The worst part of being a fan of TWD game
is waiting for each episode 
I'm so excited for episode 3 after the amazeballs that was ep 2!

I'm so excited for episode 3 after the amazeballs that was ep 2!
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The reason for the delays are to make sure the game is as good as it can be, you can't just shorten the release time because then the game will be even more buggy.
The problem is that the episodes are work in progress until they are finished and released. I'd rather let them take their time to deliver a good episode than them pumping out one every 3 weeks that is unfinished, buggy and really bad.
Yea me to, infact i think they should take even more time than they do, like work a year or two on each episode to really polish it...:rolleyes:
have you seen the out rage in the episode 2 release date discussion threads ?!!
yeah 2 months is extreme
6 weeks is acceptable
4 weeks or less is orgasmic
Haha, you have to see when the episode it's delayed and Telltale don't tell anything for weeks. It's hilarious!
It will be done when its done and not before
Damn it, fine I'll just WAIT then
this is an imaginary conversation that everyone should have, Damn it!! (you dont have to like it)
Or it could be
It is the first level of pleasure according to Freud.
Tell me about your mother.
6 weeks is acceptable
4 weeks or less is orgasmic
I know from experience that making even a short game is a time consuming process. It's actually pretty impressive that Telltale is able to make a 2 hour fully 3D game with decent animation in only 2 months.
lol exactly what i said...forgot the quotes or coincidence ?
"Fool me once, shame on you....Fool me twice?"
So you didn't jump on those Kickstarters for Double Fine, Shadowrun or Wasteland?
aren't those kick starters gonna take so long to get made that you would forget you put money towards it by the time they come out
They should have just waited with the release of episode 1 until it is so finished that they can fulfill the original promise of monthly release.
Probably there's a lot of shady things to invest in, and some people who wouldn't get the motivation to complete something no matter how much money you throw at them. But I'm sure anyone with a credible name can't back out of making something.
Double Fine and the other game ones sound awesome. You give them the money to start, then watch the game being made. If you invest enough, you can give input on what you want to see. It's awesome.
Well this is not the first game I bought a season pass for. I play games like Foza 4 when you pay a price and you get the years worth of DLC at a discount. I don't think it is a scam but you will get your product sooner or later.
Like I said before I am fine with the episode games I like a fresh thing to do every month then playing the game for one week in a row then I am done with it. I like how they do it so I can take a break from other games while the new episode comes out
Please...DON'T! All of you have done enough damage for a lifetime... I came here to discuss a video game.
Blame me, I asked the initial question. The damage one can do with a single phrase...fascinating.
The weird thing is I use to do that when I was a lad....
Nope; sure didn't. Maybe an entity the likes of Bethesda would get my money on a pre-order in the future, but TTG?
As far as I can see; my original post-of-irritation, wherin I compared it to Halflife2's ill fated episode series; as well as Stephen Kings' "Green Mile" & suggested the term "Vapor-ware" has played itself out in spades.
ON the plus side; Facebooks little foray into the Walking Dead as a social game kicked off recently into open beta..
IT is actually quite fun.