Calm before the storm? [Speculation]
I'll get straight to the point of my proposal: Do you think we will see TTG's The Walking Dead get any darker than the climax of Starved For Help?
If so, I'd love to hear how. I'd also love to hear what direction you think the series will take, more so in the next episode, because anything beyond that is completely up in the air.
Personally, I think the next episode will see the power-struggle between Kenny and Lilly reach breaking point, and I think we will see one character from the group killing another. Maybe you'll get the choice to turn the other cheek, or to out the murderer. My guess is that Lilly will die next, and that Kenny will be in some way responsible. Katja is another strong possibility to die. Maybe Lilly will be to blame, and that will feed the fire?
If so, I'd love to hear how. I'd also love to hear what direction you think the series will take, more so in the next episode, because anything beyond that is completely up in the air.
Personally, I think the next episode will see the power-struggle between Kenny and Lilly reach breaking point, and I think we will see one character from the group killing another. Maybe you'll get the choice to turn the other cheek, or to out the murderer. My guess is that Lilly will die next, and that Kenny will be in some way responsible. Katja is another strong possibility to die. Maybe Lilly will be to blame, and that will feed the fire?
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1-Clementine being raped. (No way!!!!
2-Someone doing to Duck,(spoilers from the comics)
I don't think thats going to happend.... But it's the Walking Dead...
And another thing.... Lilly DYING?... No way
Wow, I never considered this! That would be very difficult to choose. I better give that some thought incase it does come up as a snap decision. Also, we have to remember that we may see Lee's parents make an appearence, or Clementine's! Maybe a decision between the two? Either way, it's hard-hitting stuff.
Clem will never be raped and if anyone in the game even suggest that they'd try it they wont make it till the end of the episode {unless the Devs let the character escape} Kaatja being tortured to death... ehhh maybe i mean it's something that would make me feel bad but not make me completely lose interest in the game. Maybe that could be a Mercy Kill option. Have no idea about the glenn negane reference
Suggestion 1, I think, would never be allowed - although, that certainly would be dark. Suggestions 2 and 3 are both very possible though. I bet we will see someone die at the hands of the bandits, perhaps through torture. A P.O.W scenario. Katja has already been taken hostage by Mama St. John, which doesn't mean it won't happen again.
Lee's parents are DEEEEEAAAADDD
Damn plot shields!
Maybe they'll be a bit where we can "trim the fat" - get rid of some "unnecessary characters...
Mercy Kill sounds good, but what about a Sacrifice, a la Irene? Dissuading someone from sacrificing themselves and forcing someone else (maybe even you) to go?
huh interesting. there were aspects of little lamplight that always bothered me
I wrote Katjaa as an example. Could happend to anybody and still be dark. Just wrote Katjaa, because she is a woman with family.
I don't know enough about option two to comment. option one I think that would take the story in a direction that neither the developers or the players are mature enough to handle. Seriously.
Option three is boss.
I myself always imagined they had a horrible secret...
I wonder if the devs look at these ideas we suggest?
Get this out of your mind. Lilly will NOT die in this season. She is a character in the actual comic book series, so she has to stay alive to fulfill her role there.
Comic Book Spoiler:
Where is the government anyways? It would be cool to see it play a part in Lee's story(without the apparent need for a darker storyline).
Lee is locked up in a room press left to tilt left press right to tilt right untill lee falls over to escape.... Like the beginning of Arkham City.
Which horrible Secret the fact they eat strange meat and fungus that grows on corpses.
or the fact that their can't be that many children in an over two hundred year old cave hideout without hanky panky going on.
Probably collapsed or in hiding. But yeah, a sudden revelation as everyone learns that they'd been travelling with a murderer. If you have bad blood on either side of the Kenny/Lilly issue, that side's leader could try to kill you...
Most of the dark themes were already used by Kirkman: Torture, Rape, Hostage, even Cannibalism.... But Telltale did a great job "reusing" this last theme whit a new prespective, and without we feelling "This is just an imitation" or "This has already happend."
Aren't you thinking of Andale? Although I haven't played F3 in aeons...
Probably the latter - I'm assuming your implying incest?
If Lee's a normal, decent guy until something shakes him to the core - as we saw with his wife - then we're probably going to see that resurface in some way. I know the example was a guess, but I think we're in for some much darker times and a totally different Lee by the endgame.
Achoo! Someone say my name?
With my woeful spelling, yes
When you hit sixteen you get kicked out. if you get kicked out it's highly unlikely any babies you have are going to end up in Little Lamplight soooo Underage Sex and Pregnancy. Also Talk to the chef about the fungus and youll find out more about it.
I knew about the getting kicked out, but I'd assumed their kids could live there. I don't remember the fungus...
You just killed my happy Wonderkand-esque view of LL... But that's okay, cause I have Clem...
that reminds me of that tv series from CW that vanished shortly after it was on the air. Where This woman kept getting attacked by people and she thought she was normal but it turned out she OD'd and was actually a Zombie now.
Why'd it vanish? It seems like it had an interesting premise...
I'd be interested to see what a saved Kenny without his family (who is his main reason for being) would do.
It was like a generic Masters of Horrors i'm guessing the Budget to Vieweship wasn't proper
I predict that Katjaa won't be around for much longer. We all know Kenny's sole loyalty is to Duck.
Kaatja and Duck over Kenny anyday
He'd probably scream and say that you shoulda saved them, then (depending on your relationship with him) hate you and run off or being a depressed Bro4Lyf.
I still wanna see a fourth wall breaking occurance...
Right. But you don't think seeing what actions Kenny would take without his family around would be at least somewhat interesting? And seeing how he would react towards you (Lee) for not saving his family instead.
I had a thought on Topic but im not sure if i should post it because it would take place several years down the line.
Post it!!! lol. I like hearing speculations or ideas.