ALWAYS infected? Seriously???
Hi People!
I'm reading this forum for several days now and i'm missing one specific topic.
Actually i'm quite surprised no one ever mentioned this before (or i was too blind to see).
Isn't it a bit weird that as long as ur head is still intact, people will turn into a walker anyway??? I mean, getting bitten would be enough reason right?
Why did the author make it look as a 'condition' that everybody (bitten or not) suffers from? like an airborn virus? or what? weird!!! (i think)
I really love the game, but this thing kind of spoiled the story a tiny little bit for me, and i wonder who has an opinion about this theory...
Please post ur replies!
I'm reading this forum for several days now and i'm missing one specific topic.
Actually i'm quite surprised no one ever mentioned this before (or i was too blind to see).
Isn't it a bit weird that as long as ur head is still intact, people will turn into a walker anyway??? I mean, getting bitten would be enough reason right?
Why did the author make it look as a 'condition' that everybody (bitten or not) suffers from? like an airborn virus? or what? weird!!! (i think)
I really love the game, but this thing kind of spoiled the story a tiny little bit for me, and i wonder who has an opinion about this theory...
Please post ur replies!
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Zombies are a much bigger threat this way because you can never wipe them out this way. Even if somehow every zombie was killed so no one can get bitten, they are still rising and still a threat.
The Walking Dead zombies seem to be based from George A Romero's Night of the living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Land of the Dead etc
And in those films however you die you come back, the bite is just like getting bit by any germ filled human, it will kill you but it is not the thing that turns you.
thanks for posting..
But yeah, it's in the books/show/and it's also in a lot of other Zombie Universe's
I guess this is a little different from the previous zombie films because the infection in this world affects everyone and it lies dormant until they die.
go back and watch any old romero film; you don't need to be bitten to turn into a zombie.
There's no evolution, and you can't get to see people actually becoming living corpses, they just die and then nothing they're just moving shit that get shot in the head.
It would have been more interesting to see them transforming, to see the need for "blood" rise within them, their bodies "melting" (the fly - style), or to have walkers in better shape if they feed regularly, or maybe even get somehow smarter...
I don't know, it's a little too simple and we can only thank the writers for coming up with interesting living characters. I honestly think the "zombie" part is just easy.
so basically, you dont want the game to be about zombies at all.
or watch the TV show. second season was ended when Rick recognizes that everyone already infected.
If you grew up before Chicken Pox vaccines were available like I was then you still have the virus inside your body (assuming you got infected).
EDIT: If my understanding of Tuberculosis is correct, most people can live their whole life with Tuberculosis in them without developing the active disease. The World Health Organization estimates 1/3 of the worlds population to have latent (carriers but currently asymptomatic and not transmitting) TB. The whole everyone is infected plot device doesn't seem that far fetched to me.
Actually, that's been done to death too in other zombie formats, and once you see the transformation once it gets old hat, you still end up with the same old zombos walking around going "unngh!" and when you get to the fifth bit person you'll get people just wanting to shoot them there and then to avoid the tedium of another angst-filled zombification.
What would be more interesting is if they played on the zombie need to eat: if instead of just being constantly hungry they are actually hungry because they need to store food for some sort of metamorphosis into some sort of uber-zombie (the zombie itself wouldn't know this, it would just know that it was hungry like any other zombie until it ate enough to cocoon up), or that the zombie just gets more powerful the more it eats, or it's unknowingly feeding some other creature gestating inside it. THAT would be zombie evolution!
No one knows what causes it yet (in the comics), just that when people die, they come back, whether they were biten or not!
"We ARE the walking dead!" The best quote from The Walking Dead comics! You should really read them!
zombie bites ARE 100% lethal. If you get bitten, you die. That's the whole reason why people thought zombie bites were what turned you before finding out that people come back no matter how they die.
All zombie bites are lethal, the bite acts as a poison and kills the victim. Yet everyone is infected already, so even if they commit suicide they will become a zombie.
Yeah, That's also my point, why i started this topic...
Seems like all u guys read the comics (i'm going read them too).
and u just accepted this theory, but somehow i find it difficult to accept.
The walking dead theory/story is so right, and really thought about.
that's why i like it so much... how the world will look like, how people will behave, even the zombie thing is quite 'reaslistic', as far as you can call it 'reaslistic' of course...
But the fact that everybody is already infected, bitten or not, is bugging me still...
airborn virus: ok, you can get sick like a flu or colds, virus goes in ur bloodstream and u get sick turn into zombie... (that's what i'd expect)
Bitten = virus in ur bloodstream, u get sick turn into zombie...
What's the difference? It doesn't make sence.. Why do u have 2 ways to be 'infected'...
let me rephrase my point:
How is it biological possible the same virus you contracted through air, is in a 'slumbering' state, and when it's oral transmitted it's in 'active' state?
unless there are 2 different virusses, but that's just a stupid thought... right???
can someone give me a good explanation, i can live with??? it's really bothering me...
zombie bites are simply poisonous. It IS possible to survive a bite, by amputating the limb he was bitten on IMMEDIATELY but only one person in the comics so far(Dale) has survived such a scenario...
If the game is canon to the comics that's not always true. In the comics there have been characters are saved via amputation before the virus has had the chance to spread through out the body. It's not a guarantee but neither is dying from a bite (depending on the location).
EDIT: Gman beat me to the punch.
I wasn't aware of the amputation. Thanks for the heads up.
It's already been explained multiple times in this thread already so i'm not quite sure what you're missing, but a bite from a zombie DOES NOT (or atleast it isn't stated to) pass on the virus, it's merely a fatal poison akin to a snake bite that kills the victim over time if they have not already been killed by the bite wounds themselves.
If someone was under the sea in a submarine before the virus was released into the air and therefor was never exposed to it, they (in theory) should be emune to becoming a zombie and will stay dead once they are killed, whether that be by a zombie bite or otherwise.
In short, just imagine the zombies are snakes, proper scary venomous snakes.
Makes me think of Dr. Jenner from the CDC when he say's "this is our extinction event" so even if we were somehow able to kill off all the current zombies, the 'survivors' may live on til they die of old age, but then would come back as zombies.
well if it the bite is on an extremity you can technically remove the limb that's bitten. They're not 100% lethal, (spoilers)
EDIT: Looks like someone posted in above lol, sorry about that.
If you really think about it, I don't think it would be the end of our existence as a species as long as it doesn't affect our ability to create offspring (you have me really intrigued to see if the virus does affect developing fetuses in utero - do the comics ever discuss this?). Human beings are remarkably flexible - hence why we have dominated the food chain for as long as we have. Survival will take a drastic change to our culture, however, if we last long enough to create stable populations.
Embalmings, for example? Yeah, I bet nobody is going to wish for their loved one's bodies to be preserved after death anymore. And we are also going to have to examine issues like how long we are willing to attempt resuscitation on people who are clinically dead, to risk the chance of them coming back as a Walker. (lol, Larry is a prime example of this very debate!).
Cool! Thanks for the info!
Okay cool, but never having read the comic's and I wont until the TV series and 5th EP of the game are out and played simply because I enjoy the not-knowing aspect of it all. I want to be surprised and amazed!
But this does answer that question, so babies would be born fine, but would they also develop the virus after some time? I would presume that the virus itself would dissipate over the years or perhaps new generations of humans would develop an immunity to it.
By that he means, they aren't born as zombies. But as far as anyone knows, they stay carry the disease, so would turn into one when they die.
I wasn't worried that newborns would come out as zombies. What I wanted to know is if the virus somehow messes with fetal development.
Now I know that, infected or not, babies can still be born. It's a good thing to know.