Men thinking w/ their heads? Women & Choices
In every major game decision involving a man and woman, woman have come been heavily favorited.
75% chose Carley over Doug
87% choose not to shot Jolene
68% tried to help Lilly revive Larry, a guy that tried to kill you
Do you think it's coincidence or are men choosing women for other reasons, like possibly sex or romance?
Sometimes, like with Larry, it defies ration. He's not only a danger alive, he's clearly going to die and be a bigger threat.
If Katjaa where in a life or death situation I'm curious if guys would be so heroic. She older, not physically as attractive as Carley or Lilly, married w/ a kid. Personally, I think men would be less likely to help, like if it was Katjaa or Doug's life or helping Katjaa revive Kenny. You never know but it would be cool to test it out in an episode.
75% chose Carley over Doug
87% choose not to shot Jolene
68% tried to help Lilly revive Larry, a guy that tried to kill you
Do you think it's coincidence or are men choosing women for other reasons, like possibly sex or romance?
Sometimes, like with Larry, it defies ration. He's not only a danger alive, he's clearly going to die and be a bigger threat.
If Katjaa where in a life or death situation I'm curious if guys would be so heroic. She older, not physically as attractive as Carley or Lilly, married w/ a kid. Personally, I think men would be less likely to help, like if it was Katjaa or Doug's life or helping Katjaa revive Kenny. You never know but it would be cool to test it out in an episode.
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In all those situation, it does seem like the right thing to do. Maybe the writers need to do a better job challenging us to really figure this out.
They did. In order of popularity, it was Clem, Duck, Mark and Larry.
Keep in mind Carley rejects the food and Lilly refuses it also (unless you're persistent). Kids are kids so... And feeding Larry makes Lilly happy.
Maybe the writers are making the appealing decisions so, but there is no instance when the majority of players don't side with the attractive woman on major decisions.
Even killing Danny St. John, Lilly says "I should kill you." She doesn't, but the majority of players do and yet spare the other brother. It's interesting b/c Lilly seems a little disappointed if you did kill Danny.
Guys can list other reasons for their choices, and maybe it just coincidence, but the motives are suspect.
I'll admit have thought and continue to think about future romantic relationships with Carley or Lilly. I'd probably be kidding myself if I said it didn't influence my decisions.
Joline was in the midst of a monologue with plenty of dialogue options left.
Choosing to help Lily probably has more to do with players not wanting to kill one of their group members rather than her sex. Or they just hate Kenny - which is easy because of Duck.
It's not based on the sex of the characters, (for me) it's who do I think will be the most beneficial (to me) or if they are a threat, regardless of gender.
I too have watched quite alot of the youtube playthroughs mostly because I enjoy the commentary from those playing it the first time.. I like to hear them react to a scarey moment or tough decision.
But also realize it's a vast majority of males who play this game and make those video's, knowing they have an audience and cant help but say things like "oh hell yea i'm saving the girl, I can use her later! LOL"
Typical guy when he knows there's people watching.
One could also argue that a female playing this would choose to save Carley and not shoot Jolene as wanting to stick together. Girl Power so to speak!
But as I've said before, when I play this, I really try to imagine myself in the world of a ZA and focus on what I would do in that situation, not what I think would be the popular decision or make the viewers laugh!
Zombies dont care if your a pretty girl or nerdy guy. Equal opportunity for all.
hmmm maybe we could all learn something from zombies about equality! :rolleyes:
offtopic: Do you have any recommendations of ppl who did a lets play of this. The ones I found were mainly by ppl who already played through it once.
one of my personal favorites is Hannah.. She's a Brit lady so she was fun to listen to.
I understand that people like that exist but you are generalising. I'm a man, and here were my decisions:
I rescued Carly because she knew how to handle a gun. If Doug had been the one who knew how to shoot, then I would have chosen him instead. I shot Jolene when she threatened to go to the farm and kill everyone. I killed Larry because he was about to come back as a zombie.
Also, roughly 30-40% of gamers are female; not less than 5% which many are lead to believe.
I really couldn't care less whether or not there are any romance options later on.
However on my main save i saved doug, did not shot jolene, and tried to save larry not because of trying to romance a crazy woman from the forest but because thats how my lee roll doesn't kills anyone because he can.
Oh god well said
I saved Doug because why the hell not? And at the time I thought there would be a chance to save both him and Carley.
I didn't shoot Jolene because I wanted to see if I could talk her down.
Jolene, I didn't shoot her simply because I wanted answers about Clem and maybe she could be talked down.
Siding with Lily in the meatlocker, that was in no one because she was a girl, I just didn't think Larry was actually dead yet.
Of course, this is just me, not sure what others feel.
tbh, I for one didnt care if he was actually dead or not!
after the pharmacy, when i risked my life to aquire his nitro pill's to have him punch my Lee in the face leaving him for the zombies, I swore then at first chance, Larry was dead.
meatlocker was that first opportunity! I didnt even give Kenny the honor!
Well if we have data and plenty of time between episodes might as well see if this data tells us anything. I think that episode 3 data is needed to really draw any conclusions but maybe what you're saying is generally true with some exeptions ofcourse.
The TTG poll was interesting as well. Carley (38%) was the top pick. If you exclude Lee (since Lee is you maybe) the next up is Lilly (9%). Way down at the bottom are the men (4%) and poor Kat (1%). Looks like a progression of attractiveness to me. I feel bad for Kat - who would have thought medical skills in a ZA would be so out of style.
Anyways, I saved Carley because she had a gun, our only gun, and walkers were everywhere. Now I'm nice to them, Carley and Lilly, because there could be a possible romance option in the future but for sure there will be walkers and both of these fine human beings have guns.
Let me preface my reply saying I could be completely wrong about everything.
Also, it's hard to guess motives of what women are doing without the general numbers of what women are doing.
That out of the way, here's some ideas, assuming the majority of women made the same choices of you (which is a terrible assumption on my part).
My guess would be women could make similar choices as men but for different reasons. Maybe women also have a bias for saving women so they chose Carley. In real life, women tend to be less violent so perhaps they chose to spare the brothers and try to save Larry. I don't know.
One interesting difference is choosing to save both brothers. Like I mentioned before, most players killed the first one, Danny, and maybe it had nothing to do with the choice, but Lilly wanted him dead.
Without the sex/romance factor, it's possible women left him alive, which is the more rational choice. Stabbing him in the chest just turns him into a walker and then you'll possibly have to shoot him in the head, which is really noisy.
Of course I can just be completely way off about everything.
One explanation could be people can't make love on an empty stomach so they steal, thinking about being providers, which some women find attractive, but IDK.
I saved Carley because she sparked me, as a person and player, as a character I would grow fond of. Not Doug, though, purely because he wasn't given the right moment and events for me. That, and having a gun and possibly being one of the instructors that helped the others learn to shoot alongside Lilly.
I didn't shoot Jolene because I saw she was trying to warn Lee of something while baring her fangs at the other guy, and was hoping for a little information on why she did what she did, and her being shot dead only fuelled my anger towards the St. Johns.
I tried to save Larry because not only am I open-minded (and not saying I'm the only one here!) to take what Larry says and still consider helping him regardless, but I don't think anyone deserves to die like he did. Kenny jumped the gun, and there was a double standard. If Larry did survive and came back under control and consciousness, then that's that. But if Larry reanimated, least we would've known of his fate.
When it was Larry vs Kenny on killing a little boy b/c he might have been bitten, 57% sided with Larry.
When it's Kenny vs Lilly, the vast majority sides with Lilly.
A lot of guys claim humanitarian reasons, but throwing out a boy in elementary school to a horde of walkers is a much more gruesome death than dying of a heart attack or a quick blow to the head.
It's especially twisted logic when Larry has not only tried to kill Lee, but has threatened to do it again if he had the chance.
Why would a guy risk his life and his little girl's life to save a guy that has tried to kill him and would do it again, plus is a huge threat dead, and not try to save the life of a boy who is small, thin, and weak and has done nothing but been polite to you? Why the sudden change?
Yeah, you can blame him for Shawn's death, but no one would argue it was out of malice. Larry's action had nothing but malicious intent.
I think there's strong evidence suggesting men are siding with attractive women, even if it's on a subconscious level.
I think putting Katjaa in situation in which players have to choose to side with her in someway or not would really put the theory to the test, especially if it's against Lilly or Carley.
And then here's the rub: some players who were formerly pro-Kenny, because of what I had just described above, would play over the episodes again, this time going pro-Larry. It's basic psychology. They play, they find something they don't like about a character, they go back to make said character miserable knowing how he's going to act. Again, this is ALL purely what I gather, not saying what is and what isn't.
This statistic is inaccurate because if you choose to reason with Larry the game counted that as siding with Larry against Kenny.
I did dislike Larry for being malicious, but I choose to save him because irregardless, I felt it was the right thing to do according to my moral compass.
My first run: I chose Carley purely because I didn't know anything about Doug. Didn't shoot Jolene because I want my Lee to save lives rather than take them. Didn't kill Larry because of my reason for not killing Jolene.
I went in with the mindset that I don't want to kill anyone, not because I favor women. Carley was picked because TellTale really missed the ball with Doug and giving me a reason to like him(made up for it, if you save him with Episode 2) But a lot of Youtube commentators(I know shouldn't bring them up) tend to believe that helping the chick means you get to bone her, so it's not unusual to think that males are favoring the chick for the wrong reasons.
I agree that there's some charm to Carley. Besides being a woman, and a sharpshooting one at that, she has a likable me, at least.
She seems loyal to you, for the most part. I just want to see Carley/Doug have a bigger role in episode 3.
I think you're point of view is perfectly valid. It makes sense and it would be arrogant and foolish of me to claim I'm right.
I didn't kill people b/c I didn't want to kill people either, though I gave the woman at the hotel the gun. Like I've been saying, I could be completely off.
Yeah, I think that scene was a bit confusing for a lot of people. When I suggested reasoning with Larry I simply meant try to talk him down instead of fight.
Small majority is an
haha true. A majority by a small margin
Oh, it's perfectly fine to give your own opinion. It's just the people who say stupid things like, "My opinion matters!" or "I'm right, you're wrong!". As long as you don't say anything of the sort (which I noticed you don't
I don't kill people unless I absolutely have to. If this were a survival sim, and there were people trying to pressure me for something, well...I'd shoot them in non-lethal places. Such as a shoulder and just above, below, or on the knees or something.
Yeah, lots of other players got the same reaction. I did, too, on my first playthrough. I've been pro-Larry and pro-Lilly since episode 2.
Yeah, I agree with you there. You mess up on one small thing with Kenny and he snaps, and leaves you for dead if he got the chance. See if I give his family any food ever again.
imo kenny has always been pro family even in ep1 he laid it out for lee/us so if we cross him/duck/katjaa thats on beetches
makes sense ?
Perfectly. That's the same vibe I got from him the instant he took Duck from the tractor. If I were in his shoes, I'd get Duck from the tractor, set him down out of reach of the undead and help Lee. That'd raise points for most likely a lot more players.
I shot Jolene in the head. Not only did she have Clem's hat, but she was clearly mentally unstable and was pointing a crossbow right at me. I don't know about you people, but I was focusing more on her crossbow than what she was actually saying. Too bad I ddin't listen up more in retrospect, because she revealed alot about the St. Johns and what they were actually up to.
I killed Larry because, while Kenny and Lilly both made good points, I didn't want to risk him getting Clem if he came back, and my cursor was hovering over Kenny just as time was about to run out. Again, would've helped Larry in hindsight, because my Lee is trying to get as many people out of this apocalypse alive as he can.
In the case of Jolene, I simply hadn't chosen to shoot her yet; she was giving me information and pointing her crossbow at Danny, who had been acting pretty damn suspicious himself (his reaction to the camcorder and the fact it wasn't working) just a few minutes before we meet her.
Larry became a lot more tolerable in Episode 2, atleast in my case. The only reason he leaves Lee for dead in Episode 1 is because he knows Lee murdered somebody, and under the same circumstances, I'm not sure I'd do any differently. Hell, by the start of Episode 2 he even tries to save Lee from the Walker in the pickup if you give him the axe. My decision to try and save him had more to do with the fact that he was useful, we actually see him do more for the group around camp (working on the wall around the motel, potentially saving Lee) than Kenny. There's also the fact that you have to theoretically live with these people after the fact, crushing the head of someone's family member before their very eyes is a good way to end up as a friendly fire casualty down the road... regardless of that person's gender.