Season Two news!



  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2007
    And NDAs are signed, so no one can talk about what they've seen. ;)
  • edited August 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    And NDAs are signed, so no one can talk about what they've seen. ;)

    If they do, can you make them "dissapear"? That would be so cool! :)
  • edited August 2007
    *sigh* I live in So Cal, but I can't make it up to this playtest... but I might have time for a season 3 pre-test :-D
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2007
    This playtest is just for episode one. There will be more for episodes two, three, etc.
  • edited August 2007
    Emily wrote: »
    And NDAs are signed, so no one can talk about what they've seen. ;)

    So if someone says Max is in it, they're outta here?! :D
  • edited August 2007
    I personally want to see an ep where the Freelance Police take on the music industry. Puzzles would include putting on a good performance a la Embarassing Idol, keeping your band from breaking up by bribing the other members, and finding the most effective way to dodge/eliminate the paparazzi.
  • edited August 2007
    I personally want to see an ep where the Freelance Police take on the music industry. Puzzles would include putting on a good performance a la Embarassing Idol, keeping your band from breaking up by bribing the other members, and finding the most effective way to dodge/eliminate the paparazzi.

    That sounds like a realy good idea. I could emagine a band containing Sam, Max and two or three others. And it would certainly create some very extraordinary puzzels.
  • edited August 2007
    It's not very Sam & Max-ish.
  • edited August 2007
    Plus it'd feel too much like the part in Episode 3.
  • jmmjmm
    edited August 2007
    Well, Sam could use his musical ability... and we could see the Soda Poppers again making a remix of their theme song or something. Also one of the Studio NPCs could be Jared Emerson-Johnson (or at least performed by him)
  • edited August 2007
    fajerkaos wrote: »
    If they do, can you make them "dissapear"? That would be so cool! :)

    they can make your bank account "dissapear"
  • edited August 2007

    will it be possible to combine items in the inventory?
    I really missed that in season 1.
  • edited August 2007

    will it be possible to combine items in the inventory?
    I really missed that in season 1.

    As long as they are logical things to combine (aka I don't have to go matching everything with everything just to solve a puzzle), I'm all for that. :)
  • edited August 2007
    As long as they are logical things to combine (aka I don't have to go matching everything with everything just to solve a puzzle), I'm all for that. :)

    Hmm, i think the solution to most of the puzzles was too obvious. It had been more challenging if there had been more steps between knowing what to do to solve the puzzle and to actually being able to do it. But because not everyone likes it more difficult :) it would be cool to have two difficulty modes(direct puzzles/indirect puzzles).
  • edited August 2007
    what did you think of episode 6 in terms of difficulty?
  • edited August 2007
    Hero1 wrote: »
    what did you think of episode 6 in terms of difficulty?

    I thought it was harder than all the other episodes, but it wasn't frustratingly hard (except the
    battle with Hugh Bliss at the end where it just keeps going in circles
  • edited August 2007
    that was directed at peace of cake man hah
  • edited August 2007
    Hero1 wrote: »
    that was directed at peace of cake man hah

    I... ah.... knew that. I just thought I'd answer too. :D

    Heh, heh, I sure got out of that one!
  • edited August 2007
    Heh, heh, I sure got out of that one!

    I can't tell you how many times I've done that. Oh, and I agree with you. Do you know how long it took me to figure that part out? An hour and 45 minutes, and I'm someone with a high GPA. I'll attribute it to me playing it at 2 am.
  • edited August 2007
    Hero1 wrote: »
    what did you think of episode 6 in terms of difficulty?

    it was quite difficult from the middle of reality 2.0 to the end of episode 6 compared to the difficulty of the first 4 episodes. But it was not as difficult as it could be with the possibility of combining items ;)
    I will be happy with the game not matter if they change anything but it would be a cool feature. :D
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2007
    i like games...
  • edited August 2007
    So, when will we see the PAX trailer online?
  • MelMel
    edited August 2007
    NickTTG wrote: »
    i like games...

  • edited August 2007
    So, when will we see the PAX trailer online?

  • edited August 2007
    NickTTG wrote: »
    i like games...

    I don't
  • edited August 2007
    Actually, that might be the trailer. I saw the trailer at PAX(As mentioned in my thread.) Really cool. Hopefully, they'll have the play demo tomorrow! :D
  • edited August 2007
    xChri5x wrote: »

    Don't be silly, that's the release date of episode one! ;)
  • edited August 2007
    That's when they announce The Neverhood: Episode 1 :P
  • jmmjmm
    edited August 2007
    Or that the project was cancelled
    "After careful evaluation of current market place realities and underlying economic considerations, we've decided that this was not the appropriate time to launch a graphic adventure on the PC"
  • edited August 2007
    Oh, yes, I remember that announcement. Particularly gruesome.
  • edited August 2007
    jmm wrote: »
    Or that the project was cancelled
    "After careful evaluation of current market place realities and underlying economic considerations, we've decided that this was not the appropriate time to launch a graphic adventure on the PC"

    Much like Max's! ;)
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2007
    Oh, yes, I remember that announcement. Particularly gruesome.

    I get it... i get the joke you made. I like jokes. They make me laugh. I wish i could make joke. Joke make whole world smile lots. joke joke

    And for maximum confusion, "Guybrush(no underscore)Threepwood" posts right after "Guybrush_Threepwood"

    The mind boggles...
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2007
    this thread is breaking my mind
  • edited August 2007
    All we need now is for someone to sign up as Guybrush-Threepwood, then GuybrushThreepwood, then Guybrush.Threepwood, then....
  • NickTTGNickTTG Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2007
    ya... jake's head just exploded. and of course its my job to sweep up the mess. You're not on top of my list right now Guybrush(no underscore)Threepwood
  • edited August 2007
    *Sigh* I'll go get the sticky tape...
  • edited August 2007
  • edited August 2007
    Don't be silly, that's the release date of episode one! ;)

    Thats just the release date of the trailer.
  • edited August 2007
    Thats just the release date of the trailer.

    Hehe, I know really. :D
  • edited August 2007
    Cool, I haven't been posting here for 3 days and when I come back Nick's mind boggles, Jake's mind breaks and my twin Guybrush(no underscore)Threepwood wants to fight Nick... That's awesome men!:D
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