I'm voting Lee Everett!
So am I the only person excited about the prospect of Lee becoming the group's new leader in future episodes?
I honestly never considered it until Carley suggested it to him on the way over to the dairy (not sure if Doug does the same thing), but the more I think about it the better of an idea is sounds.
Episode 2 sort of highlighted what makes Lilly and Kenny conflict as leaders (one being too much of a strict survivalist while the other is too emotional), but I think there biggest weakness is what they have in common: they are both way too high-strung to be diplomatic (granted Larry almost always made it worse).
Lee on the other hand seems to have that skill in abundance (or at least that's how I have always played him). Plus he is already the guy who 'gets stuff done', so it seems like he would be perfect for the role.
I honestly never considered it until Carley suggested it to him on the way over to the dairy (not sure if Doug does the same thing), but the more I think about it the better of an idea is sounds.
Episode 2 sort of highlighted what makes Lilly and Kenny conflict as leaders (one being too much of a strict survivalist while the other is too emotional), but I think there biggest weakness is what they have in common: they are both way too high-strung to be diplomatic (granted Larry almost always made it worse).
Lee on the other hand seems to have that skill in abundance (or at least that's how I have always played him). Plus he is already the guy who 'gets stuff done', so it seems like he would be perfect for the role.
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Making the decisions would weight to much on me as if the ones we have to make aren't hard enough.
Screw what I said.
This and duck as secondary leader.
Total cop out. :rolleyes:
Yeah, it doesn't really look like it can stand on it's own.
Lily has just lost a dear loved one and isn't in the right state of mind to make decisions involving anyone but number one. Kenny on the other hand is smart, but hasty. I, as Lee, have dialogue options, making me the optimal choice to lead the group.
No one else has four different ideas for any given situation. Ben has the silent option, sure, and Clem the questioning one. Lily has the B button option for comBatative and Kenny has the A for Acquiesce. I'm the one with options. I'm the one to lead.
But at least he uses his head more than Larry does.
Yeah, Knowing Larry he would have just lost his head
Me too man ^^ !!! she is the most right and good of the group
Only if Lee gets to be second in command to Queen Clem.
I love my Lee.
I refuse to put a cult's figurehead in charge of my groups well being, no matter how adorable she might be.
besides Lee is protecting her and your Mrs. Everett aren't you?
From the little we know about Mark I would think he would of been a great team lead for the group since look how calm he was even with an arrow in his back
Pffft...save your sermons for the outside entrances of public high schools.
Also: Only when I'm off my medication. :rolleyes:
Men like him are in... short supply nowadays.
I don't think that Doug says that since I did my Doug save first but if someone else can confirm if he did say that or not but I think it was just a Carrly line.
However back on topic I think Lee can be a good team leader just depending on how you choose to be. If you make him to be a good person then yeah I can see him as a team leader but if you make him to be a dick then no he would not be good for the team and leave that job to Lilly.
Lilly is gonna leave though..
In my eyes, Lee is already turning out to be the leader. He has Doug/Carley on his side, Lilly is going to be leaving soon, and I don't think that Kenny can step up to the plate to be the leader.
The world of TWD is a hard place and Clem is going to have to get used to it, even if she has to have a sad. And some people have to be put down, too. I decided that as a player I have to stop trying to be everyone's friend all the time. All that got everybody was two warring, irrational alpha leaders and complete disaster. So fuck diplomacy. I'll be nice when I can, but if people start acting up, that's it. There's a new sheriff in town now. I shall call it New Lee City.
It's to Telltale's credit that they made me progress this way as a player through solid storytelling and characterization. I've gotten to the point where I've had enough of the old approach, and it feels very organic to other characters' progressions in the comic.