Who's YOUR Lee?
So, I thought it'd be interesting to find out what kind of person YOUR Lee is.
My Lee is an all-around nice guy, but he'll stand up and get mean if he has to! He will make the hard decisions, and do whatever it takes to survive and protect Clementine! Even if that means getting his hands dirty every now and then. Oh and my Lee always sides with Kenny! Kenny will do anything it takes to protect his family as well and I don't want to be on his bad side! lol
So, who are you making YOUR Lee in to?
My Lee is an all-around nice guy, but he'll stand up and get mean if he has to! He will make the hard decisions, and do whatever it takes to survive and protect Clementine! Even if that means getting his hands dirty every now and then. Oh and my Lee always sides with Kenny! Kenny will do anything it takes to protect his family as well and I don't want to be on his bad side! lol
So, who are you making YOUR Lee in to?

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In my other save im a complete *sshole, I shot Jolene, killed both brothers, (didnt help Kenny though as i dislike him in this save) and in one of my favourite bits of the episode, after not stopping Clementine from eating Mark quickly enough (by choosing something less direct accidently) i then told Larry to "eat up" and he went mad in the meat locker at me for it :L
The long version: (read it all to get a full picture of my Lee's character)
Ep 1:
Day or Night: Day lol. Yea, gonna go blind in the dark >.>
Hershel: Truth to Hershel. He let me sleep at his home.
Shawn or Duck: Shawn. He was a cool guy that saved my life, and dumb@#$ Duck ran over his leg @#%^.
Larry or Kenny: Neutral to both sides, yet Kenny's still a nazi that wants you to bend down to his regime. >:|
Gave Irene The Gun: No way, that would make noise, dumb broad.
Doug or Carley: Carley, woman. Also saved my life with good shooting.
I cut off the guy's leg. That trap wasn't breaking loose anytime soon. XD
Gave food to the kids, offered it to Kajaa and Carley, both refused. Gave last food to Larry(old man) and Lily. A man's gotta set the standards for the other men. :X
I didn't shoot the crazy lady 'cause she was talking some sense that I wanted to learn more of.
I didn't help Kenny kill Larry because I prefer the style of the cop from Dawn of the Dead(remake): Don't kill them until they turn.
I didn't kill the brothers because: 1 got slashed with a scyth twice(by Lily and me) + a bear trap, unbreakable to leg. The other brother got feasted on by the mother, broken, after learning his family's "peril"
I chose to steal the food because: A. It's the zombie apocalypse. This ain't normal world living where you can say, "Hey, someone lives there." No, 95% chance, whoever owned that car is dead. If we don't take the food, other bastard bandits might, and I ain't having that.
Only thing I know is, don't frickin get in the way of my Lee!
It's a pitty the missing teeth aren't showing...
My Lee started off as a guy who just wanted to get out of the state and start a new life. but when he met Clem he became a father
After you elbow your way off the fence, Lee will jump Andy. You can then start hitting him, either on the left, or the right side of his face(*cough* hit only one side to get the best results *cough*). As long as you don't wait too long between punches, you will mess him up pretty bad(including a cutscene)... otherwise he'll throw you off.
So, my Lee, he look a bit like Rick from the comic actually. At first i tried to make the right choice, keep saving everybody, help anybody i can, tried to "negociate" with the crazy lady, protect the innocence of Clementine etc.... Anyway i tried to be a good guy. But like in the comic, there's no grey area, it's either black or white. So i made a decision, i stop trying.
You try to kill me and eat me ? you die.
You try to fry me against an electric fence ? i won't kill you ... oh no, i won't mercy you. You get swarm by zombie, get bitten, die and come back, end of story.
You took Katjaa hostage ? there's a zombie behind you ? i lure you upstairs so that you get bit.
Larry, i got a moment of hesitation here. But in the end, i side up with Kenny, because he's right, and larry was an *sshole.
Lily hates me ? becareful, if you get in my way, you're next, and it might be soon, after you do nothing to help me during the fight.
About clementine, i could've try to protect her innocence, but ... what's the point ? the world is doom right now, so she will have to make tough choice, even kill someone to survive someday. I explain her anyway, that they were bad guy, that we needed food. Like Rick's son, she will lose her soul soon.
And finally about the car, we were in the forest in the middle of the night, the car seem abandoned, it makes me wonder... who's car is this ? it's either the bandit's or the crazy lady's. And when i saw the red hoodie, my mind goes like : oh yeah, the old hag had a girl with her, it's probably the girl's sweater.
So ! In the end, my Lee was a good guy, but he lost it, like Rick. And that's the path i'll follow in the next episode !
It's kind of similar to the gun scene in the barn for the first punch. If you are fast enough you'll punch him, if not, he will roll you over and you will have another quicktime event. At least you don't die straight away in that case.
Keeping Clementine safe is the first priority, but that doesn’t make him a selfish and blinded person. We are in the middle of a zombie apocalypse and the best way to go forward is working together and trying to keep the civilization.
Also, he is a person with many regrets of his past and trying to make the right choices now.
He avoided entering the leadership struggle since he would like to avoid these difficult choices that surround this position, but as things are developing he is seen that he might need to assume this position and take this responsibility for him (after all, this problems keep coming for him anyway).
I would say that my Lee is still trying to do things the right way, but after Kenny’s situation he will stop being over the wall. No more argue with people that don’t listen. If it is right, it is right. If not, is not. No more “well, maybe… but, you know…”.
Ep 1:
Day or Night: Day.. seemed like a better idea.
Hershel: Tried to tell the truth to Hershel. He let me sleep in the barn.
Shawn or Duck: Duck. I was still friends with kenny so I saved his kid.
Larry or Kenny: Kenny unfortunatly.
Gave Irene The Gun: No, she's not wasting my ammo!
Doug or Carly: Carly, saved my life...and was good at shooting.
I cut off the guy's leg.
I sided with lily after our return from the rescue
Gave food to the Clem then duck..then Carly.. My last piece went to larry hoping he would lighten up.
I didn't shoot the crazy lady. i was interested in her words and what not.
I didn't help Kenny kill Larry because I thought Larry was still alive..
I didn't kill both brothers.. I killed Danny because I didn't know to aim at the hay bail, I left Andy to die because i didn't feel it was necessary to kill him. (My Lee refuses to kill people anyway)
I did not steal from the car because it didn't feel right to steal from someone who might come back. (I always do want clem wants me to do so she's always happy)
Ep 1:
Day or Night: Day. Just made sense to go while it's still light out.
Hershel: Didn't really lie, but hide the truth. He let me sleep in the barn, but gave me his talk the next day.
Shawn or Duck: Duck. Was friends with Kenny, plus I'd just save a kid over Shawn, even if I think that kid is possibly the stupidest one I'd ever seen.
Larry or Kenny: Kenny, back then we were home bois lol
Gave Irene The Gun: Yea..... just watched her kill herself really. Didn't say much afterward.
Doug or Carly: Carly, saved my life...and was good at shooting. Payed off later with a good friend to talk to.
I spent forever trying to figure out what to do, because I really didn't want to chop his leg off. It really ticked me off when I started to and got down to the last swing, and then Kenny pulled me away and we had to go. So I left him there with his leg hanging on by a string.....
I sided with Kenny upon returning to the motel. Still didn't like Larry or Lilly back then.
Gave jerky to Mark, Apple to Clem, Crackers to Duck, and the last Crackers I kept.
I didn't shoot the crazy lady. I pointed my gun at her, but couldn't pull the trigger.
I didn't help Kenny kill Larry because if he was alive then I didn't want his blood on my hands.
I didn't kill either brothers.. I didn't kill Danny because I figured he wasn't a threat anymore, and I just didn't want to become a killer (I still think Lee's innocent, and if he isn't then I plan on explaining like he never wants to kill anyone again.) Didn't kill Andy either, but I beat the living crap out of him, probably would of beat him to death had nobody stepped in.
I did steal from the car because I realized that food is food, and I'm a greedy SOB when it comes to eating. This was the first time I sided against Clem, she is just a kid still so I'm still not gonna let her decide for the group.
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I, urrm, I mean my lee, tends to draw the line at human life, so given the choice, he never kills anyone, even if they like soylant green a little to much. Therefore, both of the St.John brothers were left to shout my name and stare at blooded legs til they were eaten by zombies.
My Lee also always tries to set an example and care for Queen Clem, so I didnt steal from the car and I didnt kill Danny.
Overal, my Lee does whatever it takes to get by, and is always trying to find a way to enjoy not having to live in a cell, strifing to take care of Clem and find a way out of this mess in one peice.
Of course, that didn't keep me from choosing "Manure" in Save 1 and "S--t" in Save 2 during Episode 1, and being surprised and chagrined at the callback in Episode 2! Sorry, Clem, I should have taught you better!