Other retailers will still have it, as far as I know.
  • edited June 2007
    chrono01 wrote: »
    I got a call from EB this morning informing that my Sam & Max: Season One pre-order was cancelled because they got word from the publishers that it was no longer being made.

    I also got a call from EB Games today. They said the manufacturer will no longer be making Sam & Max Season One and they will not have any more.
  • edited June 2007
    Well thats disturbing news..the game needs to be in EB stores
  • edited June 2007
    I'm sure it's just been pulled temporarily, for whatever reason. I wouldn't worry yet.
  • edited June 2007
    I'd like to reiterate that whatever seems to be going on with EB, other retailers are still taking orders (except Gamestop, which is the same company as EB)
  • edited June 2007
    tabacco wrote: »
    I'd like to reiterate that whatever seems to be going on with EB, other retailers are still taking orders (except Gamestop, which is the same company as EB)

    Just because they're still taking orders for it, doesn't mean they'll get any copies in. It's too bad. Like Hero1 stated, a retail release would have extended the game's reach, and possibly have created new Sam & Max fans. Oh well, there's still a chance it might eventually get a retail release, but as it stands now, it won't be be for a while.

    Of course, I hope this is all just a misunderstanding, but it doesn't appear that way. We'll know for sure in a bit, I suppose. At least Telltale is there for us. :)
  • edited June 2007
    man hasn't sam & max had enough cancellations :mad: what's the adventure company saying about this?
  • edited June 2007
    chrono01 wrote: »
    Just because they're still taking orders for it, doesn't mean they'll get any copies in. It's too bad. Like Hero1 stated, a retail release would have extended the game's reach, and possibly have created new Sam & Max fans. Oh well, there's still a chance it might eventually get a retail release, but as it stands now, it won't be be for a while.

    The retail version is not cancelled, EB is just up to something funny. Let's not jump to crazy conclusions, okay?
  • edited June 2007
    Hero1 wrote: »
    Well thats disturbing news..the game needs to be in EB stores

    If it can find any shelf space. With the way EB is going these days they have like one shelf dedicated to PC games, with the dozen+ others going to the consoles.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2007
    chrono01 wrote: »
    Just because they're still taking orders for it, doesn't mean they'll get any copies in. It's too bad. Like Hero1 stated, a retail release would have extended the game's reach, and possibly have created new Sam & Max fans. Oh well, there's still a chance it might eventually get a retail release, but as it stands now, it won't be be for a while.

    Of course, I hope this is all just a misunderstanding, but it doesn't appear that way. We'll know for sure in a bit, I suppose. At least Telltale is there for us. :)

    The leaps in logic and assumptions here are pretty out of control. As of right now we don't know what's up with these calls from GS/EB, but we do know it doesn't mean that the retail release is canceled.

    Until you have some sort of actual fact, you shouldn't make assumptions like that, especially in such an authoritative, knowledgeable tone. Everywhere but the Internet, what you wrote would be considered "making things up." If you're going to try and report something to people, please actually behave like a reporter and check your facts.

    For what it's worth, I just phoned the local GameStop and was told "it's coming out August 28th," after the guy looked it up in the store computer.
  • edited June 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    The leaps in logic and assumptions here are pretty out of control. As of right now we don't know what's up with these calls from GS/EB, but we do know it doesn't mean that the retail release is canceled.

    Until you have some sort of actual fact, you shouldn't make assumptions like that, especially in such an authoritative, knowledgeable tone. Everywhere but the Internet, what you wrote would be considered "making things up." If you're going to try and report something to people, please actually behave like a reporter and check your facts.

    For what it's worth, I just phoned the local GameStop and was told "it's coming out August 28th," after the guy looked it up in the store computer.

    I apologize. I didn't mean to make anything seem official in any sort. I should have chosen to voice my words a little clearer, and not so authoritative. Again, I didn't mean any discontent, and you have my sincerest apology. Believe me, it was not my intention to anger the board or provide any false information. I should have done more research before I created a thread, as you've already stated, but it's something I can't change now. :(

    Also, it's good to hear that EB/GS locations still have a listing for it. Maybe it's some strange deal with their website, and they had to pull it down for some reason (this wasn't the first time my pre-order was pulled because it "wasn't available" and then re-listed later on). But in any case, it gives me more hope for others to discover this wonderful franchise and give it the respect it deserves.

    EDIT: I've edited the thread tag as well as my original post to rectify the mistake I made (or should I blame the EB emplyee who called me?). In any case, either my itchy trigger finger or lack of research are to blame, so I apologize for both.
  • edited June 2007
    Not sure how it goes in the US, but here in Denmark EB is the last place I'd go for any reliable information on games which aren't big hyped blockbusters.

    Unless it's a big budget and hyped game it seems to pass harmlessly under their radar. Like the case of Trackmania Sunrise. Before it got released I wandered into the EB we had around and asked if they could provide a release date, and maybe allow me to pre-order. What I got was blank stares. And a lookup on the computer later, getting told that there weren't any game by that name in production. I eventually ordered it online.

    Most everywhere else had the game within one week after it's release. For EB they got one copy on their shelves 4 months after release.

    As I said. I don't know how the US version works, but here in Denmark it's the last place I'd go for games. They're typically a bit more expensive, don't provide much in the way of extra service, and their selection is limited.

    Could be they just decided that Sam & Max isn't high profile enough and decided they weren't going to have anything to do with it. Could also be that the people calling around to tell them it was cancelled thought it was the older project, and not Season 1.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2007
    chrono01 wrote: »
    I apologize. I didn't mean to make anything seem official in any sort. I should have chosen to voice my words a little clearer, and not so authoritative. Again, I didn't mean any discontent, and you have my sincerest apology. Believe me, it was not my intention to anger the board or provide any false information. I should have done more research before I created a thread, as you've already stated, but it's something I can't change now. :(

    Hey sorry if I came on a little strong - I mean, there is definitely some weirdness afoot if retail stores are calling people! That said, people were definitely getting out their Jump to Conclusions mats and landing on the worst case scenario, and then further extrapolating from there. It's too bad that people are getting mystery phone calls from retail stores, but fear not!
  • edited June 2007
    sadly I got this call too... odd really. I had the manager contact corp and im going in to talk to him tomorrow about it. As far as he sees in the computer its NOT being sold on the site or in the stores as a preorder anymore!

    AHHHH there goes my poster and game. Where else can one order this and what is really going on?
  • edited June 2007
    The game is still listed at Amazon and every other online retailer. Though EB/Gamestop had that strategy guide offer, so depending on how much you care about that you may want to wait until they put it back up.
  • edited June 2007
    This does beg the question: Why are you, the educated consumer, aware of telltale's site, buying the retail version? It looks like Tellale's disc is loaded with bonus goodies and looks a lot nicer.
  • edited June 2007
    Because the retail disc will contain completely different sets of goodies maybe?
  • edited June 2007
    Doubtful, since it's CD-ROM based so they'll need to budget their space much tighter.
  • edited June 2007
    Actually, it does have a few different things. From what I gather, there's an exclusive "Making Of..." documentary and a poster among other things in the retail version.
  • edited June 2007
    The retail release doesn't have the commentaries or blooper reel, but they do have the documentary and poster.
  • edited June 2007
    I thought the poster is a preorder goodie with EB/Gamestop. And it looks like they screwed that up...
  • edited June 2007
    You must be nuts.. if you have read telltales staff's own response to this "heck you may want to get both copies just to get both sets of goodies"

    In this case you get different extras in both.. and that my friend is why..
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2007
    The poster will come with the retail version no matter where you buy it. Take a look at TAC's product page for the full list of what will come on the retail version.

    The bonus features on TAC's come on a separate CD. There's one CD for the games, and a second CD for the bonuses.
  • edited June 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    I must say, it's a bit disingenous for them to list access to the online web comic and the comic generator under the "Exclusive Bonuses". Still, that product page is amazingly stylish (even if it probably would've looked better without that lincoln).
  • edited June 2007
    Also, EB Games had an offer for a free strategy guide if you pre ordered on their site. Which I did, and also planned on buying Telltale's own version here as well. I suppose now I will just buy... Er, get... The version from here, and get some extra Sam & Max merchandise while I'm at it.

    As for EB, I wouldn't be surprised if they were simply overwhelmed by the preorders and wanted to trim some off so they didn't have to give out so many free strategy guides. Bastards...
  • edited June 2007
    Yeah, that must be it.
  • edited June 2007
    tabacco wrote: »
    The retail release doesn't have the commentaries or blooper reel, but they do have the documentary and poster.

    Is this the same or different documentary than the one on GameTap TV?
  • edited June 2007
    Maratanos wrote: »
    Is this the same or different documentary than the one on GameTap TV?

    Different. The retail version guys shot their own documentary.
  • edited June 2007
    Yeah, what he said.
  • edited June 2007
    Jake wrote: »
    Hey sorry if I came on a little strong - I mean, there is definitely some weirdness afoot if retail stores are calling people! That said, people were definitely getting out their Jump to Conclusions mats and landing on the worst case scenario, and then further extrapolating from there. It's too bad that people are getting mystery phone calls from retail stores, but fear not!

    It's no problem. It was completely my fault, so you have nothing to apologize for.

    Also, I didn't expect this thread to get so huge. It seems more people are getting calls than I thought. Yeah, I wouldn't put it past EB to cancel the excess orders just because they didn't want to give out so many Solution Guides. That was the reason I ordered it from them, but I'm actually glad it got cancelled. I'm getting more swag ordering from the official site (especially the artbook and soundtrack), so it worked out for the best, regardless of the reason. :D
  • edited June 2007
    I was looking forward to seeing the retail version interview of the company, but since EB Games apparently screwed me behind my back, I'll just go without and wait for it on Youtube... :(
  • edited June 2007
    Video game store clerks seem to like making things up. I remember once a store clerk assured my brother that Super Street Fighter II for PC "didn't exist". We found it on the store shelf seconds later.
  • edited July 2007
    Video game store clerks seem to like making things up. I remember once a store clerk assured my brother that Super Street Fighter II for PC "didn't exist". We found it on the store shelf seconds later.
    In fairness, you would not believe the frequency with which customers ask those people for games that actually don't exist. I recall hearing the plight of a retail employee faced with a woman requesting Donkey Dong 64. She would not accept Donkey Kong 64 in its stead, sure that she had the name correct.
  • edited July 2007
    Any word here? I went to 3 gamestops all say they dont even have it in their computer. Doubt they are all lying!
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2007
    We don't really know what the story is with EB and Gamestop, but I can tell you with absolute certainty that the game has not been canceled.
  • edited July 2007
    well yea I know its not canceled but with eb... seems to be. Thats where im going confused lol. Ill stop bothering ya thanks M :P
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2007
    If a tree falls in the forest game isn't in the computer at EB, does it still exist? :D

    (Based on my own past experience, yes... even though there were EB clerks who swore up and down to me that it didn't. ;))
  • edited July 2007
    Video game store clerks seem to like making things up. I remember once a store clerk assured my brother that Super Street Fighter II for PC "didn't exist". We found it on the store shelf seconds later.

    Can't blame them for not knowing, that was a very obscure port. Out of curiosity, do they still pack the movie soundtrack with the game? They did when I bought it 11 years ago, but I never saw a "normal" release of it.
  • edited July 2007
    ShaggE wrote: »
    Can't blame them for not knowing, that was a very obscure port.
    No, but you can blame them for claiming it doesn't exist instead of looking it up -- a simple inventory search would have revealed its presence in the store. They have it in stock, so shouldn't they be trying to help people buy it? Isn't that their job?
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited July 2007
    I once went to EB trying to buy the PC port of Shadow of Destiny. The clerk swore up and down that there was no such port, and when I finally got him to look it up he was like "Oh, it says we have it" and joined me at the shelf to try to look for it, but it was nowhere to be found. So then he swore up and down that it must be a mistake in the computer. I finally (after much convincing) got him to look for it in the back -- and lo and behold, there it was. (Multiple copies, in fact.)

    It seems (based on what we heard from a customer today) that these are automated phone calls? In that case, it makes sense that they're saying it's been cancelled. It's probably a generic recording. I wish they'd say something else (something true, maybe :p) but it's a little more understandable.
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