There is a new zombie mmo PC game coming out in the near future which looks a lot like the Armor 2 mod game but with some big differences like being able to form clans, having safe zones, etc. It's scheduled for Beta testing in the fall and I just signed for it. It looks very promising.
WAR Z Interview
Beta Sign Up
WAR Z Interview
Beta Sign Up
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Also, loving the midriff bearing female in the screenie. Totally viable survival strategy in the event of a zombie apocalypse.
whats easy mode going to be like ?
The interview states the following:
but having a 'lock out' ? seems an odd penalty for dying yes it would make the whole get better/heal thing realistic but if the normal mode has other players who can loot your stuff certain levels are going to get raped by 'assholes'
How can it be a day z rip off? It was in development before day z's alpha release.
We have smart phones now. How hard could it be to have a phone app that periodically buzzed you with tasks to "do."
But that doesn't really sound fun. More like a second job.
Don't know how I got that wrong.
Perhaps if enough of us here join up and enjoy it, maybe we can form our own group.
"Sergey Titov: We’re running an internal alpha test right now and expect that we’ll make closed beta available later this summer to selected players that sign up on our website now and to all users that pre-order the game."
I would join a group, but I will probably be grouped with guildies. Just have to wait and see how many are interested in it, but a lot of us were playing day z.
an mmo on a console ?