Who here is rethinking their Doug/Carley decision?
I saved Carley in my main playthrough, but I'm now having second thoughts. In a trailer for the second episode Doug was saved and he had rigged an alarm system for anybody approaching the motel. Now that you have to fight bandits in episode 3, I'm thinking the alarm is better than Carley's gun. After all, no matter how good you are, if someone get's the drop on you, you're screwed.
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Doug is like an oversized puppy. He does his own stuff and eats a lot when he can. Hahaha... I like me some Carly though - never regreted saving her in the least.
All in all, I prefer Carley at this stage. They're both friendly, useful characters to have around, I just find my conversations with Carley to be more interesting. She knows about Lee's past, but she also doesn't think he's necessarily a bad guy.
Plus she seems to have a bit of a subdued anxious/nutty personality, which I can relate to on some level.
Doug is awkward and provides some comic relief during Ep. 2 and does seem useful with the whole alarm thing.
I've done playthroughs saving Carley and Doug, and the writers did a good job to balance out their roles so it doesn't seem like saving one is better than the other.
She's also a possible romance and their dialogs can be real touching.
Sorry but Doug is really not offering much compared to Carley, in terms of narrative. As for "strategic" values, as I said, I'm pretty sure a shooter can be just as helpful, the zombies are stupid, and the bandits are actually only having bows and arrows so Carley's gonna shine.
I'm sure to get flack for this.. but what the hell...
I know he was married, but it's a shame that there couldn't be a romantic opportunity with Doug...
Shes a girl im comfortable around, shes a good friend, shes tough and i believe she got my back if necessary.
Id save her over everyone else except for Clementine.
I picked Doug, and have no regrets.
I know everyone says how Doug is useful technically and such, but I feel Carley as a whole feels more developed and compelling as a character than Doug regardless. She seems to have more of the qualities that work well with Lee (intuition, quick to react, level headed when needed) and she seems to have some kind of chemistry with Lee that seems productive (whether romantic or not). I think she is more of the "quick on her feet" people needed to survive.
How will that bell system work if a horde of zombies hear the bells go off in the motor inn?
The system was loud enough to warn the group but not loud enough to attract a herd.
I saved Doug for similar reasons.. In my origional playthrough..
I intended to save Carley but didnt realize I had to click her purse, I was mousing over her but got no option, so I saved Doug.
But I've only been satisfied with that. Doug is resourceful, he's memorized All the codes of a universal remote, while Carley couldnt figure out batteries.
Sure she can shoot, but Doug devised the alarm system and was bright enough to use the laser pointer.
In my second playthrough, I saved Carley more for just using different options than the first.
I even chose to save Doug on my 3rd save where all my responces are silence.
Exactly.. the bell's were not as loud as the ceramic from a sparky thing breaking the truck window, or rolling a car down the ramp pinning a walker to a wall.
And frankly, it's not as loud as Carly's gun, which we know for certain attracts walkers.
From what we have seen in episode two, the Walkers are NOT our only threat. Especially now that we know there is a big group of bandits out there, pretty close to where we are.
I would rather have the early alarm system than Carly's "Just happened to be looking and saw two guys coming down the road" system.
My initial reaction was to save Doug because Carley had the gun and I thought she would be in a better position to survive, however didn't turn out that way.
I started debating my choice, but then thought to myself, she was thick as ****, the radio debacles were bad enough and she rounded it off brilliantly with her purse full of bullets.
So in the end, I'm happy with my choice and so far Doug looks like he has a lot of qualities (I've only just came to teh bit of escaping the locked room after the meal).
I will go again with Carley though, but want to play through once with all my initial choices.
In terms of where Doug rates, he's behind Clem and Duck, possibly Lily and nip and tuck with Kenny (although he's starting to get a bit on the wain with me personally with his recent actions).
1) SHE GOT GUN - Enough said...
2) BREEDING - How else we gonna repopulate planet E?
3) CLEM - She could do with a mommy figure...
1= Clem
2= Kenny
3= Doug
4= Everyone else but Lilly
5= Unspoiled Food Rations
6= Spoiled Food Rations
7= Lint
8= Lilly