I couldn't do that... My Lee was siding with Lilly and becoming more and more estranged from Kenny. Plus what she tells you when you talk to her about her dad (before opening the barn)... And losing Mark... My Lee wasn't about to lose another one of His Own if he could help it. He's basically decided at this point that "We don't kill our own". Larry was an Asshole, sure, but they had been living together for 3 months and my Lee understood why he was such an ass.
How could Kenny just smash in the guys head, he's been with him for 3 Months. Yeah, Larry tries to kill you the first day he met you. but my Lee gave him the Axe and he did try to save Lee with it. (Being an Ass the entire way, but still.)... If even Larry won't stand by and watch Lee die, what kind of a man does Kenny have to be to jump the gun on killing Larry?
Lee gets the need for it, but to do that in front of Lilly and Clem... Without even letting enough time pass for more than 5 attempts (Technically 4, the 5th is postmortem no matter how fast you are.)... That, with the fact he ran over people in the initial outbreak, left Shane to die, and all of his other cowardly acts...
My Lee can't trust him anymore, hell My Lee is starting to wonder if the REAL reason Kenny smashed Larry's head in was because of him wanting to toss Duck out.
I tend to agree. In that scenario, I would've insisted that at a minimum, Lilly use her belt as a restraint as a just in case safety precaution if Larry did start to reanimate, between that and the people in the room the situation would've been relatively safe and manageable. If nothing else, theoretically, you still need to live with these people and try to maintain some degree of trust so you don't end up as a friendly fire "accident" or what have you - prematurely killing her last remaining family member without even making the attempt hardly seemed like the way to accomplish that (especially since she's the last remaining member of the group with any combat training, etc.)
Between the two, being on good terms with Lilly strikes me as the better option than Kenny. She's been far more predictable and stable, in short, she's more reliable.
I also question Kenny's motivation for doing the deed myself. I'm of the view that he saw time spent on trying to save Larry as time that wasn't being spent on getting out and saving his family, so the old guy had to go. He was pretty clearly impatient from the meat locker onward.
So.. You're reasoning for choosing to help Larry is because the game isn't programmed that way lol, and if it was you would start over?? Seriously? I'm playing the game through on my initial reactions and not making decisions with thoughts of "starting over". So, Larry has a chance of turning into a walker then he's done. In other words, in my game the "what if's" that you mentioned are very important.
Have you read my whole posting or just the the bottom half? I too play the game through my initial reactions, and for my reasoning for this particular situation.. I thought I had clearly marked them as #1 and #2. As for the text you quoted, what I wanted to get at is.. these IFs and WHATs everyone here is talking about (for example, someone wrote: "I would always kill him because if he turns... bla and so on") don't mean anything to me (I don't mean the IFs and WHATs you wager whilst playing). Because him turning however you play it just isn't happening so all of these discussions about how fucked the group inside the meat locker would be if he gets zombified is (atleast for me) totally meaningless. And what I meant with "I would probably instantly play that chapter again and choose otherwise" is that depending on which character would be bitten by zombified Larry I would PROBABLY (either I'm missing something or probably is the new "definitely", atleast thats how it sounds in your reply.. that I definitely would restart the chapter, but my decision-making isn't THAT black and white). If, in our make-believe story that Larry got zombified, for example Clementine or Lily would get bitten by him, there would be no arguing with my inner self over how to proceed. In that situation I would for sure replay the chapter and choose otherwise. Why? Because Clementine is for now my most favorable character in the game, Lily comes in 2nd to her.
I couldn't do that... My Lee was siding with Lilly and becoming more and more estranged from Kenny. Plus...
Thats how I see it too! I don't trust Kenny definitely anymore, because in almost every occasion he left my Lee hanging, except the only one where Lee gets knocked flat by Larry and Kenny helps him up. But for me he lost my trust completely after the fight with Andy (or was it his brother?!) in the barn after the meat-locker incidents. I (Lee) could have been killed if it weren't for Lily who came to help him. Kenny? He was all big talk a minute ago and then just when Lee needed him he was cowering and laying low profile inside the stable. For me that was the decisive moment from now on never ever to trust Kenny again with something valuable as someone elses or my own life. Because in that moment I think he showed his true fragile character. I don't doubt that he would go to any length and safe his family from anything, but, that obviously doesn't count for others. And the glance that Lee gave him right after the fight, well, I just think Lee knows that to.
Thats how I see it too! I don't trust Kenny definitely anymore, because in almost every occasion he left my Lee hanging, except the only one where Lee gets knocked flat by Larry and Kenny helps him up. But for me he lost my trust completely after the fight with Andy (or was it his brother?!) in the barn after the meat-locker incidents. I (Lee) could have been killed if it weren't for Lily who came to help him. Kenny? He was all big talk a minute ago and then just when Lee needed him he was cowering and laying low profile inside the stable. For me that was the decisive moment from now on never ever to trust Kenny again with something valuable as someone elses or my own life. Because in that moment I think he showed his true fragile character. I don't doubt that he would go to any length and safe his family from anything, but, that obviously doesn't count for others. And the glance that Lee gave him right after the fight, well, I just think Lee knows that to.
And there's another difference. In my game, I sided with Kenny so he came to my rescue and Lilly left me hanging so I could say the same thing you just said, only about Lilly.
And there's another difference. In my game, I sided with Kenny so he came to my rescue and Lilly left me hanging so I could say the same thing you just said, only about Lilly.
Actually, the irony is that even when you side with him Kenny's unreliable, since his plan was to have Lee bring up the rear if anything happened, instead, you end up taking point.
Likewise, I could hardly blame Lilly for not wanting to go out of her way to save you, since as far as she's concerned, you just murdered her last remaining family member. Kinda different. Hell, if it were me in that situation, you'd be a friendly-fire casualty first chance I had "Whoops, sorry, I was trying to hit Andy, honest".
And there's another difference. In my game, I sided with Kenny so he came to my rescue and Lilly left me hanging so I could say the same thing you just said, only about Lilly.
Honestly, I think someone not saving you after you held her back while someone smashed her Father's, whom she truly believed had a chance, head in... That FAR more understandable than someone leaving you to die for disagreeing with his plan to murder someone, whom we don't know was truly dead yet.
I made another play through, where you side with Kenny and his family thoroughly, (I'm talking giving his family all the food you can), calling him the leader, having his back at every turn, and that ONE THING is enough for him to leave you out to dry. Imagine that, imagine what kind of person would sit and watch a "friend", that's had his back for 3 months, be killed right in front of him JUST because he disagreed with him on ONE thing!
Lilly might not save you, but she still protects Clem and she still Carries the Food (Despite not wanting to take it), regardless of what side you choose.
Lilly leaving me hanging: Understandable.
Kenny leaving me hanging: Betrayal.
Honestly, I think someone not saving you after you held her back while someone smashed her Father's, whom she truly believed had a chance, head in... That FAR more understandable than someone leaving you to die for disagreeing with his plan to murder someone, whom we don't know was truly dead yet.
I made another play through, where you side with Kenny and his family thoroughly, (I'm talking giving his family all the food you can), calling him the leader, having his back at every turn, and that ONE THING is enough for him to leave you out to dry. Imagine that, imagine what kind of person would sit and watch a "friend", that's had his back for 3 months, be killed right in front of him JUST because he disagreed with him on ONE thing!
Lilly might not save you, but she still protects Clem and she still Carries the Food (Despite not wanting to take it), regardless of what side you choose.
Lilly leaving me hanging: Understandable.
Kenny leaving me hanging: Betrayal.
I hear you but what I'm saying is that in my game.. My playthrough Kenny has my back so I don't see him as the guy that some of you see him as. He helped me in the pharmacy when Larry knocked me out, and he saved me in the barn so the problems you guys have with Kenny I'm not having in my playthrough. So I'm gonna have his back for as long as he has mine.
I hear you but what I'm saying is that in my game.. My playthrough Kenny has my back so I don't see him as the guy that some of you see him as. He helped me in the pharmacy when Larry knocked me out, and he saved me in the barn so the problems you guys have with Kenny I'm not having in my playthrough. So I'm gonna have his back for as long as he has mine.
By that standard, you should've dropped him after the pickup zombie. Kenny's literally the only "man" (I use the term loosely) in the group that will never even attempt to help you in that situation, despite the fact that it's his wife (and incidentally you) at stake.
By the time we reached the meat locker I was already tired of Kenny’s attitude, but the thing that swayed me to trying to save Larry was that firstly Clem was watching and I’m trying to show her there is still hope and that we don’t kill without hard facts.
Secondly although Larry hate’s Lee he defended Clem twice in episode one during the bitten duck situation and at the end chat with Lee, also in episode two we see Clem playing in-between Larry and Lilly at the start and sits next to Larry at the dinner table at the end of episode 2.
It may be nothing but if Clem is starting to prefer Lilly/Larry over the Kenny crew than I’ll tag along for the ride with her, after all I might live longer.
Is there someone else who tried to save Larry because you actually liked the character?
Yeah, he was a jerk. And he punched me, and because of it I almost got ate by a zombie. Even so, at the start of the 2nd episode, Larry seems to be more cool with Lee. He's big, strong, and emotionally unstable. I wanted to know why, explore a little more his background. Not just this, but he tried to save my Lee with the axe. Well, maybe he didn't wanted to save me, just kill the zombie, but still...
And t'was fun see him while he flirted with Momma John. And what I actually gotta surprised, he didn't said anything about Lee being "urban", if you know what I mean.
Also, it's not like I don't like Kenny. I just wanted the game to give an option like " Dude, calm down. I am not blaming you, I understand why you did that ". Or something like " You two, stop being so f****ing childish!". Ha, this would be coo!
i sided with lilly, like everyone else i don't like larry at all. I understand how kenny wouldnt be thinking straight after what happened just before and having his family somewhere on the farm with cannibals, but he only had a heart attack, people have heart attacks often and alot of them are saved, Larry was a big dude and if anyone came by the camp hed be good to have to scare them away. I'm looking forward to see how this develops, Lilly's gonna want some revenge
I had Kenny's back almost the whole way up to the meat locker, even sided with him on the Larry issue. I don't know why I thought it would be "cleaner" so to speak, because I forgot we had any real weapons. But holy crud, that look on both Lee's and Kenny's face after he did it... I think Kenny feels bad for that, as he looks to Lee for support after the leaving the dairy, but I can't side with someone who makes choices like that so quickly, even if he IS right, or DOES feel bad about it after.
I sided with Kenny on the Larry thing because of one main reason: there was nothing I could have done to save the guy. My brother is an EMT, and he was watching me play The Walking Dead; as soon as Larry hit the ground, my brother said he was dead. I asked how he knew, and my brother said even if Larry wasn't dead from the heart attack, he would have died after a few minutes. CPR doesn't nothing when it comes to a heart attack, Larry didn't have his heart attack pills on him, and there wasn't anything in the room I could have used as a makeshift defibrillator. No matter what, unless Jesus descended down and brought Larry back to life, Larry was not going to make it.
That's the cold hard fact; Larry was not going to make it. It was better to put him out of his misery and prevent a zombie from being spawned, even if Lilly didn't like it.
And there's another difference. In my game, I sided with Kenny so he came to my rescue and Lilly left me hanging so I could say the same thing you just said, only about Lilly.
What did you expect when you brutally "murdered" the only family member she had left in her life?? That is a bit different than Kenny leaving you hanging for not murdering Larry for him.
What did you expect when you brutally "murdered" the only family member she had left in her life?? That is a bit different than Kenny leaving you hanging for not murdering Larry for him.
Technically, one could argue it was a mercy killing, considering in actual medical terms there was no way anyone in the meat locker could have brought Larry into a stable state, thus saving him. It sucks, but Larry was not going to survive (unless he had his heart attack pills, or Lee pulled out a defibrillator from his back pocket). Pumping his chest (Lilly's plan), might keep his heart pumping blood, but it is not going to save Larry from his heart attack; Lilly was only delaying the inevitable (as soon as she stopped pumping Larry's chest, his heart would have stopped, ending his life (also, pumping his chest is not going to help Larry regain consciousnesses)).
I think that in the Meat Locker, Kenny had made the right decision to kill Larry, even though I had sided with Lilly. But the problem about Kenny is that if you disagree with his opinion he is all over your ass. I sided with Kenny in every argument, I gave his family the food back at the motor inn, and I saved Duck at Hershel's farm. So when I sided with Lilly in the meat locker, I thought Kenny would forgive me since I had always had his back. But in the preview for Episode 3: "Long Road Ahead" Kenny treated Lee like a piece of sh*t. I have advice for people just starting the game: Either side with Kenny on EVERYTHING, or don't side with him at all...
One think i'm wondering is that if it was Duck or Kat in place of Larry what would Kenny do. This goes the same to Larry and Lilly because while i think Lilly might be against doing what Kenny did to Larry to ether of them. After episode one i think Larry would be for using the salt lick on them. But i think we all know that Kenny would be like to Lee ''LEE HELP ME SAVE DUCK OR KAT!!''.
I think that in the Meat Locker, Kenny had made the right decision to kill Larry, even though I had sided with Lilly. But the problem about Kenny is that if you disagree with his opinion he is all over your ass. I sided with Kenny in every argument, I gave his family the food back at the motor inn, and I saved Duck at Hershel's farm. So when I sided with Lilly in the meat locker, I thought Kenny would forgive me since I had always had his back. But in the preview for Episode 3: "Long Road Ahead" Kenny treated Lee like a piece of sh*t. I have advice for people just starting the game: Either side with Kenny on EVERYTHING, or don't side with him at all...
I played that exact type of playthrough and I didn't get that impression from the preview at all. The most Kenny says is "Hell, like you listen to ME anymore...". It's clear there has been "fallout", just like he says on the walk back to the motor inn.
Also, Kenny appears to be remorseful on the way back, and turning to Lee for advice/consolation. The only remarks Lee can make are condescending, the least of which is telling Kenny that "he is not a bad man". No matter what, Lee condemns the act if you side with Lilly. There is no "I tried to help but you were right" type of conversation with Kenny. So I really don't blame him for not "forgiving" Lee.
Also, the most important piece, the previews are NOT set in stone. There were entire conversations in the episode two preview that were not present in episode two at all (like Doug or Carley giving you the candy bar). They're really there to give you a bit of a "taste" of what's coming up in the next episode.
I killed him. He had a heart attack, apparently had no medicine for it, and we had nothing resembling medical equipment. His chances of revival were basically zero anyway.
I was pretty annoyed at:
1. Kenny having a go at me when I tried to help Larry
2. When I was attacked by Danny and Kenny just sat there.
3. I was annoyed that I couldn't smooth things over with Kenny later.
But, thinking about it I think all these things make sense.
1. Kenny may or may not have taken a man's life and he desperately needs someone to support his decision. When his only real friend in this place looks down on him he becomes very upset and angry not just with lee but also himself.
2. Kenny only sticks his neck out for those he feels he can trust (e.g. Duck over Shawn and going back for Lee at the drug store). He feels he can rely on Lee and when he doesn't support his traumatizing decision then he starts to lose his faith in Lee.
3. I wanted to be be nice to Kenny but Lee didn't. In that situation I would have tried to make things up to Kenny. But, it's not me in that situation it's Lee. Sure you can influence Lee's choices, but all in all Lee's a seperate person and he wouldn't make a choice and then five minutes later suddenly try to apologise for it.
All in all I hope there's a way to make things up to Kenny - but I dobut it'll happen unless you save him and/or his family from certain death. And this is the Walking Dead - let's face it things can only get worse.
I have to say that those of you who chose to help Lily with saving Larry made excellent points for your reasons and I cannot argue against your decisions.
That said, I sided with Kenny as he killed Larry. I had in the back of my mind the history of Lee-Larry and knew I'd probably have to make a decision regarding Larry's life one way or another. When the scenario arose that we'd have a "6-foot 300-pound angry dead man" locked in that meat freezer with us, I freaked out. Fearing for the safety of Clem, I reluctantly (although quickly) chose to allow Kenny to take Larry out. It was probably the hardest choice I've made playing thus far. I tried to smooth things over with Lily because I still think my choice was for the better of all who were locked inside...
Talk about intense drama!
My only other thought on the matter is this: If we're locked inside a meat locker, why is the air conditioning unit on the inside of the locker instead of on the outside?! Think about how a window AC unit operates in your own home and how that relates to our scenario. I did fear for putting Clem through that duct, and the suspense was incredible.
I was so happy to kill Larry at that point in the game. Not only was he a complete asshole, he sucker-punched Lee down to leave him for the walkers at the pharmacy, and outright threatened Lee later on. At that point I felt that since Larry would kill Lee if he got the chance, I was just waiting for the game to give me an opportunity to kill him.
There's also the point that Larry would be a dangerous zombie, but the story really affected me, I wanted him to die.
I was so happy to kill Larry at that point in the game. Not only was he a complete asshole, he sucker-punched Lee down to leave him for the walkers at the pharmacy, and outright threatened Lee later on. At that point I felt that since Larry would kill Lee if he got the chance, I was just waiting for the game to give me an opportunity to kill him.
There's also the point that Larry would be a dangerous zombie, but the story really affected me, I wanted him to die.
Excellent post. Those same thoughts crossed my mind as that meat locker scenario played out. It all happened so fast that I couldn't pay much attention to the timer regarding the choices--- I had to read fast and react faster!
I don't believe it is ever confirmed to be a virus.
In the "official" zombie survival guide (and loads of movies) its a virus. The book goes as far as calling it the Solanum virus but in the walking dead maybe it isn't, but they do say infected as well so maybe it is?
In the "official" zombie survival guide (and loads of movies) its a virus. The book goes as far as calling it the Solanum virus but in the walking dead maybe it isn't, but they do say infected as well so maybe it is?
It's not. Kirkman says every time he's asked that he will never give credit to any explanation. The reveal that everyone becomes a zombie pretty much disproves the virus theory, but everyone tries to force it to make sense. "There's the virus, then the airborne supervirus! If you avoid those, then there's the mutated virus, which is what Shane had and made him turn so quick!"
It's the apocalypse, everyone who died is a zombie. You know this because Kirkman alludes to it all the time with Hershel during the farm sequence. It's not science, it's pure magic.
My only other thought on the matter is this: If we're locked inside a meat locker, why is the air conditioning unit on the inside of the locker instead of on the outside?! Think about how a window AC unit operates in your own home and how that relates to our scenario.
The unit from how it appears would blow cold air into the locker and be adjustable on its' face. The duct work that Clem crawls through would be where the heat is sent out of the room it's trying to cook which is obviously the meat locker itself.
Perhaps it's a safety feature that if you get locked in a freezer you don't freeze yourself to death. I also think those handles are two way for opening and closing though after seeing the bear trap I'm sure Dan or Andy would have taken that feature off.
It's not. Kirkman says every time he's asked that he will never give credit to any explanation. The reveal that everyone becomes a zombie pretty much disproves the virus theory, but everyone tries to force it to make sense. "There's the virus, then the airborne supervirus! If you avoid those, then there's the mutated virus, which is what Shane had and made him turn so quick!"
It's the apocalypse, everyone who died is a zombie. You know this because Kirkman alludes to it all the time with Hershel during the farm sequence. It's not science, it's pure magic.
Ive not read the comics and not watched a few episodes of the show, I knew that everyone had it just assumed they went along with the classic "its contracted in the bite/blood." also why if everyone does zom out that means it's not a virus/disease/pathogen...w/e surely that means it's a man made one, or they put stuff in the water etc. If not what is it? Why doesnt kirkman address the situation? Is an explaination being saved for the new season do you think? Or is it going to be treated like lost "just use your goddamn imaginations!"
It's a virus that was introduced into a giant underground living {whatever the female version of phallic is] looking crevice that exists in South America and China at equal opposite points of the world and was administered Simultaneously.
It's a virus that was introduced into a giant underground living {whatever the female version of phallic is] looking crevice that exists in South America and China at equal opposite points of the world and was administered Simultaneously.
torchwood miracle day reference if anyone was wondering..
I think Larry as a character is a little off, which makes decisions easy.
Like probably most players I try to mediate and be neutral and not to pick sides but to calm things. But there is a guy that tried to kill Lee in the pharmacy. Now that is my No1 enemy now and when I need to pass out food or make other decisions he is the first on my total negative list. It makes it easy to dispense his life.
Still I would have liked to have other options. Why not secure him, tie his legs together while he gets CPR. If he turns, you can still deal with him easily. Unfortunately that option was not even contemplated. I didn't have a hard time getting rid of him since he had no value to the group and tried to kill me outright.
Ive not read the comics and not watched a few episodes of the show, I knew that everyone had it just assumed they went along with the classic "its contracted in the bite/blood." also why if everyone does zom out that means it's not a virus/disease/pathogen...w/e surely that means it's a man made one, or they put stuff in the water etc. If not what is it? Why doesnt kirkman address the situation? Is an explaination being saved for the new season do you think? Or is it going to be treated like lost "just use your goddamn imaginations!"
All he's said is that the bite kills you from getting infected and you die like normal. You don't contract a virus from the bite. If it is a virus, you already have it.
First off, CPR without advanced life support, without hospitals, nurses, doctors, defibrillators, drugs and monitoring machines CPR is pretty much pointless. Somebody that compromised will not survive.
I helped Lilly knowing full well that her dad was a dead duck. I didn't expect the salt block to the head, so that was a shocker. Pretty terrific gaming experience, all told, however.
I tried to help Larry only to score points with Lilly and thus try to bring her closer to the group. Larry was toxic, and essentially was Lilly's Achilles Heel. So I'm glad he's gone.
First off, CPR without advanced life support, without hospitals, nurses, doctors, defibrillators, drugs and monitoring machines CPR is pretty much pointless. Somebody that compromised will not survive.
I helped Lilly knowing full well that her dad was a dead duck. I didn't expect the salt block to the head, so that was a shocker. Pretty terrific gaming experience, all told, however.
I tried to help Larry only to score points with Lilly and thus try to bring her closer to the group. Larry was toxic, and essentially was Lilly's Achilles Heel. So I'm glad he's gone.
i think most people were choosing lily over kenny not larry over kenny
My first time searching Larry i found what i needed on the first try,and did not bother searching him any more.The second time i played the game i found out he had more then what i needed for the AC.I wonder if it makes any difference?
It's not. Kirkman says every time he's asked that he will never give credit to any explanation. The reveal that everyone becomes a zombie pretty much disproves the virus theory, but everyone tries to force it to make sense. "There's the virus, then the airborne supervirus! If you avoid those, then there's the mutated virus, which is what Shane had and made him turn so quick!"
It's the apocalypse, everyone who died is a zombie. You know this because Kirkman alludes to it all the time with Hershel during the farm sequence. It's not science, it's pure magic.
Well, let's see...
You can be a carrier of a virus but have no symptoms. You can also be exposed to a virus and it won't kill you- take the 1919 Influenza, for example. It would either kill you outright or you could be wading through death and not get affected. Mind you, the '19 Flu had the interesting tendency to kill the young and leave older folks (40+) alone. It can be assumed that the immune systems of some people made them immune or resistant to it- they may have gotten sick but didn't die from it. The series gives no indication that anybody got sick but recovered from it. In the book/tv series it appears to kill many without necessarily being transmitted by direct contact/vector i.e. a bite. It's unclear whether it's a virus like the '19 flu or a bacillus like Yrsinia Pestis (the Black Death), though in some ways it behaves like it.
The behaviour of the Walking Dead plague is more suggestive of being viral in nature, IMO.
Whether or not Kirkman says it's a virus the pattern of contagion suggests a virus- either by accident or design on part of the creator of the series.
My main reasoning for trying to help Larry (side with Lily) was the dinner table thing. at one point you can tell clem to run (she tries but cant) or tell Kenny to grab a gun (he cant) or you can tell Lily to grab a knife (AND SHE DOES) So even though the knife doesn't help I felt better that she actually reacted in a timely matter and got shit done. Only thing Kenny ever did for me was helping after Larry punched me. Lily is the most likely to survive type of group member and she a big part of my group!
I don't think any TWD official source has labeled the affliction as viral nor is the source of the epidemic is ever explained.
The virus has been labled as "TS19" a CDC a doctor called Jenner shows the survivors info movies about the CDC's research into the virus in the last ep. of the 1st season.
Original scenes for obvious reasons aren't to be found on YouTube but I'll link the Tribute movie witch pretty well covers basic info.
The reason to kirkman not saying if its a virus or whatever its simple...in a real zombie apocalipse, what are the odds of you finding/knowing anyone who studied the zombies and knows exactly what is it?
and even if you find them...will they tell you? or... most importantly..will you even believe them?(unless of course...you see him working on it or something like that)
chaz99...you say that it is a virus because of the way its acts... but it could be demons or aliens doing that if kirkman says so...until he says what it causing this...doesn't really matter what we specullate.
I really hate the fact that Kenny stays in the barn stall if you didn't let him smash a helpless guy's head in. I sided with him throughout the game up til that point- if you don't do EVERYTHING he wants you to do, he lets you fight it out alone with the Georgian cannibals. After that stunt, I'm throwing in with Lilly. Now that Larry is dead, she can be a true leader.
The way the game is written, Kenny doesn't want a supporter, he wants a bitch. True friends and allies understand that you can't go along with every single decision that they make or propose.
You mean kenny chaz, and the canon of the tv series and the comics are different. Telltale said at one point the game was based on the comics. In the comics, they never make it to the cdc, and have never explained anything about what causes it, they just know after it hit, like a month or so, when people die, they can turn. In the comic, the bites from walkers transmite something but it takes time. In the comics, dale gets bite on the ankle, they chop off the foot and he lives without any effects for months. The cdc stuff is something the tv writers put into the series, not kirkman.
I tend to agree. In that scenario, I would've insisted that at a minimum, Lilly use her belt as a restraint as a just in case safety precaution if Larry did start to reanimate, between that and the people in the room the situation would've been relatively safe and manageable. If nothing else, theoretically, you still need to live with these people and try to maintain some degree of trust so you don't end up as a friendly fire "accident" or what have you - prematurely killing her last remaining family member without even making the attempt hardly seemed like the way to accomplish that (especially since she's the last remaining member of the group with any combat training, etc.)
Between the two, being on good terms with Lilly strikes me as the better option than Kenny. She's been far more predictable and stable, in short, she's more reliable.
I also question Kenny's motivation for doing the deed myself. I'm of the view that he saw time spent on trying to save Larry as time that wasn't being spent on getting out and saving his family, so the old guy had to go. He was pretty clearly impatient from the meat locker onward.
Have you read my whole posting or just the the bottom half? I too play the game through my initial reactions, and for my reasoning for this particular situation.. I thought I had clearly marked them as #1 and #2. As for the text you quoted, what I wanted to get at is.. these IFs and WHATs everyone here is talking about (for example, someone wrote: "I would always kill him because if he turns... bla and so on") don't mean anything to me (I don't mean the IFs and WHATs you wager whilst playing). Because him turning however you play it just isn't happening so all of these discussions about how fucked the group inside the meat locker would be if he gets zombified is (atleast for me) totally meaningless. And what I meant with "I would probably instantly play that chapter again and choose otherwise" is that depending on which character would be bitten by zombified Larry I would PROBABLY (either I'm missing something or probably is the new "definitely", atleast thats how it sounds in your reply.. that I definitely would restart the chapter, but my decision-making isn't THAT black and white). If, in our make-believe story that Larry got zombified, for example Clementine or Lily would get bitten by him, there would be no arguing with my inner self over how to proceed. In that situation I would for sure replay the chapter and choose otherwise. Why? Because Clementine is for now my most favorable character in the game, Lily comes in 2nd to her.
Hope everythings cleared up now?! :-)
Thats how I see it too! I don't trust Kenny definitely anymore, because in almost every occasion he left my Lee hanging, except the only one where Lee gets knocked flat by Larry and Kenny helps him up. But for me he lost my trust completely after the fight with Andy (or was it his brother?!) in the barn after the meat-locker incidents. I (Lee) could have been killed if it weren't for Lily who came to help him. Kenny? He was all big talk a minute ago and then just when Lee needed him he was cowering and laying low profile inside the stable. For me that was the decisive moment from now on never ever to trust Kenny again with something valuable as someone elses or my own life. Because in that moment I think he showed his true fragile character. I don't doubt that he would go to any length and safe his family from anything, but, that obviously doesn't count for others. And the glance that Lee gave him right after the fight, well, I just think Lee knows that to.
And there's another difference. In my game, I sided with Kenny so he came to my rescue and Lilly left me hanging so I could say the same thing you just said, only about Lilly.
Actually, the irony is that even when you side with him Kenny's unreliable, since his plan was to have Lee bring up the rear if anything happened, instead, you end up taking point.
Likewise, I could hardly blame Lilly for not wanting to go out of her way to save you, since as far as she's concerned, you just murdered her last remaining family member. Kinda different. Hell, if it were me in that situation, you'd be a friendly-fire casualty first chance I had "Whoops, sorry, I was trying to hit Andy, honest".
Honestly, I think someone not saving you after you held her back while someone smashed her Father's, whom she truly believed had a chance, head in... That FAR more understandable than someone leaving you to die for disagreeing with his plan to murder someone, whom we don't know was truly dead yet.
I made another play through, where you side with Kenny and his family thoroughly, (I'm talking giving his family all the food you can), calling him the leader, having his back at every turn, and that ONE THING is enough for him to leave you out to dry. Imagine that, imagine what kind of person would sit and watch a "friend", that's had his back for 3 months, be killed right in front of him JUST because he disagreed with him on ONE thing!
Lilly might not save you, but she still protects Clem and she still Carries the Food (Despite not wanting to take it), regardless of what side you choose.
Lilly leaving me hanging: Understandable.
Kenny leaving me hanging: Betrayal.
I hear you but what I'm saying is that in my game.. My playthrough Kenny has my back so I don't see him as the guy that some of you see him as. He helped me in the pharmacy when Larry knocked me out, and he saved me in the barn so the problems you guys have with Kenny I'm not having in my playthrough. So I'm gonna have his back for as long as he has mine.
By that standard, you should've dropped him after the pickup zombie. Kenny's literally the only "man" (I use the term loosely) in the group that will never even attempt to help you in that situation, despite the fact that it's his wife (and incidentally you) at stake.
Secondly although Larry hate’s Lee he defended Clem twice in episode one during the bitten duck situation and at the end chat with Lee, also in episode two we see Clem playing in-between Larry and Lilly at the start and sits next to Larry at the dinner table at the end of episode 2.
It may be nothing but if Clem is starting to prefer Lilly/Larry over the Kenny crew than I’ll tag along for the ride with her, after all I might live longer.
Yeah, he was a jerk. And he punched me, and because of it I almost got ate by a zombie. Even so, at the start of the 2nd episode, Larry seems to be more cool with Lee. He's big, strong, and emotionally unstable. I wanted to know why, explore a little more his background. Not just this, but he tried to save my Lee with the axe. Well, maybe he didn't wanted to save me, just kill the zombie, but still...
And t'was fun see him while he flirted with Momma John. And what I actually gotta surprised, he didn't said anything about Lee being "urban", if you know what I mean.
Also, it's not like I don't like Kenny. I just wanted the game to give an option like " Dude, calm down. I am not blaming you, I understand why you did that ". Or something like " You two, stop being so f****ing childish!". Ha, this would be coo!
That's the cold hard fact; Larry was not going to make it. It was better to put him out of his misery and prevent a zombie from being spawned, even if Lilly didn't like it.
Technically, one could argue it was a mercy killing, considering in actual medical terms there was no way anyone in the meat locker could have brought Larry into a stable state, thus saving him. It sucks, but Larry was not going to survive (unless he had his heart attack pills, or Lee pulled out a defibrillator from his back pocket). Pumping his chest (Lilly's plan), might keep his heart pumping blood, but it is not going to save Larry from his heart attack; Lilly was only delaying the inevitable (as soon as she stopped pumping Larry's chest, his heart would have stopped, ending his life (also, pumping his chest is not going to help Larry regain consciousnesses)).
I played that exact type of playthrough and I didn't get that impression from the preview at all. The most Kenny says is "Hell, like you listen to ME anymore...". It's clear there has been "fallout", just like he says on the walk back to the motor inn.
Also, Kenny appears to be remorseful on the way back, and turning to Lee for advice/consolation. The only remarks Lee can make are condescending, the least of which is telling Kenny that "he is not a bad man". No matter what, Lee condemns the act if you side with Lilly. There is no "I tried to help but you were right" type of conversation with Kenny. So I really don't blame him for not "forgiving" Lee.
Also, the most important piece, the previews are NOT set in stone. There were entire conversations in the episode two preview that were not present in episode two at all (like Doug or Carley giving you the candy bar). They're really there to give you a bit of a "taste" of what's coming up in the next episode.
1. Kenny having a go at me when I tried to help Larry
2. When I was attacked by Danny and Kenny just sat there.
3. I was annoyed that I couldn't smooth things over with Kenny later.
But, thinking about it I think all these things make sense.
1. Kenny may or may not have taken a man's life and he desperately needs someone to support his decision. When his only real friend in this place looks down on him he becomes very upset and angry not just with lee but also himself.
2. Kenny only sticks his neck out for those he feels he can trust (e.g. Duck over Shawn and going back for Lee at the drug store). He feels he can rely on Lee and when he doesn't support his traumatizing decision then he starts to lose his faith in Lee.
3. I wanted to be be nice to Kenny but Lee didn't. In that situation I would have tried to make things up to Kenny. But, it's not me in that situation it's Lee. Sure you can influence Lee's choices, but all in all Lee's a seperate person and he wouldn't make a choice and then five minutes later suddenly try to apologise for it.
All in all I hope there's a way to make things up to Kenny - but I dobut it'll happen unless you save him and/or his family from certain death. And this is the Walking Dead - let's face it things can only get worse.
That said, I sided with Kenny as he killed Larry. I had in the back of my mind the history of Lee-Larry and knew I'd probably have to make a decision regarding Larry's life one way or another. When the scenario arose that we'd have a "6-foot 300-pound angry dead man" locked in that meat freezer with us, I freaked out. Fearing for the safety of Clem, I reluctantly (although quickly) chose to allow Kenny to take Larry out. It was probably the hardest choice I've made playing thus far. I tried to smooth things over with Lily because I still think my choice was for the better of all who were locked inside...
Talk about intense drama!
My only other thought on the matter is this: If we're locked inside a meat locker, why is the air conditioning unit on the inside of the locker instead of on the outside?! Think about how a window AC unit operates in your own home and how that relates to our scenario.
Peace, y'all--- and enjoy your game! :cool:
There's also the point that Larry would be a dangerous zombie, but the story really affected me, I wanted him to die.
Excellent post. Those same thoughts crossed my mind as that meat locker scenario played out. It all happened so fast that I couldn't pay much attention to the timer regarding the choices--- I had to read fast and react faster!
In the "official" zombie survival guide (and loads of movies) its a virus. The book goes as far as calling it the Solanum virus
It's not. Kirkman says every time he's asked that he will never give credit to any explanation. The reveal that everyone becomes a zombie pretty much disproves the virus theory, but everyone tries to force it to make sense. "There's the virus, then the airborne supervirus! If you avoid those, then there's the mutated virus, which is what Shane had and made him turn so quick!"
It's the apocalypse, everyone who died is a zombie. You know this because Kirkman alludes to it all the time with Hershel during the farm sequence. It's not science, it's pure magic.
The unit from how it appears would blow cold air into the locker and be adjustable on its' face. The duct work that Clem crawls through would be where the heat is sent out of the room it's trying to cook which is obviously the meat locker itself.
Perhaps it's a safety feature that if you get locked in a freezer you don't freeze yourself to death. I also think those handles are two way for opening and closing though after seeing the bear trap I'm sure Dan or Andy would have taken that feature off.
Ive not read the comics and not watched a few episodes of the show, I knew that everyone had it just assumed they went along with the classic "its contracted in the bite/blood." also why if everyone does zom out that means it's not a virus/disease/pathogen...w/e
torchwood miracle day reference if anyone was wondering..
Like probably most players I try to mediate and be neutral and not to pick sides but to calm things. But there is a guy that tried to kill Lee in the pharmacy. Now that is my No1 enemy now and when I need to pass out food or make other decisions he is the first on my total negative list. It makes it easy to dispense his life.
Still I would have liked to have other options. Why not secure him, tie his legs together while he gets CPR. If he turns, you can still deal with him easily. Unfortunately that option was not even contemplated. I didn't have a hard time getting rid of him since he had no value to the group and tried to kill me outright.
All he's said is that the bite kills you from getting infected and you die like normal. You don't contract a virus from the bite. If it is a virus, you already have it.
http://walkingdead.wikia.com/wiki/Zombies Find Reanimation and read it.
And I ain't never seen Torchwood.
I helped Lilly knowing full well that her dad was a dead duck. I didn't expect the salt block to the head, so that was a shocker. Pretty terrific gaming experience, all told, however.
I tried to help Larry only to score points with Lilly and thus try to bring her closer to the group. Larry was toxic, and essentially was Lilly's Achilles Heel. So I'm glad he's gone.
i think most people were choosing lily over kenny not larry over kenny
Well, let's see...
You can be a carrier of a virus but have no symptoms. You can also be exposed to a virus and it won't kill you- take the 1919 Influenza, for example. It would either kill you outright or you could be wading through death and not get affected. Mind you, the '19 Flu had the interesting tendency to kill the young and leave older folks (40+) alone. It can be assumed that the immune systems of some people made them immune or resistant to it- they may have gotten sick but didn't die from it. The series gives no indication that anybody got sick but recovered from it. In the book/tv series it appears to kill many without necessarily being transmitted by direct contact/vector i.e. a bite. It's unclear whether it's a virus like the '19 flu or a bacillus like Yrsinia Pestis (the Black Death), though in some ways it behaves like it.
The behaviour of the Walking Dead plague is more suggestive of being viral in nature, IMO.
Whether or not Kirkman says it's a virus the pattern of contagion suggests a virus- either by accident or design on part of the creator of the series.
The virus has been labled as "TS19" a CDC a doctor called Jenner shows the survivors info movies about the CDC's research into the virus in the last ep. of the 1st season.
Original scenes for obvious reasons aren't to be found on YouTube but I'll link the Tribute movie witch pretty well covers basic info.
and even if you find them...will they tell you? or... most importantly..will you even believe them?(unless of course...you see him working on it or something like that)
chaz99...you say that it is a virus because of the way its acts... but it could be demons or aliens doing that if kirkman says so...until he says what it causing this...doesn't really matter what we specullate.
The way the game is written, Kenny doesn't want a supporter, he wants a bitch. True friends and allies understand that you can't go along with every single decision that they make or propose.