The whole Kenny/Lilly thing is crazy. In episode 1 I was totally on Kennys side. Then in episode 2 what he did in the meat locker made me think I would be on team Lilly from now on. But then events of episode 3 have pushed me back to Team Kenny. Hes still a flawed and selfish individual, but he wasnt wrong about getting out of Macon. And I cant fault him for being in denial over Duck being bitten. If Clem was bitten, I doubt Lee would cheerfully blow her brains out like it wasnt a soul destroying decision.
The whole Kenny/Lilly thing is crazy. In episode 1 I was totally on Kennys side. Then in episode 2 what he did in the meat locker made me think I would be on team Lilly from now on. But then events of episode 3 have pushed me back to Team Kenny. Hes still a flawed and selfish individual, but he wasnt wrong about getting out of Macon. And I cant fault him for being in denial over Duck being bitten. If Clem was bitten, I doubt Lee would cheerfully blow her brains out like it wasnt a soul destroying decision.
I wouldn't call him selfish. I'd call him worried about his family. I'd be too in his shoes.
I hope Lilly comes back in a later episode (not dne with 3 so dunno) so I can blow the b*es brain out . (Was upset I didn't get the option this play through)
I've been with Kenny through thick and thin, and it certainly looks like the right choice after Lilly's freak out. Unfortunately, it still hasn't changed any plot points. Kenny even whooped my ass on the train due to the annoyingly vague dialogue choices.
I've been with Kenny through thick and thin, and it certainly looks like the right choice after Lilly's freak out. Unfortunately, it still hasn't changed any plot points. Kenny even whooped my ass on the train due to the annoyingly vague dialogue choices.
I didn't even know you could get into a fight with him. I just lucked out and convinced him, I guess.
Kenny nerver seemed selfish to me, as he always risked his own life to save mine when the chips were down. Plus, if you convince him to stop the train without a fight, he'll explain himself and why he looks out for his family so much. That poor guy lost everyone now. I'm glad I've been his friend up until this point, because he REALLY needs one right now.
When we were' staring solemnly down at his dead boy, I turned to him, put a hand on his shoulder and said "So Kenny now when I get in danger maybe you can help instead of backing away since your whole family is dead! Huh Kenny? Eh? Ehhhhhh Kenny?" *playful elbow nudge to the ribs* "Just messin' with yah Kenny! How do you keep that mutsache so well trimmed?! We'll talk later".
I wont try to kill Kenny unless he makes me. The fact is now that his family is gone, he cant use them as an excuse to justify his brutally unnecessary actions anymore.
I don't get it. So when Larry was turning into a zombie, you all supported his murder because "it was the necessary evil", but then you can't live with the consequences? And in the end Lily's the bitch?
Why Kenny didn't do that to his son? Well, because it was his son, of course. When it is someone he loves, he's trying to find a cure....
For me that guy is indirectly and directly the source of every danger in this story so far. He's also responsible for each death except for Mark and Doug.
Shawn, Larry, Duck, Carley, Katjaa... his selfishness backfired in the end. I guess Karma's a bitch.
I'm ditching him the second I get the chance to. I would rather have Lily anyday than him.
I don't get it. So when Larry was turning into a zombie, you all supported his murder because "it was the necessary evil", but then you can't live with the consequences? And in the end Lily's the bitch?
Why Kenny didn't do that to his son? Well, because it was his son, of course. When it is someone he loves, he's trying to find a cure....
For me that guy is indirectly and directly the source of every danger in this story so far. He's also responsible for each death except for Mark and Doug.
Shawn, Larry, Duck, Carley, Katjaa... his selfishness backfired in the end. I guess Karma's a bitch.
I'm ditching him the second I get the chance to. I would rather have Lily anyday than him.
Lilly murdered another member of the group in cold blood with no proof whatsoever. There was a chance that Larry really was dead, there was also a chance that he wasn't. We'll never know that. What we DO know is that Kenny ABSOLUTELY prevented him from killing everyone in that room. We don't ABSOLUTELY know that he would have, but he had no chance to reanimate after what Kenny did. Kenny had a reason, even if he did jump the gun a little. Lilly? with no reason, she took the gun and planted a bullet straight through the skull of one of the best characters in the game. If she hated Kenny so much, why not just shoot him? Thankfully karma gets Lilly in the end as well in the comics. Kenny wasn't perfect but he had my back when Lilly never did.
For me it was the exact opposite. Lily has my back when Kenny never did. And speaking of Karma, I think Karma got Kenny, not Lily. Her dad is already dead, but he got to experience what she went through.
You all seem to undermine a situation where 15 bandits threaten to kill all of you and then walkers attack you. Who saved you back there?
Kenny? No. Carley? No
Either Ben or Carley brought this on the group. What if Carley turned out to be the traitor. Would you still defend her and call Lily a cold-blooded murderer?
Carley/Ben bringing this on the group was ever more dangerous than Larry turning into a walker (probably). Still you justify Kenny's act...
I actually appreciated Lily. Lily always had my back, where as Kenny made me "Handle it myself" during the last pharmacy run. I'm not sure if that was due to my interactive choices, or that happens each time, but Kenny kind of ticked me off right there.
Lily always seemed to have your back, if you sided with her, although she may not have always agreed with you. Both of them saved my bacon, at least once, depending on who you sided with. Lily, however, like Kenny, does let you down if you defend her to the end. When she drove away, without me, I was pissed.
Needless to say, it's starting to seem like everyone will let you down at some point, throughout the game.
Kenny as my right hand man said something about leaving Lilly, but I didn't get an opportunity to respond. Doug shot a bandit in the face, called out bandit positions, and started the RV. All I saw of Lilly was her hiding behind a wall with her rifle, then jumping in the RV at the last second only to kill hero-Doug down the road. Underappreciated? Unappreciated.
You told us what? Lily was right she just shot the wrong person is all. Also say what you want but at least Lily is consistent unlike Kenny. Just wait until Kenny finds out what Ben did. You don't think he's going to shoot him in the face for that?
Also if it had of been an option I would have shot Kenny in his smug face back at the pharmacy when he left me to be killed by Walkers... First the St Johns then the pharmacy... Kenny is a major douche... If Kenny had his way pretty much everyone would be dead except for his family.
When we were' staring solemnly down at his dead boy, I turned to him, put a hand on his shoulder and said "So Kenny now when I get in danger maybe you can help instead of backing away since your whole family is dead! Huh Kenny? Eh? Ehhhhhh Kenny?" *playful elbow nudge to the ribs* "Just messin' with yah Kenny! How do you keep that mutsache so well trimmed?! We'll talk later".
After I finished ep. 3 I went back and started a new game. This time I was gonna side with Kenny all the way since he was like the last original. I've only played up to ep 3 ch 1 so far but i've noticed alot of diff between my 2 playthru's.
In my 'reg' game i try to side with whoever i feel is 'right' or closest to what i would do.
so in my 'kenny' playthru, I just agreed with whatever he suggests, side with him, do everything to score points with him.
So, in the 'kenny' game he usually calls me 'pal' and when it can time to kill lilly's dad, he says "you know i'm right, hell (heck?) you've agreed with everything I've done (said?) up to this point!" I agree again and pull lilly screaming off larry while he kills em.
From then on its "we murdered larry" lol.
The biggest let down on my 1st game was when kenny doesn't help me in the pharmacy in ep 3, he looks at the exit like hes gonna make a run for it.
but in my 'kenny' game, he runs over helps out and says "i gotcha buddy"
I really want to see what happens in the fight scene on the train, cuz in my normal game, not only did we fight but he also says, "I hate you Lee" that actually stunned me for a sec.
After ep 3 though, there is no reason not to be "team kenny" imo unless you got morals or something >.>
After I finished ep. 3 I went back and started a new game. This time I was gonna side with Kenny all the way since he was like the last original. I've only played up to ep 3 ch 1 so far but i've noticed alot of diff between my 2 playthru's.
In my 'reg' game i try to side with whoever i feel is 'right' or closest to what i would do.
so in my 'kenny' playthru, I just agreed with whatever he suggests, side with him, do everything to score points with him.
So, in the 'kenny' game he usually calls me 'pal' and when it can time to kill lilly's dad, he says "you know i'm right, hell (heck?) you've agreed with everything I've done (said?) up to this point!" I agree again and pull lilly screaming off larry while he kills em.
From then on its "we murdered larry" lol.
The biggest let down on my 1st game was when kenny doesn't help me in the pharmacy in ep 3, he looks at the exit like hes gonna make a run for it.
but in my 'kenny' game, he runs over helps out and says "i gotcha buddy"
I really want to see what happens in the fight scene on the train, cuz in my normal game, not only did we fight but he also says, "I hate you Lee" that actually stunned me for a sec.
After ep 3 though, there is no reason not to be "team kenny" imo unless you got morals or something >.>
I didn't get " I hate you Lee" after I fought him, maybe because I said sorry afterwards
He doesn't say I hate you when you chose to say nothing. Because I did and he didn't say that. Maybe because I had sided with him on some things but not all.
I was trying to talk him out of the fight when he says it and then he ended up kicking my ass cuz I didn't know i was suppose to QTE his fists....I didn't even get 1 punch in.
I wouldn't call him selfish. I'd call him worried about his family. I'd be too in his shoes.
I hope Lilly comes back in a later episode (not dne with 3 so dunno) so I can blow the b*es brain out
high five! Bro's 4 lyfe!
I didn't even know you could get into a fight with him. I just lucked out and convinced him, I guess.
Why Kenny didn't do that to his son? Well, because it was his son, of course. When it is someone he loves, he's trying to find a cure....
For me that guy is indirectly and directly the source of every danger in this story so far. He's also responsible for each death except for Mark and Doug.
Shawn, Larry, Duck, Carley, Katjaa... his selfishness backfired in the end. I guess Karma's a bitch.
I'm ditching him the second I get the chance to. I would rather have Lily anyday than him.
Kenny will remember that.
You all seem to undermine a situation where 15 bandits threaten to kill all of you and then walkers attack you. Who saved you back there?
Kenny? No. Carley? No
Either Ben or Carley brought this on the group. What if Carley turned out to be the traitor. Would you still defend her and call Lily a cold-blooded murderer?
Carley/Ben bringing this on the group was ever more dangerous than Larry turning into a walker (probably). Still you justify Kenny's act...
God, Lily is so underappreciated...
Team Kennnaaaay!
Lily always seemed to have your back, if you sided with her, although she may not have always agreed with you. Both of them saved my bacon, at least once, depending on who you sided with. Lily, however, like Kenny, does let you down if you defend her to the end. When she drove away, without me, I was pissed.
Needless to say, it's starting to seem like everyone will let you down at some point, throughout the game.
You told us what? Lily was right she just shot the wrong person is all. Also say what you want but at least Lily is consistent unlike Kenny. Just wait until Kenny finds out what Ben did. You don't think he's going to shoot him in the face for that?
Also if it had of been an option I would have shot Kenny in his smug face back at the pharmacy when he left me to be killed by Walkers... First the St Johns then the pharmacy... Kenny is a major douche... If Kenny had his way pretty much everyone would be dead except for his family.
Wait until the next episode, those trailers depict Clem of some sort of wrongdoing, Clem might let us down even more. xD
ROFL!! Bravo Sir
Not on Doug but definitely Carly
In my 'reg' game i try to side with whoever i feel is 'right' or closest to what i would do.
so in my 'kenny' playthru, I just agreed with whatever he suggests, side with him, do everything to score points with him.
So, in the 'kenny' game he usually calls me 'pal' and when it can time to kill lilly's dad, he says "you know i'm right, hell (heck?) you've agreed with everything I've done (said?) up to this point!" I agree again and pull lilly screaming off larry while he kills em.
From then on its "we murdered larry" lol.
The biggest let down on my 1st game was when kenny doesn't help me in the pharmacy in ep 3, he looks at the exit like hes gonna make a run for it.
but in my 'kenny' game, he runs over helps out and says "i gotcha buddy"
I really want to see what happens in the fight scene on the train, cuz in my normal game, not only did we fight but he also says, "I hate you Lee" that actually stunned me for a sec.
After ep 3 though, there is no reason not to be "team kenny" imo unless you got morals or something >.>
I didn't get " I hate you Lee" after I fought him, maybe because I said sorry afterwards