Why does Lee always get knocked out?
Twice so far from what i remember dude always getting K.O.'ed ... why can't he take the damn punch.. Kenny got shot and he's walking like he got bit by a mosquito lol
Just a random thought of mine
Just a random thought of mine

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But the real reason is that TTG wants to create dramatic scenes. You're more afraid, when you are on the ground and someone is attacking you and you are being forced in a corner etc. It's similar with the KOs ... They want you to be afraid for Lee and so on.
But yes, in the end Lee is not the strong colored guy the others say he is... he's actually quite weak and useless. I mean, why doesn't he have at least one knife with him all the time? We always need to search for weapons laying around somewhere.
Those situations are quite artificial too me. TTG shouldn't use them too often. How about you create tension by the sound of doors opening? By hearing moans, but not seing anyone? If you know there are walkers, but you don't know where, it's also quite scary, because they could be around every corner. Then TTG should start a quick event with stressing music and a human coming out of a closet and then you could actually shoot an innocent human (survivor ...not a walker) hiding. "Friendly fire" would be an interesting topic in one of the episodes.
I got it.
Poor Lee was made to look like a right pansy in Episode 1 - always tripping over his own feet. He was more manly in Episode 2 though. YUMMEH!
But since they have not used a lot of different situations until now, they may try some new things at the next episodes. The only problem may be that scary things situations will close quarters fight and that’s doesn’t happens all the time (but you may always find a good reason to knock Lee out since he is not much of a fighter).
Did you get it really? i would think Ripper would have gotten it too.
Rupert Everett - we all know about him, yis?
The guy does have a giant gash in his leg. Last time I checked, when you have a giant gash in your leg it tends to make it really hard to walk, just saying.
He was just slipping all the time .... twice over the blood in Clems house ...TWICE ... It didn't necessarily seem to be caused by his wound.
Yeah, this one was really funny. It was a terrible impression of the character since it was right at the first moments of the game.
Even Goofy wouldn’t do that.
OH! So I didn't get it after all. -1 to me. LOL!
Sorry dude. Right name, wrong context.
First time was because of ignorance, (though still funny)
Second time, well I don't know about you, but when someone is trying to eat you, I would try to get away from him/her as fast as possible, your fight/flight response kicks in and rational thinking goes right out the window.
Actually on my last playtru i managed to go into the kitchen without slipping on the blood... just walk close to the counter and you dont slip.
Exactly...People seem to miss the fact that you, as the player, are the one making him slip in blood! Walk carefully around it and not only does he not slip, but he also isn't completely soaked in blood for the rest of the scene.
Man, I tried to sneakily walk by it and he still slipped! Guess I wasn't sneaky enough lol
ohhh Kenny! LOL