Has Lee Redeemed himself?
OK lets pretend that Lee is a Murderer, That he killed the senator in cold blood.
Now, do any of you think that his post apocalyptic actions Redeem him? Or do you say, once a murdering bastard, always a murdering bastard?
I know it doesn't matter much in terms of crime and punishment anymore but would you, as a person relying on his help to survive, forgive him or be wary of him?
Now, do any of you think that his post apocalyptic actions Redeem him? Or do you say, once a murdering bastard, always a murdering bastard?
I know it doesn't matter much in terms of crime and punishment anymore but would you, as a person relying on his help to survive, forgive him or be wary of him?
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yet another silly unnecessary new thread for existing debate...
Are any of the threads really necessary? LOL sorry that its been done b4, I just want to get insight from other players. And for me anyway, silly is what I enjoy. This forum is like a mental release after being in reality the rest of the week. Anyhow I'm glad You think Lee is redeemable through Clem I tend to agree.
He's been nice to everyone, and saved as many people as he could - so, I'd say yeah... he has good standing in my eyes.
and yes there is ALOT of ep2 threads to sift through
i'll let you off ozzbuddy
That is, he has the potential to. Not everyone is taking the good route.
Lee's prison number was 24601.
Did you see his face when he offed that first cop?
Society's debt no longer matters my Friend. Has Lee redeemed himself as a good person in your eyes, or is he still a murdering bastard?
I think he was being sarcastic, atleast based on the "killing has been proven wrong by killing the killer" statement.
Saved Duck
Saved Clementine (twice)
Saved Larry
Saved Carly
Butchered the Coach (Save failure!)
Tried to talk Jolene down
Contributed to killing Larry (D:!)
Spared the St. John Brothers
Honestly he's saved multiple lives and only destroyed one so far in my playthrough, i'm going to say he's redeemed himself in my eyes. (Although I don't believe he killed the Senator either, it was either a crime of passion and impulse or he was set up)
Saved Clementine three times including from cannibalism
Saved Duck from Larry and let Kenny punch him {so he looked like a hero to his family. and now the group knows that Kenny had a grudge against Larry so if anything happened he gets the blame}
Saved Carley cause i didn't really know that Doug guy. [when Carleys revealed to be Fed then I never really knew her either]
Failed to Save the Band teacher Mr. Parker {but cut his leg enough he could have pulled himself free and crawled if he had the balls}
tried to help larry in the fridge [now Kenny is the bad guy]
Always honest to Clem
Killed both St. Johns. Because When Andy grabbed Clementine I told him "I'll Kill You." and as a good southern boy he was raised to believe a promise is a promise. Danny I killed to make Lily feel a little better since she said "I should kill you".
Didn't steal from the Car. Because Clem was not happy I killed two men
He was never a bad person to begin with. He doesn't owe anybody anything. So Yeah, he is a good person.
Winner, Winner. Chicken Dinner.
Part of me doesn’t want this question answered as it derails the player who believes he's a cold blooded killer or a victim of circumstance by saying THIS is Lee.
Probably a good idea for a death when Lee gets near Woodsberry GA
If Lee killed this man, he has saved quite a few people since. Math.
If Lee was calculated in that killing, such coldness might save differently dispositioned people in this more dangerous, competitive world. Adaptation.
etc,etc, etc, etc