I didn't cry until I had to put Duck down, but I screamed at my moniter when Lilly shot her. Needless to say I left her ass on the side of that road, which was far better than she deserved.
I thought the most emotionally part was seeing Kenny after the family he had tried to protect for the three months had been lost in a matter of minutes. Every angst I felt for him left my body and suddenly I could only feel remorse for the man. Truly a tear jerker when you see the tears roll down his eyes.
I was growing more and more annoyed with Kenny. And I didn't want to offer to kill Duck. But when Katjaa killed herself, and Kenny was crying over her dead body, I know I couldn't ask him to do it himself.
At first I was more shocked than sad... But after finding out that it wasn't even Carly that stole our meds, it was FUCKING Ben!? Oh I lost it! I was so sad for Carly... her life over in the blink of an eye... and it wasn't even her fault, she was just defending Ben.
Carly will return. I'm pretty sure she turned at the last second and it just grazed her face. Played dead, as no one checked her pulse or wound. All according to plan
Carly will return. I'm pretty sure she turned at the last second and it just grazed her face. Played dead, as no one checked her pulse or wound. All according to plan
Actually she takes one right to the temple, so no..she wont be back.
As for my opinion, I really wish carly did stick around. Her Lee and Clem would be the only ones in the group trustworthy and reliable. As for the people that chose Doug, you deserve to feel bad because Carly was the clear better choice story line wise. I mean I know most picked carly but if you didnt get that romance at the beginning of the episode well, you missed a great story that when she died led me to be much more devestated as to if i picked doug.
Was Carley that generic female video game tough girl character that didn't know what batteries were? Doug all the way. You all just wanted to sleep with her, pervs.
Was Carley that generic female video game tough girl character that didn't know what batteries were? Doug all the way. You all just wanted to sleep with her, pervs.
I was actually surprised that the majority of people abandoned Lilly. I did too, but what really got to me was how bad I felt after I left her. I mean, she murdered pretty much my best friend in the entire group aside from clem, and I feel sorry about leaving her? Anyone else feel bad about abandoning Lilly?
I was actually surprised that the majority of people abandoned Lilly. I did too, but what really got to me was how bad I felt after I left her. I mean, she murdered pretty much my best friend in the entire group aside from clem, and I feel sorry about leaving her? Anyone else feel bad about abandoning Lilly?
I felt bad, but sometimes you gotta put Old Yeller down when he goes rabid. She's lucky the group didn't lynch her.
You know the writers are just thrilled right about now. They really couldn't get better accolades than this.
I know, they probably want us to feel this way because it goes to show that the game really affected us. Which is why we should be even more angrier to show them that they've gone beyond the boundaries.
I was really sad when Carley died. But killing Duck really put me over the edge. Forgive my language but it was the most fucked up thing that I had Lee do yet.
I sure as hell didn't want to let Lee shoot him, but I just couldn't let Kenny or Katjaa take care of him...it's just too cruel.
I considered the survivors at the drugstore a sort of second family for Lee and at this point really not aiming to make friends. When episode 4 comes out, I'm only looking out for Clem and Kenny...this game has made me very jaded and cynical
Was Carley that generic female video game tough girl character that didn't know what batteries were? Doug all the way. You all just wanted to sleep with her, pervs.
I saved her cause she was a better shot and she knew I was a killer. I wanted everyone to know I was a killer, even during Episode 1 and 2. I tried so hard to prove it to them, it got easier when I killed the brothers, but they acted all shocked. I was like, "THIS IS WHO I AM MOTHER F*@KERS!!"
I'm trying to play a psycho, but Lily's outdoing me and it's pissing me off.
I was actually surprised that the majority of people abandoned Lilly. I did too, but what really got to me was how bad I felt after I left her. I mean, she murdered pretty much my best friend in the entire group aside from clem, and I feel sorry about leaving her? Anyone else feel bad about abandoning Lilly?
Hey this is the ZA here, humans are in short supply, Im not abandoning anyone.
So she made a bad shot? A little more time at the range and she would have been fine, besides, everyone deserves a second chance. If anyone you should all be mad at Ben! That lying little weasel. I tried to leave his ass in the forest back in Ep 2 but I couldnt shake him
With all the this Lilly is not that Lilly rumors going on, Telltale could have implemented the option to execute Lilly... I wouldn't have done it, but it would have seemed very reasonable for the group to consider that option.
Yeah I woulda executed Lilly on the spot too. Her action was uncalled for no matter what. She got off light by being abandoned.
And unlike most I hd only saved Carley in the first place cause she was a crack shot. I mean Doug was a tech guy. How long is that sort of skill gunna last in the long run?
With all the this Lilly is not that Lilly rumors going on, Telltale could have implemented the option to execute Lilly... I wouldn't have done it, but it would have seemed very reasonable for the group to consider that option.
yeah after she killed carley, i felt like there should have been the option to kill her, not just for revenge, but the safety of the group, she did have a gun, she could have just shot the rest of them
Yeah I woulda executed Lilly on the spot too. Her action was uncalled for no matter what. She got off light by being abandoned.
And unlike most I hd only saved Carley in the first place cause she was a crack shot. I mean Doug was a tech guy. How long is that sort of skill gunna last in the long run?
At first I was more shocked than sad... But after finding out that it wasn't even Carly that stole our meds, it was FUCKING Ben!? Oh I lost it! I was so sad for Carly... her life over in the blink of an eye... and it wasn't even her fault, she was just defending Ben.
Actually she takes one right to the temple, so no..she wont be back.
As for my opinion, I really wish carly did stick around. Her Lee and Clem would be the only ones in the group trustworthy and reliable. As for the people that chose Doug, you deserve to feel bad because Carly was the clear better choice story line wise. I mean I know most picked carly but if you didnt get that romance at the beginning of the episode well, you missed a great story that when she died led me to be much more devestated as to if i picked doug.
You just wanted to sleep with him, you perv.
You know the writers are just thrilled right about now. They really couldn't get better accolades than this.
I'm not gay but... he could program my universal remote all night long.
I felt bad, but sometimes you gotta put Old Yeller down when he goes rabid. She's lucky the group didn't lynch her.
I know, they probably want us to feel this way because it goes to show that the game really affected us. Which is why we should be even more angrier to show them that they've gone beyond the boundaries.
I sure as hell didn't want to let Lee shoot him, but I just couldn't let Kenny or Katjaa take care of him...it's just too cruel.
I considered the survivors at the drugstore a sort of second family for Lee and at this point really not aiming to make friends. When episode 4 comes out, I'm only looking out for Clem and Kenny...this game has made me very jaded and cynical
I saved her cause she was a better shot and she knew I was a killer. I wanted everyone to know I was a killer, even during Episode 1 and 2. I tried so hard to prove it to them, it got easier when I killed the brothers, but they acted all shocked. I was like, "THIS IS WHO I AM MOTHER F*@KERS!!"
I'm trying to play a psycho, but Lily's outdoing me and it's pissing me off.
Hey this is the ZA here, humans are in short supply, Im not abandoning anyone.
So she made a bad shot? A little more time at the range and she would have been fine, besides, everyone deserves a second chance. If anyone you should all be mad at Ben! That lying little weasel. I tried to leave his ass in the forest back in Ep 2 but I couldnt shake him
I'm in.
Yeah, because it's still wrong. But she'll be fine.
And unlike most I hd only saved Carley in the first place cause she was a crack shot. I mean Doug was a tech guy. How long is that sort of skill gunna last in the long run?
yeah after she killed carley, i felt like there should have been the option to kill her, not just for revenge, but the safety of the group, she did have a gun, she could have just shot the rest of them
And unlike most I hd only saved Carley in the first place cause she was a crack shot. I mean Doug was a tech guy. How long is that sort of skill gunna last in the long run?