6 people live/dead/real/fictional you would team up with in a Zombie Apocalypse?
Has to be at least one of each (dead/live+real/fictional)
1. AHHHHNOLD! (pre flabby old man)
2. Genghis Kahn
3. Bob Marley
4. Kratos
5. Lee
6. Angelina Jolie
1. AHHHHNOLD! (pre flabby old man)

2. Genghis Kahn
3. Bob Marley
4. Kratos
5. Lee
6. Angelina Jolie
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What's the point of Jolie?
Sex I assume...
Do you really expect to get any play with Marley in the group?
I have a God of War and Genghis, even Arnold can relax with me, Lee and Mr.Marley, sorted. Angie is there for sex, yes and food if we run out, she looks pretty tender xD
I was just teasing the fact that with Marley in the group, and even Schwarzenegger you won't be getting much "alone time" with Jolie.
Something odd about bringing along a woman just for her sex parts but...
Look if im getting Bob Marley and Genghis Khan back from the dead, Angelina wont mind Arnie watching... :P
2 Data
3 Aurore from The Horde Zombie
4 Jack Carver
5 Severus Snape
6 Chuck Norris
And hope he comes with his big boat.
Trejo? He has big cojones!
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its not a tuma!
1.tony stark post alcoholism
2.james bond
3.jason bourne/aaron cross
4.johnny depp
5. some hot chick/my gf/ex
6. bruce lee
tony can build us suits for protection and defence
james is there for helping us woo the ladies we come across and head of tactics and strategy.
jason/aaron and bruce are the fighters and work with james. no bandits gonna fuck with us..
johnny purely for the lols he cold probably help us act like walkers so we don't get bitten.
the woman just to keep me happy/sane and healthy lol
2. Ashley Williams (Go go Evil Dead)
3. Jet Li (Supply gatherer)
4. Joan of Arc
5. Michonne (Another female sword wielding badass and nobody said Kirkman characters were off limits :P)
6. John Rambo
Wouldn't mind getting some (modified) captive bolt pistols like Anton had in No country for old men. Would have picked him for the group, but he's not very trustworthy :P
I tried to keep it somewhat realistic in terms of what the people can do... if I'm going to choose ANYTHING my list would be something like this:
1. Magneto (Give him bullets and you have a no-noise gun)
2. Spiderman (Would imagine that webbing would be great for fortifications)
3. Nightcrawler (Supply gatherer)
4. Iceman (Zombies don't like the cold you say?)
5. Catwoman (Another supply gatherer/token female)
6. Storm (more cold, another female)
Who needs heals when you can't be touched?
I would actually take Magento and Storm.
the rest can kick rocks.
They are all really good ones...but which Bond? Does he shpeak like thish? (Also Bane was doing a Sean Connery impression in the Dark Knight Rises don't you think?)
2.) Charlize Theron
3.) Rosario Dawson
4.) Michelle Williams
5.) Kristen Stewart (I don't know what it is but she gets me)
6.) Alice (Resident Evil)
Alice can handle the Walkers while I have fun with the others. She can join in when she's finished.
2. Francis
3. Louis
4. Bill
5. Ash Williams
6. Bruce Lee
which bond ? they all have pro's n cons i can only say DEFINITLY NOT george lazneby...
yeah i got a hint of the connery in bane..
2. Batman
3. Yoda
4. Michonne
5. Heavy (in TF2)
6. MacGyver
2. Blade
3. Wolverine
4. The Highlander
5. Hulk
6. Chris Redfield
"Oh hi Zombie"
Luke Skywalker: Who wouldn't want a Jedi!
Rambo: He has survival experience!
The Terminator (Arnold in Terminator 2, of course) he can't be killed by bites! Or hardly anything!
My cat
Chuck Norris
2. Carley.
3. Yes Man (Fallout New: Vegas).
4: Urdnot Wrex.
5. Bill (Left 4 Dead).
6. Rukia Kuchiki.
2. Sherry Birkin as of RE6
3. Clementine
4. Jack Harkness
5. Arcade [Fallout New Vegas]
6. Some expert Chef who isn't an uptight ass like Gordon Ramsay is
2: Sgt boykin (Dead rising 2 http://images.wikia.com/villains/images/9/95/Dwight_Boykin.png)
3:Mordin (Mass effect)
4: Wesker
5: Rowin Atkinson
6: CrazY Dave (Plants vs zombies)
I think I would pass on Hulk. Imagine if he got bit and it turned him. Then you have a seriously pissed off and hungry giant who can't be killed or stopped. The more you try and the hungrier he gets the bigger and stronger he becomes. That's definitely not a zombie I want coming after me.
Wow, that is a truly nasty thought, maybe wolverine can do enough damage to drop him, i mean if he was a zombie, he would start showing damage as people tore into him. Very interesting thought. When playing left 4 dead, i always imagine the tanks as the tv (stupid) hulk zombiefied.
K, that made me laugh! Didn't DC comics do zombies?
Yes, I know the Hulk is Marvel.
maybe merge with that ?
He is pretty tough...but at the same time, I don't think zombies dream. Wouldn't that pretty much make him useless? :P
Looking for a good story to be written? I don't think those walkers are going to be afraid of him swinging around a flashlight at them.
I'd rather take Darth Vader, at least his 'flashlight' hurts.
He can be brought out to the...er..."awake" world as seen in the films. Plus if he dies, I get his glove!
francis(left for dead)
Daryl Dixon (walking dead)
max payne
dark knight (batman)
ezio auditore(assassin's creed)
2. Elvis
3. Bruce Campell
4. Aang the Avatar
5. Sheldon Cooper
6. Kat Dennings