Would you save Lee or Clementine?
Throw out the caveat that the game would end if you were to let Lee die. At this point, if you were forced into a Doug/Carley situation and episode 3-5 were carried out from the perspective of *either* Lee or Clementine, who would you choose?
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try and make it more challenging i'll wait
because of her i was looking at the survivors as people that would care for Clementine or not, rather than just people that would wake me up if zombies came along while i slept which would have been how i saw other survivors if Clementine wasn't in the game.
yeah i thought about that, but my only concern is sleep, you could sleep in a tree(sort of safe) but wake up surrounded by zombies, anywhere you sleep is unsafe without someone to be on watch, that is why anybody in a zombie apocalypse needs at least 1 other person to keep them safe.
Okay let's say you had to make the decision at the end of Episode 5
I would kill her if I had to.
also we may not have a choice...like with shaun...
if anyone kills our queen then they are freaks..
we do what we must because we can..
Wait until they make you do it at the end of Episode 5.:p
Or something far worse we haven't considered.
Save Lee, he is in the prime of his life, and still of breeding age.
If the history of the human race was to never save the child at the cost of one's own life, we wouldn't have gone very far as a species.
What's more important is to make sure that people surviving with small children such as Clementine or Duck to find other suitable adults with which to help take care of said child if you ever have to make that choice. Lee should have that (having a combination of Lilly, Kenny, Katjaa, Doug/Carly, and even Ben to choose from).
Therefore, the logical choice is not to make sure that Lee survives at all costs, but rather to set up Clementines survival even IF Lee should pay the ultimate price. Welcome to parenthood!:p
*Lee pushes the raft out from shore, bleeding out in the ocean. Clem and Duck look down to him*
Lee: It's up to you two now. You have to survive. You have to repopulate...
*Lee floats off*
Duck: I'm the captain!
*Clem drowns Duck*
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I think it's usually spare ones own child. Our shared human history is full of stories of killing [OTHER] children specifically because they are the future.
But since we are speaking of a hypothetical situation I forward this idea..
There is no grantee that Clem would find more adults at all, or that she would find some willing to take her in. Maybe those other characters are around to help, maybe they are not. And after seeing how Kenny is under fire does one really trust Larry to look after Clem? Your point is full of merit. Any other day of the week, save the children. But during the zombie outbreak kids are a liability or long term investment that one may or may not have the time to manage.
I say full grown adult over kids.
Yes, history is rife with examples of both, but imagine the type of situation we are in here - zombies do not care about culture or genetics. The population of humans has been drastically reduced. Can we really afford to say that only our survival trumps all? You're only going to be a healthy adult for so long, and Lee is nearing his forties. Lack of advanced medical care is seriously going to shorten the amount of time that Lee is going to be capable of reproducing. Couple that with the fact that EVERYONE has a dramatically shortened lifespan, thanks to the ever-ominous zombie horde wandering around, looking to eat you as soon as possible. I find it more likely than not that Lee is not going to live long enough to breed.
No matter if Lee wants his own children or not, Lee already has one he has been charged with taking care of (you may not want to, but the plot has railroaded a certain amount of care towards Clementine). Many people here would agree though that Clementine is probably the exact type of child you would WANT to live into adulthood. She is observant and helpful. It's probably better to take care of the child you already have, instead of imaginary children you MIGHT have, which would require even more care than Clementine.
Also, Kenny is not the only person who is with Lee. There is Katjaa, already a mother, and who has shown an interest in Clementine and her well-being. Lilly or Doug/Carley could also step up to help Clementine if she once again finds herself with no one. At extremes, there is Ben, who at least would be someone to watch after her, even if he is young himself. At this point, I highly doubt that Clementine would be left "on her own" should something happen to Lee.
And, as far as a Zombie apocalypse goes, the longer it goes on, the more likely you are to start thinking about the future of your race. If Clementine is too much of a liability, than so would any baby (that you could potentially have) be. If EVERYONE started running around saving adults over children, then there would be no way humanity would survive this long term. Eventually society will have to adopt the standpoint of putting children than women first if we want to continue on.
I play this game to win it (survive the zombie Apocalypse) and If I have to sacrifice myself to save Clementine I see it as me losing the game! (tihi the game, you all just lost it!)
i believe you win the game if you think all the choices you made were the right choice, if the only right choice to you is surviving at all costs that is fine, but if lee dies and i felt like i had made the right choice i would consider that winning, if there was an ending where you have the choice to save yourself leaving all the other survivors to die or to help them and possibly die saving them, i wouldn't think saving myself was the right choice so i would loose choosing that choice
He can do a lot more to help survive than Clementine could.
This is of course from the point of view of if Lee was a secondary character like everyone else.
Thought about that scenario for a few weeks now... it wouldn't make sense for me to deliberately get Lee killed... not for Clem... not for anyone. If I had the choice (yep... Lee is ME for this), I am absolutely sure I would choose life... for M(L)ee.
On the other hand... what would TT be willing to throw at us? Will we even be able to differ the choice, calculate the outcome?
Ah... damn... I HATE YOU TELLTALE!!!!
And I so god damn LOVE YOU TELLTALE for getting me into this mental situation, without even knowing what I'm talking about...