Now Steam has to remind me that I wasted money on not one, but 5 episodes. Thanks so much Steam. I uninstall, but the bad keeps popping its hideous badness head up out of the sea of bad.
Now Steam has to remind me that I wasted money on not one, but 5 episodes. Thanks so much Steam. I uninstall, but the bad keeps popping its hideous badness head up out of the sea of bad.
Was there no option to only buy one episode? Just curious.
While i've enjoyed the game a bit I will say it definitely isn't as strong for me as the games and the comics. It's a fun little distraction until the show returns in the fall but if all the episodes aren't out by then I probably won't be interested in playing them anymore. But this is also coming from someone who has only played about 5 video games in her life so i'm really not their target audiences anyway.
It's great game from a storytelling prespective but the actual gameplay elements are piss poor. I'm not too bothered about the 'action' so the fight sequences don't really bother me (although I would have accepted something a little more intuitive than pressing 'Q' as fast as I can), and the conversation elements are as good as they can be I feel.
The adventure elements of the game are shocking though, if I wasn't purposefully 'looking' at everything and talking to everyone for the sake of extending the game time then there would be little reason to interact with anything, there's no real red herrings to throw me off guard, no Monkey Island-esq item collect/combine/use mechanic, no puzzles ect.
As it is the game is still very enjoyable I feel, i'm just a little dissapointed that there isn't more to it.
Seriously, it looked like so much fun. I love the genre, but this is the most boring thing I've ever paid money for.
I wish they would give refunds. What a waste of money.
Sorry you feel that way. Just don't ask loaded questions like that in the title. Just because you are not happy with the game does not mean we are on your side.
I personally have found this a great story and game. Yes it is based on quick time events and dialogue, but so were Indigo Prophecy and Heavy Rain which I really enjoyed. A game does not have set parameters for how they must be designed, so as long as it can hold my interest and be competently designed I am fine.
Why do you even continue wasting your time on visiting the forum of the game, which you abandoned and uninstalled. Just go play whatever you like and enjoy, everybody here already saw your point of view so there is no point to continue discussion because you won't convince anyone into anything.
BTW If you are still coming here try to answer craftyard's post on previous page and then discuss anything else.
Why do you even continue wasting your time on visiting the forum of the game, which you abandoned and uninstalled. Just go play whatever you like and enjoy, everybody here already saw your point of view so there is no point to continue discussion because you won't convince anyone into anything.
BTW If you are still coming here try to answer craftyard's post on previous page and then discuss anything else.
There's not really anything to answer in that post. But I'll answer yours. I come here to find intelligent posts like those made by HolyWalkers and Kinky John. Who say they find good things (and bad) about the game. It's nice to see something other than fan boy nonsense.
I come here because it's my right. I paid for the game and found it incredibly bad on multiple levels. I can't get my money's worth by playing it or get a refund, so I'll get enjoyment discussing it on the official forums. Surely you can understand that.
I'm not trying to persuade anyone to my point of view, but again, it's my right to continue discussing this product. At least until they kick me off. I don't think they'll do that though; I'm not being rude, mean or dishonest.
Just to be curious, did u watch the TV show or read any of the comics.
Cause if you did u would already knew it wasn't a game for you.
It is a game made for fans, since the show and comics are well watched and read across the globe.
And if you never heard of it before then u lived underneath a rock.
How can you not love it?!
This is one of the best zombie genre games ever IMO....
It has those classic creepy Romero zombies, not those gay quick moving infected typed ones
TWD is my favorite zombie based series after Romero's....
How can you not love it?!
This is one of the best zombie genre games ever IMO....
It has those classic creepy Romero zombies, not those gay quick moving infected typed ones
TWD is my favorite zombie based series after Romero's....
Well see... I thought the 28 days later zombies types were scary has hell lol.
There's not really anything to answer in that post. But I'll answer yours. I come here to find intelligent posts like those made by HolyWalkers and Kinky John. Who say they find good things (and bad) about the game. It's nice to see something other than fan boy nonsense.
I come here because it's my right. I paid for the game and found it incredibly bad on multiple levels. I can't get my money's worth by playing it or get a refund, so I'll get enjoyment discussing it on the official forums. Surely you can understand that.
I'm not trying to persuade anyone to my point of view, but again, it's my right to continue discussing this product. At least until they kick me off. I don't think they'll do that though; I'm not being rude, mean or dishonest.
You can do, whatever is allowed. Now let me do, what is allowed to me and answer this post of yours.
I'm not very fond of how TTG handles all the problems (delay and no communication), but I do like the game. It entertains me with it's story, dialog and style and makes me think. It's not a real adventure and it's not a real action game, but 5 * 2 hours for 25 bucks is fine. It's like going to the movies 5 times, but I have the illusion of control and that's nice. So I think that it's a good game so far. Oh ... and you can play it again and make some other choices. Maybe not all do that, but I do.
What I don't like, is all those threads in the forum with people asking for their money back. But of course in almost all cases they don't do it in a decent way by giving their reasons and be done with it. No, they whine and cry and flame and let me assume that they're under/below the required age to play this game anyway. Why is it that those people don't just write to the support? Why do they have to come back again and again and argue some more? And let's be honest... they will also come back to the forum to complain after playing episode 3, 4 and 5. Prove me wrong, I dare you
[EDIT: My words to "them"]
Fine, you've spent money and your expectations haven't been met. Deal with it. I have spent more money before and got much less out of it. That happens to everybody. Learn from it and don't do it again. It's one of life's lessons. You're free to never buy a TTG game again. But they did put work in the game and they delivered it. As somebody, who does work as well, I think it's quite pathetic to make a dumb purchase and then demand the money back. To me this doesn't scream "they have cheated me" in this case, but "I shouldn't be entrusted with money".
Have you ever bought a new ice cream flavor and didn't like it? Couldn't it be that buying an episode for example is the same as a portion of ice cream and it's as ridiculous to complain to the ice cream sales person, as to TTG? You could have asked a friend to taste it, when he bought it or watch your friend play the episode, right (reading reviews and watching gameplay videos)? No, you bought the game for the full price (probably in advance) and now you think that there shouldn't be a risk in buying things and because you can't get a refund you feel frustrated and show it here. Well, the sooner you get over it, the sooner you'll be happy again. Best luck...
People who can't play the game should ask for their money back. If the game runs very poorly, you can try as well.
And no, I don't work for TTG. I just ask myself, how people became this way. I was probably the same, when I was younger
Look up Alan Wake, maybe that is something for you.
I really liked that, and its story line outperforms TWD by ten fold.
Thanks, I'll give it a look. The nice thing about the situation, is learning how to spot garbage easier.
Before buying:
1. Watch real gameplay footage. No trailers or anything from the company making the game.
2. Try to find a look at key binding screens and other option screens. That tells you a lot about the amount of work put into it.
This of course doesn't prevent bad story telling. That is way too subjective anyway. But if I'd done these two things, I wouldn't have spent the money and never would have had to seen Clem's nasty little pug face. *there should have been an option to eat her after the first scene*
Not trolling, just stating my opinion and asking serious questions. I spent the money, so it's really OK for me to discuss my experience on the forums, right?
That's the point. This story is boring drivel. You fans act like this is Heinlein or Le Guin. It's one dimensional tripe executed to please teenage fan boys.
Are you aware you're calling everyone who likes the game a teenage fan boy?
Robert and Ursula K. wrote Science Fiction, not zombie stories. Telltale follows the limitations of the genre.
First shocker, I'm not into zombie stories. But I don't consider them boring, and how could you be bored when they're trying to break any splatter and grossness taboo at all costs? I find them meaningless more than boring. Like watching some war movie where you're sure everyone's going to die at the end, and you're meant to get depressed as the movie's sole message.
To keep those stories gripping, you have to introduce characters the consumer has an emotional reaction to, to have them invest their feelings although they know it will eventually be for naught. And here's shocker number two: I consider Telltale's work in that area to be far superior to the comic it's based on. Kirkman hasn't even bothered to introduce a character whose past isn't told in two accidental speech bubbles. Kirkman hasn't chosen a medium that responds well to longer dialog between two people. Kirkman did not present an ending or much of a narrative development in ten years besides "someone dies and turns into a zombie". I don't see the achievement, but then again, I just don't like zombie stories that much, so it boils down to a matter of taste again eventually.
There are great games with great graphics out there.
...made with engines that cost millions, sold in games that cost three times as much as this one, producing graphics that are at least unoriginal. I happen to like the graphic style presented here, as I haven't seen anything like it before and as the graphic design area really interests me. But if graphics aren't a matter of taste, I don't know what is.
Also, Telltale started out in a genre that has followers who are of the opinion that graphics should not count in a game, coining the derogatory term "graphic whore" (which gets an infraction on this forum ). Meaning: Maybe it's the wrong place to ask for "better graphics".
mind telling us what are your favourite games? one that has better writing/characterisation/voice acting than this game?
i understand some gamers may be turned off by the lack of interactivity, but to go as far as to criticise the superb voice acting?
The quality of a game is measured by the amount of grenades exploding next to you and how many hours it takes them to permanently decrease your hearing by 20%
(that's not my real opinion, but more a comment on certain player groups)
I prefer this type of game to a Resident Evil or Dead Island or the likes, I like the choices that you make as opposed to just going postal with a gun or whatever.
Personally not a fan of body count games, more emotionally involved games. Already after the 1st episode I was ensuring that nothing was gonna happen to Clementine.
You haven't defined your type of game or if you're a fan of the source material. I'd also like to know if you used to read Choose Your Own Adventure games or played Heavy Rain.
It's a solid game that's true to the comic. If you just don't like slow zombie stuff, then that would explain a lot.
Was there no option to only buy one episode? Just curious.
The adventure elements of the game are shocking though, if I wasn't purposefully 'looking' at everything and talking to everyone for the sake of extending the game time then there would be little reason to interact with anything, there's no real red herrings to throw me off guard, no Monkey Island-esq item collect/combine/use mechanic, no puzzles ect.
As it is the game is still very enjoyable I feel, i'm just a little dissapointed that there isn't more to it.
Sorry you feel that way. Just don't ask loaded questions like that in the title. Just because you are not happy with the game does not mean we are on your side.
I personally have found this a great story and game. Yes it is based on quick time events and dialogue, but so were Indigo Prophecy and Heavy Rain which I really enjoyed. A game does not have set parameters for how they must be designed, so as long as it can hold my interest and be competently designed I am fine.
Why do you even continue wasting your time on visiting the forum of the game, which you abandoned and uninstalled. Just go play whatever you like and enjoy, everybody here already saw your point of view so there is no point to continue discussion because you won't convince anyone into anything.
BTW If you are still coming here try to answer craftyard's post on previous page and then discuss anything else.
There's not really anything to answer in that post. But I'll answer yours. I come here to find intelligent posts like those made by HolyWalkers and Kinky John. Who say they find good things (and bad) about the game. It's nice to see something other than fan boy nonsense.
I come here because it's my right. I paid for the game and found it incredibly bad on multiple levels. I can't get my money's worth by playing it or get a refund, so I'll get enjoyment discussing it on the official forums. Surely you can understand that.
I'm not trying to persuade anyone to my point of view, but again, it's my right to continue discussing this product. At least until they kick me off. I don't think they'll do that though; I'm not being rude, mean or dishonest.
BTW Saying fan boy is also an insult for some people.
Just to be curious, did u watch the TV show or read any of the comics.
Cause if you did u would already knew it wasn't a game for you.
It is a game made for fans, since the show and comics are well watched and read across the globe.
And if you never heard of it before then u lived underneath a rock.
To bad you don't like it though, I love it.
This is one of the best zombie genre games ever IMO....
It has those classic creepy Romero zombies, not those gay quick moving infected typed ones
TWD is my favorite zombie based series after Romero's....
Well see... I thought the 28 days later zombies types were scary has hell lol.
Look up Alan Wake, maybe that is something for you.
I really liked that, and its story line outperforms TWD by ten fold.
You can do, whatever is allowed. Now let me do, what is allowed to me and answer this post of yours.
I'm not very fond of how TTG handles all the problems (delay and no communication), but I do like the game. It entertains me with it's story, dialog and style and makes me think. It's not a real adventure and it's not a real action game, but 5 * 2 hours for 25 bucks is fine. It's like going to the movies 5 times, but I have the illusion of control and that's nice. So I think that it's a good game so far. Oh ... and you can play it again and make some other choices. Maybe not all do that, but I do.
What I don't like, is all those threads in the forum with people asking for their money back. But of course in almost all cases they don't do it in a decent way by giving their reasons and be done with it. No, they whine and cry and flame and let me assume that they're under/below the required age to play this game anyway. Why is it that those people don't just write to the support? Why do they have to come back again and again and argue some more? And let's be honest... they will also come back to the forum to complain after playing episode 3, 4 and 5. Prove me wrong, I dare you
[EDIT: My words to "them"]
Fine, you've spent money and your expectations haven't been met. Deal with it. I have spent more money before and got much less out of it. That happens to everybody. Learn from it and don't do it again. It's one of life's lessons. You're free to never buy a TTG game again. But they did put work in the game and they delivered it. As somebody, who does work as well, I think it's quite pathetic to make a dumb purchase and then demand the money back. To me this doesn't scream "they have cheated me" in this case, but "I shouldn't be entrusted with money".
Have you ever bought a new ice cream flavor and didn't like it? Couldn't it be that buying an episode for example is the same as a portion of ice cream and it's as ridiculous to complain to the ice cream sales person, as to TTG? You could have asked a friend to taste it, when he bought it or watch your friend play the episode, right (reading reviews and watching gameplay videos)? No, you bought the game for the full price (probably in advance) and now you think that there shouldn't be a risk in buying things and because you can't get a refund you feel frustrated and show it here. Well, the sooner you get over it, the sooner you'll be happy again. Best luck...
People who can't play the game should ask for their money back. If the game runs very poorly, you can try as well.
And no, I don't work for TTG. I just ask myself, how people became this way. I was probably the same, when I was younger
[EDIT 2: Some spelling errors}
Thanks, I'll give it a look. The nice thing about the situation, is learning how to spot garbage easier.
Before buying:
1. Watch real gameplay footage. No trailers or anything from the company making the game.
2. Try to find a look at key binding screens and other option screens. That tells you a lot about the amount of work put into it.
This of course doesn't prevent bad story telling. That is way too subjective anyway. But if I'd done these two things, I wouldn't have spent the money and never would have had to seen Clem's nasty little pug face. *there should have been an option to eat her after the first scene*
Are you aware you're calling everyone who likes the game a teenage fan boy?
Robert and Ursula K. wrote Science Fiction, not zombie stories. Telltale follows the limitations of the genre.
First shocker, I'm not into zombie stories. But I don't consider them boring, and how could you be bored when they're trying to break any splatter and grossness taboo at all costs? I find them meaningless more than boring. Like watching some war movie where you're sure everyone's going to die at the end, and you're meant to get depressed as the movie's sole message.
To keep those stories gripping, you have to introduce characters the consumer has an emotional reaction to, to have them invest their feelings although they know it will eventually be for naught. And here's shocker number two: I consider Telltale's work in that area to be far superior to the comic it's based on. Kirkman hasn't even bothered to introduce a character whose past isn't told in two accidental speech bubbles. Kirkman hasn't chosen a medium that responds well to longer dialog between two people. Kirkman did not present an ending or much of a narrative development in ten years besides "someone dies and turns into a zombie". I don't see the achievement, but then again, I just don't like zombie stories that much, so it boils down to a matter of taste again eventually.
...made with engines that cost millions, sold in games that cost three times as much as this one, producing graphics that are at least unoriginal. I happen to like the graphic style presented here, as I haven't seen anything like it before and as the graphic design area really interests me. But if graphics aren't a matter of taste, I don't know what is.
Also, Telltale started out in a genre that has followers who are of the opinion that graphics should not count in a game, coining the derogatory term "graphic whore" (which gets an infraction on this forum
i understand some gamers may be turned off by the lack of interactivity, but to go as far as to criticise the superb voice acting?
The quality of a game is measured by the amount of grenades exploding next to you and how many hours it takes them to permanently decrease your hearing by 20%
(that's not my real opinion, but more a comment on certain player groups)
Personally not a fan of body count games, more emotionally involved games. Already after the 1st episode I was ensuring that nothing was gonna happen to Clementine.
It's a solid game that's true to the comic. If you just don't like slow zombie stuff, then that would explain a lot.
Zombies usually are slow!!