The Walking Dead memorial thread /SPOILERS

I figured it was time to have a memorial thread to all those we have lost in the outbreak and why do we mourn them.
jenny pitcher was a lovely young woman who gave love to anyone who needed it. she was a sweet girl however we didn't know about her depression issues she hid behind a smile but in the end it was the stress of the walkers presumably pushed her over the edge driving her to suicide.
jolene we know you lost your daughter to those rapist bandits. but what did you do when you killed them? you keep hunting the other bandits . they were so afraid of you they asked the saint john brothers to kill you and in the end thats what happened but you did your best to make them pay.
irene we didn't know much about you but you were afraid to become one of the walkers when you were bitten. were sorry we couldnt give you the ride to heaven rather then the walk to limbo but when you pass through purgatory you will sit at the feet of your savior.
jenny pitcher was a lovely young woman who gave love to anyone who needed it. she was a sweet girl however we didn't know about her depression issues she hid behind a smile but in the end it was the stress of the walkers presumably pushed her over the edge driving her to suicide.
jolene we know you lost your daughter to those rapist bandits. but what did you do when you killed them? you keep hunting the other bandits . they were so afraid of you they asked the saint john brothers to kill you and in the end thats what happened but you did your best to make them pay.
irene we didn't know much about you but you were afraid to become one of the walkers when you were bitten. were sorry we couldnt give you the ride to heaven rather then the walk to limbo but when you pass through purgatory you will sit at the feet of your savior.
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R.I.P. Carly, you don't know how batteries work, you put your ammo in a spot you couldn't reach, and you didn't kick the zombie and save your dang self. You will be missednotreallylulz
R.I.P. Larry, your daughter will work for a murderous rapist in the future...
R.I.P. That kid who died in the forest. Really? You tripped over a rock and died?
R.I.P. the first brother, said I didn't have the guts, now I have your guts on my pitchfork.
R.I.P. Betty(Betsy? The mother!) Died in a way that would make Sam and Max proud(Be honest, that is probably how they would've freed a hostage)
R.I.P. Crazy lady with a crossbow pointed at my crotch... you really should have paid attention to the guy with the gun to your side.
R.I.P. Band coach. Watch your step
R.I.P. Irene... I barely knew you, but I want my bullet back!
R.I.P. Shaun. D.B.D. Death by Duck
R.I.P. Cop at the beginning of all this. Aren't you guys trained in driver's safety?
R.I.P. Random burglar I saw get shot... you got shot, can't say much.
I think that's everyone, I didn't mention the second brother since I spared him, and he could still be alive.
EDIT:R.I.P. Lee's brother. I'm sure you fought valiantly to save your parents. Or you coward in a corner and died, but the first option makes you sound better, so I will go with that...
Do we know for sure that his parents are dead? Sure his brother is dead, but we never saw the rest. They could have easily escaped when Lee's brother fought off the zombies(hence all the blood being his, not theirs).
HAHA! Classic!
true....but we see that their air matress is covered in blood with his father's cane still at the store. I think it's safe to assume they are dead. Plus Lee's brother is a zombie out in front of the store.
And Lilly said that they tosses two corpses out, and that they wore both old black people...
it's very likely that they are dead...