I had one file on Save Slot 1 that I had with my Steam download of the game.
Was told that you need to download the game from the website in order to get Episode 2, so I did that.
Loaded Save Slot 1, started Episode 2, and the decisions were nothing of what I chose, Kenny hated me, Carley was alive, etc. So I played it up to the point where we were going to attack the bandits. Logged off my game, came back the next day, when I loaded Save Slot 1, it had no progress for Episode 2, started from the beginning.
I was like, "Screw it, it didn't have my decisions anyways." Started a file on Save Slot 3, went back to Episode 1, played through it all, and went to start Episode 2, it immediately took me to the progress that I thought was previously wiped of Save Slot 1, entering the small campsite of the bandits.
never had any problems with episode 1...as soon as i downloaded episode 2 i could play it for like a day or two then it says saved file corrupted and it deletes all my files =/....anyone have similar issues? im on a ps3 btw
i've made 3 threads about this issue, you have to start over
someone should really post this on more popular gaming outlets. ps3 users are getting shafting, and if you play 3 different saves; you will lose everything
so we cant have 3 saves? i had the 3 files so i can try other choices and stuff....i have a feeling episode 2 is causing the bug never had any problems when i played through episode 1
I know that several people have already made a topic on this, but I'm hoping that someone has solved this issue.
Whenever I finish episode 1 and try and start episode 2 the previously on screen reflects decisions that I did not make, such as who lived and who died. Seeing as this game is all about choices, this is somewhat of a big deal for me and I do not want to play through episode 2 with random choices being made.
I have attempted to play the scene in the parking lot about 5 times now hoping that it would carry over, but I have had no luck. Whenever I finish episode 1 and move to episode 2 I click on my save game, switch to episode 2, and hit play. Any time I continue on episode 1 it takes me back to the parking lot scene.
Am I doing some wrong in trying to start episode 2? Or is there some sort of bug? If there is a bug, has anyone had any luck?
Are you on PC? Try locating your save files, copying the files to a different location, uninstalling and reinstalling your game, and pasting your files back. I had the same problem (and like Mandella I went with Doug n__n) and this was the only solution which worked for me.
1. instal the game (exe file of the walking dead episode 2) in the same folder in witch the episode one game is installed.
2. I was sure that there sould be a save folder so i went to My documents and i saw there Telltale games folder; inside where two "the walking dead" folders ( each corespond with each episode) sice one of the two is missing (.save) files, i just copy paste them on the one that was empty and it worked.
Lol seriously. I decided too completely start a new save game. So i went and completed episode 1 today. And also decided too save Doug for a change. I used to always save Carley. So i wanted too start episode 2 now with my brand new save game. But instead of doug they give me carley...How is this possible? I clearly saw her get eaten by 500 zombies so... I play this on pc. Steam version btw.
It looks like Telltale are bigoted against Doug. How dare you choose against their wishes! Joking, I've seen others comment on this bug too, but I can't how (and if) they fixed it, sorry.
You can start the episode 2 from an empty slot, maybe if you do so you got to play with "standard choices" (maybe the choices made by most of the player).
But if you take a slot with a save of episode 1 it is gonna work, for sure.
And not just about Carley and Doug, every body gonna remeber everything you've done or sayed. Even little things like choosing to say to Clem that it's smell Manure or Shit in the barn...
I don't think there is a bug, juste people who are not doing things right.
When I finally got episode 2 to connect via steam, my saved files had been switched around. Originally, save 1 was Carly, save 2 Doug, save three Lee the asshole.
In episode two, my saved were mismatched. Try checking that.
Make sure you have your save highlighted before clicking play, if it isn't click on your save to make it light up. I haven't tried it, but it appears that you can click on play without having to select a savegame. Might test it now actually.
Okay, tried it twice, both times the screen stayed at the choose your save screen but anything I clicked on didn't respond, so it's not that though it does cause an issue if you do it lol.
so we cant have 3 saves? i had the 3 files so i can try other choices and stuff....i have a feeling episode 2 is causing the bug never had any problems when i played through episode 1
i guess not it happened me when i was doing my third walkthrough
Of course, if you've installed your Steam games directory in some place other than default, one assumes that you remember where and can find it again...
But once again, great find and I hope the Mods sticky this or add it to the FAQs or something to make it easier to find for the many of us who suffered from this problem!
So I played through Episode 1 three separate times, had 3 save games. I just turned the game back on to play Episode 2 and it says I have NO SAVE GAMES. What the heck is going on!?:mad:
I don’t know if this is the issue, but I always let the credits play after an episode. I assume you have sufficient memory space, so that shouldn’t be the issue.
Your problem sounds similar to my own (PC version) and here's what I've determined: that 2 separate three-slot save screens are used for each respective episode. I was able to realise this rather quickly because I had already 2 Episode-I save slots filled, and upon starting Episode II and quitting to the main menu after the first autosave, I checked the list again only to find one (now Episode II) filled save slot and two empty slots--the game had 'switched' to a new panel of three save slots for Episode II. Quitting the game and restarting from the desktop would reset this and bring up once more the Episode I save/load screen with the two slots filled as before, and I determined for certain that the new Episode II save was still there in the parallel list of Episode II saves which could only be accessed when attempting again to start an Episode II game.
The result of this is that no continuity with or carry-over from a completed Episode-I game to Episode II is at all possible in my situation. Like you, upon launching Episode II from the save slot of a completed Episode I, none of my decisions had carried over (it appears the computer had decided not to upgrade the original save in the original slot into an Episode-II save, but rather create a new save file in a parallel Episode II save/load screen with no Episode I backstory save data and randomly generated choices) and when I examined the newly created save file, I found no Episode I rewind save data. The game is not allowing me to extend my completed EP-I game into the next episode, but rather automatically creates a new EP-II game with no saved backstory and with newly generated past choices because the game is not allowing saves from different episodes to occupy the same save/load screen. The game appears to 'shift' between two modes. I tried to rewind this new EP-II save into EP-I (meaning the start of a new EP-I game since there was no save data carried over--this would mean playing all over again just to have your EP-I decisions and save occupy a slot in an EP-II save screen so as to be able then to start an EP-II game successfully with an EP-I backstory and data imported) and this resulted in the game 'shifting'/rebooting back into the title screen and main menu rather than rewinding the game. Upon checking the save/load screen I found my initial EP-I saves--I was back to the EP-I save/load screen. The savegames for different episodes are being strictly segregated (without a direct means to switch from one save screen to the other) and so extending/importing the save of a completed prior episode into a new one is impossible, at least in my case. Obviously, many people do not seem to be having this problem at all, so what is the reason behind the appearance of this game-breaking error at least in my case?
dude the same thing happened to me i just overwrite my first save slot and than played the game all over (from ep1) again and it worked just fine with me....it took me four hours of playing but it was worth it...
You wouldn't believe it, but I've only moments ago stumbled upon the same solution myself after rummaging through the directories. Many thanks for the link.
Yeah that's not the issue. I mean, I had all the save games up until steam auto updated with episode 2. After that, it wouldn't play because the exe wouldn't work, so I had to run in admin and compatibility mode. When I finally got on to play Episode 2, it said it was gonna make my decisions from Episode 1 random because there was no save data. Strange since I have all of Episode 1's achievements unlocked in Steam too.
I'm scared to play Episode 1 again for fear that I'll start episode 2 and would have wasted the time again.
Hey, I'm playing the game on the PC. I had to come here just to post that tons the choices I did in episode 2 were bugged. Some examples:
-Lilly said I sided with her during the initial argument with Kenny, but I stayed neutral
-Kenny said I didn't cared for Duck at the Hershel farm, when in fact I saved Duck
-About Kenny in general, he was really generally angry towards me when in fact he said I was his buddy at the end of Ep. 1. I fed Duck at the beginning, and generally tried to stay neutral. I didn't help him kill Larry, that's it. But still, he kept acting mightily pissed all game long. I think he didn't remember any of all the good stuff I did for him.
-The game thought I let Clementine eat the bad food, when instead I had her spit it out. There were 2 instances where this came up (one right after the scene, the other at the end when leaving the dairy farm.
That's just some I remember, but there were more. This is a game where choices are the gameplay, so please fix...
Also, on PC the main menu is full of bugs. Once, it reverted back to "no subtitles". Another time, it reverted back to default resolution. And another time, it just froze on the on the save selection screen.
First one if you try to stay neutral Lilly will think that you sided with her because you didn't agreed with Kenny.
Well Kenny is a type of person who thinks that you are with him or without him so even if you don't take his side 1 time he will hate you ^^. This can be seen if you chose to throw out Duck from the drugstore, he tells you are with him or not. There is no neutral for him xd
Don't know about Clem because I came to her before she ate it.
So I open The Walking Dead Game only to know that my FUCKING save data is corrupt! WTF?! What causes it? Sorry.... I'm fucking mad..... I tried to play game the 3rd time with different choices.... But now..... Every fucking thing again....
I love the game but it is executed poorly.... lags, crashes..... and now this...
I play this on ps3 [EU]
Waited so long..... Only to see this shit. FUCK TTG..... I have said this before:
This is the first and last TTG product I will ever buy... :mad:
I know you're upset but surely there are better ways of expressing your problems. Do you think Telltale are happy people are having trouble? No of course they aren't. They may not respond to every post but they will read all of the support threads and they will be looking into these problems. So lets just keep it civil and remember that the guys (and gals) at Telltale are human too and mistakes happen, bugs happen. At the end of the day it's only a game and it's not worth this kind of vitriol.
I received notification that Episode 2 came out, and I waited. I thought it would be smart to allow the rush to subside before taxing the servers with my desire to survive zombies.
See the attached screenshot for what my episode 1 "The Walking Dead" told me - download an update version from Telltalle.
I did.
After launching the new version - which did not replace the old one, being named "TheWalkingDead" rather than "The Walking Dead," I downloaded Epsiode 2. Really. I. Had. To. Leave. The. Application. Open. While. It. Downloaded. Episode. 2.
I then launched Episode 2.(see second screenshot)
It wants to "randomize" events for "unplayed" episodes. No save files.
Really, Telltale? How did it become this screwed up?
(see other screenshots)
And, lastly, why is there no support thread? No Support contact?
Was told that you need to download the game from the website in order to get Episode 2, so I did that.
Loaded Save Slot 1, started Episode 2, and the decisions were nothing of what I chose, Kenny hated me, Carley was alive, etc. So I played it up to the point where we were going to attack the bandits. Logged off my game, came back the next day, when I loaded Save Slot 1, it had no progress for Episode 2, started from the beginning.
I was like, "Screw it, it didn't have my decisions anyways." Started a file on Save Slot 3, went back to Episode 1, played through it all, and went to start Episode 2, it immediately took me to the progress that I thought was previously wiped of Save Slot 1, entering the small campsite of the bandits.
Any direction would be helpful, thanks.
Thanks for the insight. Should I even attempt deleting all my save files, and starting over? Or just wait?
someone should really post this on more popular gaming outlets. ps3 users are getting shafting, and if you play 3 different saves; you will lose everything
Whenever I finish episode 1 and try and start episode 2 the previously on screen reflects decisions that I did not make, such as who lived and who died. Seeing as this game is all about choices, this is somewhat of a big deal for me and I do not want to play through episode 2 with random choices being made.
I have attempted to play the scene in the parking lot about 5 times now hoping that it would carry over, but I have had no luck. Whenever I finish episode 1 and move to episode 2 I click on my save game, switch to episode 2, and hit play. Any time I continue on episode 1 it takes me back to the parking lot scene.
Am I doing some wrong in trying to start episode 2? Or is there some sort of bug? If there is a bug, has anyone had any luck?
I know only 24 percent of us wanted Doug, but dangit, it's the decision I made and I want to live by it!
It worked for me as follows:
1. instal the game (exe file of the walking dead episode 2) in the same folder in witch the episode one game is installed.
2. I was sure that there sould be a save folder so i went to My documents and i saw there Telltale games folder; inside where two "the walking dead" folders ( each corespond with each episode) sice one of the two is missing (.save) files, i just copy paste them on the one that was empty and it worked.
others have mentioned the bug...
Are you sure you used the right slot ???
You can start the episode 2 from an empty slot, maybe if you do so you got to play with "standard choices" (maybe the choices made by most of the player).
But if you take a slot with a save of episode 1 it is gonna work, for sure.
And not just about Carley and Doug, every body gonna remeber everything you've done or sayed. Even little things like choosing to say to Clem that it's smell Manure or Shit in the barn...
I don't think there is a bug, juste people who are not doing things right.
In episode two, my saved were mismatched. Try checking that.
i guess not it happened me when i was doing my third walkthrough
For those who have the problem where their decisions don't carry over:
-Possible Fix-
The game stores a "prefs.prop" in two places. One in:
C:\Users\___\Documents\Telltale Games\The Walking Dead
And the other in:
Or if you don't have the Steam version, its somewhere in your game DIR.
Do backups before overwriting anything.
Copy the prefs.prop file from your game's DIR folders, and overwrite it in your Documents\TTG\TWD folder
Go in game and load the save game with your finished EP1. Switch to EP2 in the chapter select and run it.
This worked for me when any other solution did not. My decisions carried over.
One mistake though, the line
is not the default location of Steam games. This one is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\the walking dead\Pack\default
Of course, if you've installed your Steam games directory in some place other than default, one assumes that you remember where and can find it again...
But once again, great find and I hope the Mods sticky this or add it to the FAQs or something to make it easier to find for the many of us who suffered from this problem!
The result of this is that no continuity with or carry-over from a completed Episode-I game to Episode II is at all possible in my situation. Like you, upon launching Episode II from the save slot of a completed Episode I, none of my decisions had carried over (it appears the computer had decided not to upgrade the original save in the original slot into an Episode-II save, but rather create a new save file in a parallel Episode II save/load screen with no Episode I backstory save data and randomly generated choices) and when I examined the newly created save file, I found no Episode I rewind save data. The game is not allowing me to extend my completed EP-I game into the next episode, but rather automatically creates a new EP-II game with no saved backstory and with newly generated past choices because the game is not allowing saves from different episodes to occupy the same save/load screen. The game appears to 'shift' between two modes. I tried to rewind this new EP-II save into EP-I (meaning the start of a new EP-I game since there was no save data carried over--this would mean playing all over again just to have your EP-I decisions and save occupy a slot in an EP-II save screen so as to be able then to start an EP-II game successfully with an EP-I backstory and data imported) and this resulted in the game 'shifting'/rebooting back into the title screen and main menu rather than rewinding the game. Upon checking the save/load screen I found my initial EP-I saves--I was back to the EP-I save/load screen. The savegames for different episodes are being strictly segregated (without a direct means to switch from one save screen to the other) and so extending/importing the save of a completed prior episode into a new one is impossible, at least in my case. Obviously, many people do not seem to be having this problem at all, so what is the reason behind the appearance of this game-breaking error at least in my case?
after you do that replay the last part of episode one. then start fresh with ep 2
I'm scared to play Episode 1 again for fear that I'll start episode 2 and would have wasted the time again.
or this http://www.telltalegames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=29533
if either of those bring your saves back replay the last part of ep 1, then start fresh on ep 2.
-Lilly said I sided with her during the initial argument with Kenny, but I stayed neutral
-Kenny said I didn't cared for Duck at the Hershel farm, when in fact I saved Duck
-About Kenny in general, he was really generally angry towards me when in fact he said I was his buddy at the end of Ep. 1. I fed Duck at the beginning, and generally tried to stay neutral. I didn't help him kill Larry, that's it. But still, he kept acting mightily pissed all game long. I think he didn't remember any of all the good stuff I did for him.
-The game thought I let Clementine eat the bad food, when instead I had her spit it out. There were 2 instances where this came up (one right after the scene, the other at the end when leaving the dairy farm.
That's just some I remember, but there were more. This is a game where choices are the gameplay, so please fix...
Also, on PC the main menu is full of bugs. Once, it reverted back to "no subtitles". Another time, it reverted back to default resolution. And another time, it just froze on the on the save selection screen.
So yeah, good game, but man fix the bugs...
Well Kenny is a type of person who thinks that you are with him or without him so even if you don't take his side 1 time he will hate you ^^. This can be seen if you chose to throw out Duck from the drugstore, he tells you are with him or not. There is no neutral for him xd
Don't know about Clem because I came to her before she ate it.
I love the game but it is executed poorly.... lags, crashes..... and now this...
I play this on ps3 [EU]
Waited so long..... Only to see this shit. FUCK TTG..... I have said this before:
This is the first and last TTG product I will ever buy... :mad:
See the attached screenshot for what my episode 1 "The Walking Dead" told me - download an update version from Telltalle.
I did.
After launching the new version - which did not replace the old one, being named "TheWalkingDead" rather than "The Walking Dead," I downloaded Epsiode 2. Really. I. Had. To. Leave. The. Application. Open. While. It. Downloaded. Episode. 2.
I then launched Episode 2.(see second screenshot)
It wants to "randomize" events for "unplayed" episodes. No save files.
Really, Telltale? How did it become this screwed up?
(see other screenshots)
And, lastly, why is there no support thread? No Support contact?